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Annuaires > Cours > BIOLOGIE
1109 1130 1140 1300 1509 1530 1540 1700 2110 2129
2133 2135 2137 2510 2529 2533 2535 2537 2901 3102
3103 3115 3117 3124 3126 3137 3140 3147 3151 3152
3153 3154 3156 3158 3166 3170 3301 3302 3333 3334
3502 3515 3517 3524 3526 3537 3540 3551 3552 3553
3556 3558 3566 3570 3701 3702 3901 3902 3924 4004
4009 4101 4109 4115 4119 4120 4127 4128 4129 4138
4139 4144 4146 4150 4152 4156 4158 4161 4162 4165
4174 4350 4501 4527 4537 4538 4546 4552 4556 4558
4900 4901 4910              
BIO1109 Principles of Biology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
An introduction to major biological concepts including: the cell; origins and chemistry of life; energy capture and its use in biological systems; heredity and genetics; biodiversity and its origins; evolution, and systematics of major groups of organisms and how they function and interact with each other.
Cannot be combined for credit with OAC Biology or Biology 4U. Credits for this course are in addition to the requirements of Engineering programs or of Science programs except Physics and Mathematics.
BIO1130 Introduction to Organismal Biology (3,0,2b) 3 cr.
Survey of the evidence for, and the fundamentals underlying the evolution of biological diversity. Topics: Natural selection, speciation, the history of life, extinction, hominid evolution; adaptation and the geographical distribution of organisms; the effects of human population growth on the structure and function of ecological systems, and the implications of these effects to future human welfare. Previously BIO1120.
BIO1140 Introduction to Cell Biology (3,0,2b) 3 cr.
Origin of life. Structure and varieties of cells. The cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix. Movements within and by cells including muscles. The cell cycle and reproduction. The fundamentals of molecular biology including replication, transcription and translation. Membrane transport. Previously BIO1110.
Prerequisite: OAC or 4U Biology.
BIO1300 The Human Animal (3,0,0) 3 cr.
The biology of the human species. The human species' place, and what it means to be, within the Kingdom Animalia. The human species' origin, evolution, basic anatomy, physiology, reproduction and sexuality. The biological basis of human families, cultures and societies will also be discussed.
This course cannot be taken for credit by Science or Engineering students.
BIO1509 Principes de biologie (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Introduction aux principaux concepts en biologie: origine et chimie de la vie, capture et utilisation de l'�nergie dans les syst�mes biologiques, h�r�dit� et g�n�tique, biodiversit� et ses origines, �volution, syst�matique des principaux groupes d'organismes vivants et interactions biotiques.
Le cours BIO1509 et le CPO Biologie (ou Biologie 4U) sont mutuellement exclusifs. Les cr�dits pour ce cours s'ajoutent aux exigences des programmes de G�nie ou de Sciences, sauf en Physique et en Math�matiques.
BIO1530 Introduction � la biologie des organismes (3,0,2b) 3 cr.
Vue d'ensemble des preuves et des principes fondamentaux de l'�volution de la biodiversit�. Les sujets abord�s incluent: s�lection naturelle et sp�ciation; histoire de la vie; extinction; �volution humaine; adaptation et distribution g�ographique des organismes; effets de la croissance d�mographique humaine sur la structure et la fonction des syst�mes �cologiques; implications de ces effets sur le futur bien-�tre de l'humanit�. Ant�rieurement BIO1520.
BIO1540 Introduction � la biologie cellulaire (3,0,2b) 3 cr.
Origine et chimie de la vie; structure et fonction des cellules et des organites; organisation, r�plication et expression du mat�riel g�n�tique; cycle cellulaire; trafic intracellulaire; matrice extracellulaire et communication intercellulaire; diff�renciation et types cellulaires. Ant�rieurement BIO1510.
Pr�alable : CPO ou 4U Biologie.
BIO1700 L'animal humain (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Biologie de l'esp�ce humaine. La place de l'�tre humain, et ce qu'elle repr�sente, � l'int�rieur du r�gne animal. L'origine de l'�tre humain, son �volution, physiologie, reproduction et sexualit�. La signification biologique des familles humaines, des cultures et des soci�t�s sera aussi discut�e.
Ce cours ne peut �tre cr�dit� aux �tudiants inscrits en G�nie ou en Sciences.
BIO2110 Environmental Physiology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
How representative individual healthy organisms respond to various natural or anthropogenic physical environmental parameters such as temperature, water, pH, electromagnetic radiation including UV, gases, pressure and heavy metals. Primary and secondary stress responses and homeostatis will be considered throughout. This course is intended primarily for students enrolled in the Environmental Science program.
Prerequisite: BIO1130.
BIO2129 Ecology (3,0,2b) 3 cr.
Introduction to the study of ecological systems: the nature of ecological experiments; population dynamics; polulation harvesting; ecological processes structuring biological communities in space and time; energy and nutrient flows in ecosystems; the relationship between ecological goods and services. Field and lab exercices expose students to basic principles in ecological study design, experimentation and sampling, data analysis, and illustrate important ecological processes. Previously BIO2109.
Prerequisite: BIO1130.
BIO2133 Genetics (3,0,2b) 3 cr.
Introduction to Mendel's laws of inheritance; application of Mendelian analysis to problems in genetics including: gene mapping and linkage, molecular genetics, bacterial genetics and population genetics. Laboratory session includes experiments to illustrate genetic principles, tutorial and problem sessions. Previously BIO2123.
Prerequisite: BIO1130.
BIO2135 Animal Form and Function (3,0,3) 3 cr.
Lectures on main animal groups, their life cycles, development, body plan, functional organisation including metabolism and their adaptation to different environments. Previously BIO2125.
Prerequisite: BIO1140.
BIO2137 Introduction to Plant Science: Biodiversity to Biotechnology (3,0,3) 3 cr.
Evolution of the diversity of plants, physiological and anatomical concepts; metabolism including photosynthesis; recent applications in ecology and biotechnology. Previously BIO2127.
Prerequisite: BIO1140.
BIO2510 Physiologie environnementale (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Ce cours examine comment un organisme isol� et en sant� r�agit aux param�tres physico-environnementaux naturels et anthropog�niques tels la temp�rature, l'eau, le pH, les radiations �lectromagn�tiques incluant les rayons ultraviolets, les gaz, la pression et les m�taux lourds. Les r�ponses primaires et secondaires aux divers stress ainsi que l'hom�ostasie seront examin�es. Ce cours est destin� principalement aux �tudiants inscrits dans le programme des Sciences Environnementales.
Pr�alable : BIO1530.
BIO2529 �cologie (3,0,2b) 3 cr.
Introduction � l'�tude des syst�mes �cologiques: la nature des exp�riences �cologiques; les dynamiques de populations; l'exploitation des populations; les processus qui structurent les communaut�s dans le temps et l'espace; les flux d'�nergie et d'�l�ments nutritifs dans les �cosyst�mes; la relation entre les structures et fonctions �cologiques; les produits et services �cologiques. Travaux pratiques sur le terrain et au laboratoire illustrant des processus �cologiques importants, principes fondamentaux du design exp�rimental, l'analyses des donn�s et de l'�chantillonnage �cologique. Ant�rieurement BIO2509.
Pr�alable : BIO1530.
BIO2533 G�n�tique (3,0,2b) 3 cr.
Introduction aux lois mend�liennes de l'h�r�dit�; application de l'analyse mend�lienne � des probl�mes de g�n�tique incluant la cartographie des g�nes et l'analyse de liaison, la g�n�tique bact�rienne et la g�n�tique des populations. Le laboratoire comprend des exp�riences qui illustrent les principes de la g�n�tique, ainsi que des sessions de travaux pratiques et de probl�mes. Ant�rieurement BIO2523.
Pr�alable : BIO1530.
BIO2535 Animaux: structures et fonctions (3,0,3) 3 cr.
Cycles biologiques, d�veloppement, architecture, anatomie fonctionnelle, m�tabolisme et adaptations aux diff�rents environnements des principaux types d'animaux. Ant�rieurement BIO2525.
Pr�alable : BIO1540.
BIO2537 Introduction aux v�g�taux: de la biodiversit� � la biotechnologie (3,0,3) 3 cr.
�volution de la diversit� des groupes v�g�taux; concepts anatomiques et physiologiques; notions du m�tabolisme incluant la photosynth�se; applications r�centes en biotechnologie et en sciences de l'environnement. Ant�rieurement BIO2527.
Pr�alable : BIO1540.
BIO2901 Rapport de stage CO-OP I / Co-op work term report I 3 cr.
BIO3102 Molecular Evolution (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Mechanisms and forces responsible for changes in genetic material during evolution. Topics will include rates and paterns of nucleotide substitutions, molecular phylogenies, molecular clocks, origin of the eukaryotic cell, origin of introns, concerted evolution, transposable elements.
Prerequisite: BIO2133.
BIO3103 Field Biology (0,0,6) 3 cr.
Two weeks of field work, including written assignments. Field modules are available in one of a number of areas which may include ecology of birds, fish, insects, small mammals, plants, tundra, taiga and caves. The list of modules is available in January. Date and fees dependent on module. Previously BIO 3105.
Prerequisite: BIO2129.
BIO3115 Conservation Biology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Introduction to ecological foundations of environmental problems created by the human species. Topics include population growth, global carrying capacity, renewable and sustainable resources, global warming, biodiversity loss and extinction.
Prerequisite: BIO2129.
BIO3117 Ecosystem Ecology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Structure and function of natural terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Particular attention will be paid to influences of the human species on these systems.
Prerequisites: BIO2129, (MAT1372 or MAT2378).
BIO3124 General Microbiology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Characterization and classification of micro-organisms, including bacteria, fungi, algae and viruses. Introduction to microbial physiology, genetic and differentiation. Role of micro-organisms in the natural world.
Prerequisite: BIO1140.
BIO3126 General Microbiology Laboratory (0,0,6) 3 cr.
Laboratory work accompanying BIO 3124, with emphasis on study and identification of bacteria. (Limited enrolment).
Prerequisite or corequisite: BIO3124.
BIO3137 Experiments in Animal Physiology (0,0,6) 3 cr.
Representative experiments to illustrate basic principles of animal physiology. (Limited enrolment.)
Prerequisite or Corequisite: BIO3301.
BIO3140 Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Selected topics in plant physiology and biochemistry. Current concepts in plant metabolism will be discussed.
Prerequisite: BIO2137.
BIO3147 Developmental Biology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Introduction to animal development emphasizing the vertebrate embryo. Mechanisms governing morphogenesis and cell and tissue differentiation will be covered.
Prerequisite: BIO2135.
BIO3151 Molecular Biology Laboratory (0,0,6) 3 cr.
Introduction to basic techniques in molecular biology and their application in biotechnology. Cannot be combined for credits with BCH3356. (Limited enrolment).
Prerequisite or Corequisite: BIO3170.
BIO3152 Cell Biology Laboratory (0,0,6) 3 cr.
Introduction to basic techniques in cell biology and their applications in biotechnology. (Limited enrolment).
Prerequisite: BIO1140.
BIO3153 Cell Biology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Structure and function of cells with emphasis on cell-cell and cell-substrate interactions, cell motility, cytoskeleton, cytoplasmic organisation, intracellular sorting of molecules, nucleus organisation, chromatin and chromosome structure and replication, mitosis.
Prerequisite: BIO1140.
BIO3154 Population, Community and Evolutionnary Ecology (1.5,0,3) 3 cr.
Patterns of diversity in nature explored from an evolutionary and ecological perspective. Topics include: theory of populations, community structure and function, and the evolution of ecological characters. The emphasis is on developing a framework for understanding the dominant ideas of ecology and evolution by developing theory from first principles and applying it to real-word problems. (limited enrolment).
Prerequisites: BIO2129, MAT2378
BIO3156 Environmental Physiology of Plants (3,0,3) 3 cr.
Physiological adaptations of plants to different environments, effects of factors such as soils and climate on plant growth and physiology. (Offered in alternate years.) (Limited enrolment.) Previously BIO3106.
Prerequisite: BIO3140.
BIO3158 Vertebrate Zoology (3,0,3) 3 cr.
Morphological evolution of present-day and fossil vertebrates oriented toward major functional and structural modifications; locomotion, feeding, respiratory and circulatory systems, reproduction, sense organs, adaptive radiations and biogeography. Laboratories: dissections and identification of Canadian fauna. (Offered in alternate years.) Previously BIO3108.
Prerequisite: BIO2135.
BIO3166 Animal Behaviour (3,0,2) 3 cr.
An introduction to the study of animal behaviour with emphasis on the evolution and adaptive value of behaviour. Students will carry out a field or laboratory research project. (Limited enrolment.) Previously BIO 3136.
Prerequisite: BIO2129.
BIO3170 Molecular Biology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Gene structure, action and replication, cellular regulation, allosteric properties of proteins, molecular basis of membrane function and the control of cell growth. Cannot be combined for credits with BCH 3170.
Prerequisites: BIO2133, BCH2333.
BIO3301 Animal Physiology I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Regulatory systems in animals. Physiological adjustments to environmental changes. Excitable cells including sensory and information systems, endocrinology, and muscles.
Prerequisite: BIO1140.
BIO3302 Animal Physiology II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Fundamentals of animal regulatory units will be discussed emphasizing physiological adjustments of animals to the environment. Topics covered will include respiration, circulation, osmoregulation, excretion, energy metabolism and thermoregulation.
Prerequisite: BIO3301.
BIO3333 Entomology (3,0,3) 3 cr.
A comprehensive study of the largest class of animals - the insects. Morphological structure, physiology and system organisation are combined with discussions of insect diversity - ecology and their impact on the human species. Laboratory involves investigations of representative groups. (Limited enrolment). Previously BIO3323.
Prerequisite: BIO2135.
BIO3334 Invertebrate Zoology (3,0,3) 3 cr.
Characteristics of invertebrate phyla. Comparative approach to structure and function and why various invertebrate groups have evolved as they have. Laboratory: investigations of representative groups. Limited enrolment. Previously BIO3324.
Prerequisite: BIO2135.
BIO3502 �volution mol�culaire (3,0,0) 3 cr.
M�canismes et forces responsables des changements du mat�riel g�n�tique au cours de l'�volution. Taux et nature des substitutions, phylog�nies mol�culaires, horloge mol�culaire, origine des eukaryotes, origine des introns, �volution concert, �l�ments transposables.
Pr�alable : BIO2533
BIO3515 Biologie de la conservation des esp�ces (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Introduction aux fondements �cologiques associ�s aux probl�mes environnementaux cr��s par l'esp�ce humaine. Croissance des populations capacit� de support, ressources renouvelables, d�veloppement durable, r�chauffement global de la plan�te, perte de la biodiversit� et extinctions.
Pr�alable : BIO2529.
BIO3517 �cologie des �cosyst�mes (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Structure et fonctionnement des �cosyst�mes naturels terrestres et aquatiques. Une attention particuli�re sera port�e � l'impact des activit�s de l'esp�ce humaine sur ces syst�mes.
Pr�alables : BIO2529, (MAT1772 ou MAT2778).
BIO3524 Microbiologie g�n�rale (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Caract�risation et classification des microorganismes y compris les bact�ries, les champignons, les algues et les virus. Introduction � la physiologie microbienne, la g�n�tique et la diff�rentiation. Le r�le des microorganismes dans leur habitat naturel.
Pr�alable : BIO1540.
BIO3526 Laboratoire de microbiologie g�n�rale (0,0,6) 3 cr.
Travaux pratiques accompagnant BIO 3524, avec emphase sur l'�tude et l'identification de bact�ries. (Cours contingent�).
Pr�alable ou concomitant: BIO 3524
BIO3537 Exp�riences en physiologie animale (0,0,6) 3 cr.
Ep�riences repr�sentatives illustrant les principes de base en physiologie animale. (Cours contingent�)
Pr�alable ou concomitant: BIO 3701
BIO3540 Physiologie et biochimie des plantes (3,0,0) 3 cr.
S�lection de sujets en physiologie v�g�tale et en biochimie v�g�tale. Concepts courants sur le m�tabolisme des plantes.
Pr�alable : BIO2537.
BIO3551 Laboratoire de biologie mol�culaire (0,0,6) 3 cr.
Introduction aux techniques de base en biologie mol�culaire et leur utilisation en biotechnologie. Les cours BIO3551 et BCH 3756 sont mutuellement exclusifs. (Cours contingent�).
Pr�alable ou concomitant : BIO3570.
BIO3552 Laboratoire de biologie cellulaire (0,0,6) 3 cr.
Introduction aux techniques de base en biologie cellulaire et leur utilisation en biotechnologie. Cours contingent�.
Pr�alable : BIO1540.
BIO3553 Biologie cellulaire (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Structure et fonction des cellules et des organelles, avec accent sur: reconnaissance intercellulaire et l'adh�rence cellulaire, motilit� cellulaire, cytosquelette et organisation du cytoplasme, trafic intracellulaire des mol�cules, organisation du noyau, la structure et la r�plication de la chromatine et des chromosomes, la mitose.
Pr�alable : BIO1540.
BIO3556 Physiologie environnementale des plantes (3,0,3) 3 cr.
Adaptations physiologiques des plantes aux facteurs environnementaux. Effets de facteurs tels que le sol et le climat sur la croissance, la reproduction et le m�tabolisme des plantes. (Offert tous les deux ans.) Cours contingent�. Ant�rieurement BIO3506.
Pr�alable : BIO3540.
BIO3558 Zoologie des vert�br�s (3,0,3) 3 cr.
Morphologie �volutive des vert�br�s actuels et fossiles ax�e vers les grands changements structuraux et fonctionnels; locomotion, alimentation, syst�mes respiratoire et circulatoire, reproduction, organes des sens, radiations adaptatives et biog�ographie. Laboratoires: dissections et identification de la faune canadienne. (Offert tous les deux ans.) Ant�rieurement BIO3508.
Pr�alable : BIO2535.
BIO3566 Comportement animal (3,0,2) 3 cr.
Introduction � l'�tude du comportement animal; �volution et valeur adaptive du comportement. Les �tudiants devront r�aliser un projet de recherche au laboratoire ou sur le terrain. (Ant�rieurement : BIO3506)
Pr�alable : BIO2529
BIO3570 Biologie mol�culaire (3,0,0) 3 cr.
R�le, structure et r�plication des g�nes, r�gulation cellulaire, propri�t�s allost�riques des prot�ines, croissance cellulaire et fonction mol�culaire au niveau de la membrane. Les cours BIO 3570 et BCH 3570 sont mutuellement exclusifs.
Pr�alables : BIO2533, BCH2733.
BIO3701 Physiologie animale I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Unit�s fondamentales des syst�mes r�gulateurs des animaux. Ajustements physiologiques des animaux face � leur environnement. Physiologie cellulaire du nerf et muscle incluant syst�mes sensoriels et d'information et endocrinologie.
Pr�alable : BIO1540.
BIO3702 Physiologie animale II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Unit�s fondamentales des syst�mes r�gulateurs des animaux. Ajustements physiologiques des animaux face � leur environnement. Respiration, circulation, osmor�gulation, excr�tion, r�gulation de l'�nergie et thermor�gulation.
Pr�alable : BIO3701.
BIO3901 Raport de stage CO-OP II / Co-op work term report II 3 cr.
BIO3902 Rapport de stage CO-OP III / Co-op work term report III 3 cr.
BIO3924 Biologie des algues et des champignons / Biology of Algae and Fungi (2,0,3) 3 cr.
Physiologie, �cologie et taxonomie des algues et des champignons. Inclut une excursion obligatoire sur le terrain d'une journ�e de fin de semaine durant la session. (Langues d'enseignement: fran�ais et anglais). (Cours contingent�). (Offert tous les deux ans.)
Pr�alable : BIO2537.
BIO4004 Projet de recherche / Honours Research 3 cr.
Sous la supervision d'un professeur du d�partement, l'�tudiant r�alisera un project de recherche qui lui permettra d'�largir ses connaissances dans un des domaines de la biologie. Les projets peuvent consister en une revue pouss�e de la litt�rature sur un sujet d�termin� ou encore en un court projet exp�rimental sur le terrain ou en laboratoire. L'�tudiant devra soumettre, par �crit, un rapport d�taill� de ses travaux. (Cours contingent�).
Pr�alable : Cours r�serv� aux �tudiants ayant compl�t� un minimum de 81 cr�dits universitaires et inscrits dans un programme de sp�cialisation approfondie ou de majeure en Biologie. Concomitant : BIO4900. Cours contingent�.
BIO4009 Projet de recherche / Honours Research 9 cr.
Cours ayant des exigences plus �lev�es que BIO 4904 et visant principalement � pr�parer l'�tudiant � des �tudes sup�rieures dans un des domaines de la biologie. Un projet de recherche de deux sessions se fera sous la direction d'un professeur du d�partement. L'�tudiant pr�sentera son travail sous forme d'affiche, et soumettra un m�moire d�crivant les r�sultats de ses travaux. (Cours contingent�).
Pr�alable : L'�tudiant doit avoir conserv� une MPC minimale de 6.0. Concomitant: BIO 4900.
BIO4101 Pesticides and the Environment (3,0,0) 3 cr.
General characteristics and properties of fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and rodenticides; formulation, toxicology, selectivity, resistance; effects of pesticides on non-target organisms; other methods of pest control. (Offered in alternate years.)
Prerequisites: BIO1140, BIO2129.
BIO4109 Advanced Topics in Animal Development (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Current and advanced topics in developmental biology ranging from germ cell formation to organogenesis. Discussion will focus on molecular developmental genetics and coordinated gene regulation as the primary mechanism for embryonic development. (Offered in alternate years).
Prerequisite: BIO3147. (Offered in alternate years.)
BIO4115 Molecular Genetics (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Investigation of gene structure, expression and evolution, including the influences of processes such as DNA transposition and rearrangement; RNA processing and splicing.
Prerequisite: BIO3170 or BCH3170.
BIO4119 Topics in Respiratory Physiology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Topics covered will include principles of gas exchange in terrestrial and aquatic animals, transport of 02 and C02 in blood, acid-base regulation and respiratory adaptations to exercise and environmental stresses.
Prerequisite: BIO3302.
BIO4120 Animal Adaptations (3,0,0) 3 cr.
The influence of environment and phylogeny on metabolic processes in cells, tissues and organisms. Emphasis will be placed on the impact of temperature, oxygen, hydrostatic pressure and solutes on animal function.
Prerequisites: (BIO3301, BIO3302) or PHS3240.
BIO4127 Comparative Endocrinology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Evolution of endocrines, hormonal mechanisms and control in various animal groups.
Prerequisite: BIO3301 or BIO3302 or PHS3240.
BIO4128 Chemical Ecology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Chemically mediated interactions between organisms emphasizing plant-pest reactions. Methodology and advanced instrumentation will be presented. (Offered in alternate years.)
Prerequisite: BIO3140.
BIO4129 The Bacterial Cell (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Subcellular structure, metabolism, growth, morphogenesis and genetics of bacteria.
Prerequisites: BIO3124, BCH2140.
BIO4138 Bioinformatics and the Cell (2,0,1) 3 cr.
The development of genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics from the characterization of three major categories of cellular components (genome, transcriptome and proteome) and their interactions; public molecular databases; commonly used algorithms; hands-on practice with data retrieval, manipulation and analysis.
Prerequisites: BIO3124, BIO or BCH3170 and MAT2378.
BIO4139 Population Genetics (3,0,0) 3 cr.
This course will be concerned with the genetic structure of populations. The following topics will be discussed; populations and gene pools; genotypic and genic frequencies; quantification of genetic variation in natural populations; the various modes of natural selection and their effects; genetic load; random genetic drift; selection on polygenic traits; measures of heritability; molecular evolution. (Offered in alternate years).
Prerequisite: BIO 2133.
BIO4144 Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
An introduction to plant gene structure and function, cloning into plants and the manipulation of plant genes. The course will combine elements of plant biochemistry, physiology and molecular biology. (Offered in alternate years.)
Prerequisites: BIO3140, (BIO3170 or BCH3170).
BIO4146 Ecotoxicology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Explores the challenges of moving from testing toxic chemicals on single organisms in the laboratory to assessing the effects of toxic chemicals on ecosystems. The influence of food chain processes, photochemistry, and other natural processes (sedimentation, volatilization, etc) will be discussed.
Prerequisites: BIO1140, BIO2129.
BIO4150 Spatial Ecology (3,0,3) 3 cr.
Introduction to key spatial patterns in ecology and conservation related to global change, ecosystems function, the distribution of species, and the environmental bases for these phenomena. Labs will provide practical introduction to geographic information systems and remote sensing data with applications in biological and environmental sciences (Limited enrolment).
Prerequisites: BIO2129, MAT2378
BIO4152 Animal Energetics (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Utilisation of energy during locomotion and prolonged food deprivation. Design and performance of physiological, biochemical and mechanical components of the locomotory system in vertebrates. Metabolic adaptations of the champions of endurance exercise (migrating animals) and fasting (hibernators). (Offered in alternate years.)
Prerequisite: BIO3302.
BIO4156 Freshwater Ecology (3,0,3) 3 cr.
Physics and chemistry of lakes and streams, ecology of their biota. Includes an obligatory field component in early September and/or on weekends during the session. (Offered in alternate years). (Limited enrolment). Previously BIO4136.
Prerequisites: BIO2129, MAT2378.
BIO4158 Applied Biostatistics (3,0,3) 3 cr.
Application of biostatistics to real problems. Experimental design and data collection. Consequences of violating assumptions of different tests. Monte Carlo and Bootstrap analysis. Case studies and exercises in using statistical analysis packages. (Offered in alternate years). Limited enrolment. Previously BIO4118.
Prerequisite: MAT2378.
BIO4161 Insect Physiology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
A systems approach will be used to study the unifying physiological process in insects and how they are modified in different insect groups. In addition to functional integration and regulation of systems, their similarities and differences with vertebrates will be discussed.
Prerequisite: BIO2135.
BIO4162 Tropical Ecology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
An introduction to climate, soils, flora and fauna of the tropics. Emphasis will be placed on forest and agriculture ecosystems. (Offered in alternate years).
Prerequisite: BIO2129.
BIO4165 Plant Ecology (2,0,3) 3 cr.
An exploration of the principles which ultimately organize plant communities. Topics covered will include plant/environment relationships, primary production, plant population biology, and the analysis of plant communities. Field camp prior to fall session. (Offered in alternate years.) Previously BIO4160.
Prerequisite: BIO2129.
BIO4174 Biotechnology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
This course will introduce basic ideas about DNA cloning and manipulation. Lectures will emphasize how these techniques have been used to isolate, identify and express genes that are useful in medicine, agriculture and industry. More advanced topics will be introduced by means of student seminars and invited speakers. Cannot be combined for credit with BCH 4172.
Prerequisite: BIO3170 OR BCH3170. Cannot be combined for credit with BCH4172.
BIO4350 Principles of Neurobiology (3,0,0) 3 cr.
The structure and function of the nervous system with emphasis on mammalian systems but with reference to non-mammalian groups. Neuronal excitability/neurotransmission; sensory and motor systems; mechanisms of learning and memory; development and regeneration in the nervous system. Cannot be combined for credit with CMM 4350.
Prerequisites: BIO3301, (BIO3302 or PHS3240).
BIO4501 Les pesticides et l'environnement (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Caract�ristiques et propri�t�s des fongicides, herbicides, insecticides, n�maticides et rodenticides; formulation, toxicologie, s�lectivit�, r�sistance; effets des pesticides sur les organismes nuisibles. (Offert tous les deux ans.)
Pr�alables : BIO1540, BIO2529.
BIO4527 Endocrinologie compar�e (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�volution des syst�mes endocriniens, des m�canismes hormonaux et des syst�mes de contr�le chez les animaux.
BIO 3701 ou BIO 3702 ou PHS 3240.
BIO4537 G�n�tique �volutive humaine (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Structure et diversit� du g�nome humain. Origine de l'esp�ce humaine et migrations subs�quentes. Diversit� des populations humaines. Implications de nos origines et des s�quences du g�nome humain sur les questions de sant�.
Pr�alable: BIO2533
BIO4538 La bioinformatique et la cellule (2,0,1) 3 cr.
D�veloppements de la g�nomique, transcriptomique et prot�omique � partir de la caract�risation des trois composantes cellulaires principales (g�nome, transcriptome et prot�ome) et leurs interactions; bases de donn�es publiques; algorithmes g�n�ralement utilis�s; extraction des donn�es; manipulation et analyse de donn�es.
Pr�alables: BIO 3524, BIO ou BCH 3570 et MAT 2778.
BIO4546 �cotoxicologie (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Ce cours explore les difficult�s li�es � la compr�hension de l'impact des substances chimiques toxiques sur les �cosyst�mes alors que la recherche sur ces substances se fait surtout en laboratoire sur des organismes. L'impact de processus propres � la cha�ne alimentaire, la photochimie ainsi que d'autres processus naturels (s�dimentation, volatilisation, etc.) seront �tudi�s.
Pr�alables : BIO1540, BIO2529.
BIO4552 M�tabolisme �nerg�tique des animaux (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Utilisation de l'�nergie durant la locomotion et le je�ne prolong�. Conception et performance des �l�ments physiologiques, biochimiques et m�caniques du syst�me locomoteur des vert�br�s. Adaptations m�taboliques des champions de l'exercice d'endurance (migrateurs) et du je�ne (hibernateurs). (Offert tous les deux ans.)
Pr�alable : BIO3702.
BIO4556 �cologie des eaux douces (3,0,3) 3 cr.
Environnement physique et chimique des lacs et ruisseaux, et l'�cologie de leurs biotes. Le cours comprend une composante obligatoire de travaux pratiques sur le terrain au d�but de septembre et/ou durant les fins de semaine pendant la session. (Offert tous les deux ans.) Cours contingent�. Ant�rieurement BIO4536.
Pr�alables : BIO2529, MAT2778.
BIO4558 Biostatistique appliqu�e (3,0,3) 3 cr.
Application des biostatistiques � des probl�mes concrets. Design exp�rimental et �chantillonnage. Impact des violations des hypoth�ses implicites d'application de divers tests. Analyse de Monte Carlo et Bootstrap. Etudes de cas et exercices d'utilisation de logiciels courants d'analyse statistique. (Offert tous les deux ans.) Cours contingent�. Ant�rieurement BIO4518.
Pr�alable : MAT2778.
BIO4900 S�minaire / Seminar (2,0,0) 3 cr.
Expos�s et discussions ax�s sur diff�rents aspects de la biologie moderne. Pour les �tudiants en sp�cialisation en biologie seulement. Ant�rieurement BIO 4000.
Permission du d�partement
BIO4901 Rapport de stage CO-OP IV / Co-op work term report IV 3 cr.
BIO4910 Travail sur le terrain en �cologie / Field Course in Ecology. 3 cr.
Cours sur le terrain examinant diff�rents �cosyst�mes terrestres, aquatiques, ainsi que les terres humides. Une attention particuli�re sera port�e sur les techniques d'�chantillonnage, le design exp�rimental et l'analyse des donn�es. Cours donn� sur deux semaines � la mi-ao�t. Des frais sont exig�s pour couvrir les co�ts de logement et de transport. (Cours contingent�).
Pr�alables : BIO2529, (MAT1772 ou MAT2778). BIO4558 est recommand�. Les cours BIO4910 et EVS4910 sont mutuellement exclusifs.