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Annuaires > Cours > PHARMACOLOGIE
3112 3512 4107              
PHA3112 Clinical Pharmacology 3 cr.
This course is a comprehensive study of drugs with instruction on their action on the human organism as well as their toxicities and their method of administration. Particular emphasis will be placed on the observations incumbent on nurses and problems of drug administration.
PHA3512 Pharmacologie 3 cr.
Ce cours est une �tude compr�hensive de la pharmacoth�rapie y compris l'action des m�dicaments sur l'organisme humain, leur toxicit� et les m�thodes d'administration. On met un accent particulier sur les observations infirmi�res et les probl�mes associ�s � l'administration des m�dicaments.
PHA4107 Introductory Pharmacology -- Drugs and Living Systems (3,0,0) 3 cr.
This course is an introduction to the science of the actions of chemicals on biological systems. Emphasis is placed on the general concepts and principles which apply to the actions of all drugs. Three broad aspects of Pharmacology will be addressed in the course: (a) the mechanisms of drug action, (b) the use of drugs as tools in biological research, and (c) the toxic effects of chemicals, particularly environmental pollutants, on living systems.
Prerequisite: (Suggested) (BCH2140 or BCH2540), BCH3120, PHS3240, or equivalents. The course is primarily intended for 3rd- and 4th-year students in the biological sciences. Biology and biochemistry students can take this course for credit as a science elective. Information: Department of Pharmacology, Roger Guindon Hall, 451 Smyth Road, 737-6557.