1907 2107 2116 2132 2140 2141 2149 2171 2181 2507
2516 2532 2540 2541 2549 2571 2901 3106 3109 3116
3120 3132 3140 3141 3147 3148 3901 3902 4001 4002
4107 4108 4109 4110 4111 4113 4114 4120 4122 4124
4130 4132 4133 4142 4143 4145 4146 4148 4150 4173
4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4185 4186 4187 4188 4189
4260 4301 4901 4902 4907          
CVG1907 Dessin industriel et séminaires en génie civil / Civil Engineering Graphics and Seminars (3,3,3) 3 cr.
Cours de base en communication graphique. Exécution de croquis, projections orthographiques, sections, représentations axonométriques, vues auxiliaires, relations entre lignes et surfaces dans l'espace, lignes d'intersections et développement, éléments d'attache. AutoCAD. Dessin des points, lignes, courbes, splines, vues en 2D (avec cotations) et des vues en 3D. Utilisation des niveaux. Un projet utilisant AutoCAD. Séminaires consacrés à divers sujets dans la pratique de génie civil incluant l'éthique professionnelle, les obligations en matières d'environnement et les aspects de santé et sécurité au travail.
CVG2107 Geotechnical Materials and Processes (3,0,2.5) 3 cr.
Nature and behaviour of materials forming earth's crust: their formation and alteration due to action of ice, water, and wind; glaciation; land heave; permafrost; residual soils. Basic physical properties of soils: structure; index properties; grain size and visual identification; consistency limits; organic content; classification; compaction; capillarity; shrinkage and swelling.
CVG2116 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (3,2,3) 3 cr.
Fluid statics, atmospheric stability, properties of fluids. Kinematics of fluids, analysis by continuity, energy and momentum equations. Applications of one-dimensional method to flow in pipelines, flow measurement, dynamic forces and turbo machines. Laminar and turbulent pipe flow; energy losses in pipe flow and open channel flow. Viscous and form drag in fluid flow; role of boundary layer in drag. Similitude and dimensional analysis with application to hydraulic models.
Prerequisites: CVG2149/CVG2145, MAT1322.
CVG2132 Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering (3,0,2.5) 3 cr.
An introductory study of environmental resources and their use. Relations and cycles within ecosystems. The causes, monitoring and correction of pollution of environmental systems. Water quality. Examination of water and wastewater for physical, chemical and biological characteristics.
Prerequisite: CHM1311 or CHM1310.
CVG2140 Mechanics of Materials I (1.5,1.5,1.5) 3 cr.
Stress and strain, mechanical properties of materials, thin wall cylinders, bending moment and shear force diagrams; stresses and deformations in members subjected to tension, compression, shear and torsion; flexural and shearing stresses in beams; deflection of beams; combined stresses.
Prerequisite: GNG1105 or GNG1100
CVG2141 Civil Engineering Materials (3,3,2) 3 cr.
Chemical, physical and mechanical properties of steels. Concrete materials and mix design. Properties of fresh and hardened concrete. Structure, properties and utilization of timber.
Prerequisite: CHM1311 or CHM1310
CVG2149 Civil Engineering Mechanics (3,2,0) 3 cr.
Basic concepts of engineering mechanics applicable to civil engineering Analysis of statically determinate beams, trusses and cables, such as steel and reinforced concrete beams. Hydrostatics. Earth pressures, dynamics of simple structural systems and fluids.
Prerequisites: GNG1105/GNG1100, MAT1322 and PHY1122 or (PHY1102 and PHY1201).
CVG2171 Surveying and Measurements (3,1,4) 3 cr.
Theory and technique of linear and angular measurements in plane surveying. Surveying instruments: Level, Theodolite, EDM and Total Station. Topographic surveys and mapping. Astronomical observations: solar and star (Polaris) observations. Route surveying: horizontal and vertical curves. Measurements of volumes. Principles of photogrammetry. Includes field work on practical applications of measurement theories using surveying equipment
CVG2181 Numerical Modelling in Civil Engineering (3,3,2) 3 cr.
Development of computer programs in environmental geotechnical, structural and water resources engineering fields. Formulation of ordinary and partial differential equations with particular emphasis on civil engineering problems. Use of both microcomputers and mainframe facilities will be emphasized.
Prerequisites: GNG1106/GNG1101, MAT2322, MAT2384/MAT2331.
CVG2507 Matériaux et processus géotechniques (3,0,2.5) 3 cr.
Nature et comportement des matériaux formant la croûte terreste : leur formation et altération par l'action de la glace, de l'eau, du vent; glaciation; soulèvement terreste; pergélisols; sols résiduels; structure; propriétés physiquesfondamentales des sols; indices de propriétés; granulométrie et identification visuelle; limites de consistance; composition organique; classification; compaction; capillarité; retrait et gonflement.
CVG2516 Mécanique élémentaire des fluides (3,2,3) 3 cr.
Hydrostatique, stabilité de l'atmosphère, les caractéristiques des fluides; kinématique des fluides, analyse par les méthodes de continuité d'énergie et d'impulsion. Applications de la méthode unidimensionnelle au débit en tuyaux, mesure des débits, forces dynamiques et machines hydrauliques; débit tranquille et turbulent (en tuyaux); pertes d'énergie pour les débits en tuyaux et aux canaux à ciel ouvert; résistance aux fluides dûe à la viscosité et à la forme. Rôle de la couche superficielle en résistance; similitude et analyse dimensionnelle avec applications aux modèles hydrauliques.
Préalables : CVG2549/CVG2545, MAT1722.
CVG2532 Principes de base du génie de l'environnement (3,0,2.5) 3 cr.
Cours d introduction aux ressources environnementales et leurs usages. Relations et cycles des écosystèmes. Les causes, suivis et rectifications de la pollution des systèmes environnementaux. Qualité de l eau. Examen des caractéristiques physiques, chimiques et biologiques de l eau potable et des eaux usées.
Préalable : CHM1711
CVG2540 Mécanique des matériaux I (1.5,1.5,1.5) 3 cr.
Contrainte, déformation, élasticité; contraintes de cisaillement; joints rivetés et soudés, cylindres à paroi mince; contraintes combinées, forc de cisaillement et moment de flexion; contraintes dans les poutres; problèmes de flexion statiquement indéterminés; sujets spéciaux concernant les poutres; torsion; torsion avec compression ou flexion; force axiale accompagnée de flexion, théorie des colonnes; énergie de déformation.
Préalable : GNG1505 ou GNG1500
CVG2541 Matériaux du génie civil (3,2,0) 3 cr.
Propriétés chimiques, physiques et mécaniques des aciers. Matériaux constitutifs et formulation des bétons. Propriétés du béton frais et durci. Structure, propriétés et utilisation de bois de construction.
CVG2549 Mécanique de génie civil (3,2,0) 3 cr.
Concepts de base de mécanique de l'ingénieur appliqués au génie civil. Étude de poutres, treillis et câbles (statiquement déterminés) tels que poutres en acier et en béton armé. Hydrostatique, pression des terres, dynamique des systèmes structuraux simples et des fluides.
Préalables : GNG1505, MAT1722, PHY1522
CVG2571 Mesures et arpentage (3,1,4) 3 cr.
Théorie et technique des mesures linéaires et angulaires. Instruments d'arpentage: niveau, théodolite, EDM et station total. Topographie et cartographie. Observations astronomiques solaires et astrales (Étoiles du Nord). Arpentage des routes: courbes horizontales et verticales. Mesures des volumes. Principes de la photogrammétrie. Travail pratique sur le terrain portant sur des mesures d'arpentage.
CVG2901 Rapport de stage coop I / CO-OP Work Term Report I 3 cr.
CVG3106 Soil Mechanics II (3,0,1.5) 3 cr.
Lateral earth pressures and earth retaining structures; bearing capacity of shallow foundations, stability of natural slopes and earth embankments.
Prerequisite: CVG3109 ou CVG3105.
CVG3109 Soil Mechanics I (3,135,2) 3 cr.
Fundamental characteristics of soils; total and effective stresses; permeability and seepage; stress and strain, shear strength; stress distribution; consolidation and settlements.
Prerequisites: CVG2107/CVG2102, CVG2140.
CVG3116 Hydraulics (3,1.5,2) 3 cr.
Review of fundamentals; flow in complex pipe systems; theory and operations of centrifugal pumps; gradually-varied open channel flows; backwater computations; flow measurements; unsteady flows; hydraulic models; sediment transport theory; introduction to wave theory.
Prerequisite: CVG2116
CVG3120 Hydrology (3,1.5,2) 3 cr.
Hydrologic cycle; evaporation and transpiration; snow and snowmelt; infiltration; subsurface water; well hydraulics; stream flow; unit hydrograph and S-curve analysis of flood flows; river and reservoir routing techniques; statistics of extreme values.
Prerequisite: MAT2377.
CVG3132 Physical / Chemical Unit Operations of Water and Wastewater Treatment (3,1.5,2.5) 3 cr.
Water and wastewater treatment objectives. Theory and design of the fundamental physical/chemical unit operations for water and wastewater treatment. Flow regimes in reactors and mass balances. Unit operations: sedimentation, mixers, flocculation, mass transfer/aeration, filtration, softening and desinfection.
Prerequisites: CVG2116/CVG2111, CVG2132/CVG2231.
CVG3140 Theory of Structures I (3,0,2) 3 cr.
Influence lines and criteria for maximum live load effects of reactions shear force, bending moment, and axial force of structures; conjugate beams; strain energy; Castigliano's theorem and slope-deflection method for statically indeterminate structures.
Prerequisites: CVG2140, CVG2149/CVG2145
CVG3141 Mechanics of Materials II (3,0,2) 3 cr.
Theory of torsion and shear stresses; buckling; vibrations; elementary theory of elasticity and plasticity; waves; applications in civil engineering topics; mechanics of viscous fluid.
Prerequisites: CVG2140, CVG2149/CVG2145, MAT2384/MAT2331
CVG3147 Structural Steel Design I (3,0,2) 3 cr.
Design of statically determinate steel structures. Limit States Design. Properties of structural steel. Loads from building codes. Tributary area. Live-load-reduction factors. Tension members: Effective area, shear lags. Compression members: strength and stability. Beams: Plastic flexure, local and lateral torsional buckling, shear strength, deflection control, bearing resistance. Structural bolts in shear, tension, and in combination; prying action.
Prerequisites: CVG2141, CVG3140, CVG3141. Corequisite: MAT2377.
CVG3148 Reinforced Concrete Design I (3,0,2) 3 cr.
Behaviour and design of reinforced concrete members subjected to bending, shear and axial force. Analysis of reinforced concrete sections. Design of beams, one-way slabs, columns, bearing walls and retaining walls using the ultimate strength theory and the principles of limit states design. Introduction to prestressed concrete. Design of simple prestressed concrete beams.
Prerequisites: CVG2141, CVG3140.
CVG3901 Rapport de stage coop II / CO-OP Work Term Report II 3 cr.
CVG3902 Rapport de stage coop III / CO-OP Work Term Report III 3 cr.
CVG4001 Introduction à la conception en génie civil / Introduction to Civil Engineering Project (3,0,1.5) 3 cr.
Introduction à la méthode de conception. Identification des critères et contraintes d'un projet. Génération des options de conception et sélection du meilleur concept. Compétences en gestion de projet telles que production d'un échéancier et allocation des ressources.
Préalables : CVG3106, CVG3116, CVG3132, CVG3147, CVG3148
CVG4002 Projet de conception en génie civil / Civil Engineering Design Project (0,1.5,6) 4 cr.
Projet en génie civil sous la direction de conseillers membres du corps professoral pendant la dernière année du programme. Le projet doit être basé sur la connaissance et les qualifications conformes aux normes de conception, de législation, de sciences économiques, de santé et de sécurité, d'environnement et autres facteurs pertinents. Un accent particulier est mis sur l'expérience de travail en équipe et sur l'apprentissage dans un contexte créatif, itératif et ouvert. A civil engineering design project under the direction of faculty advisors for the final year of the program. The project is to be based on the knowledge and skills of design standards, legislation, economics, health and safety, environmental and other pertinent factors. A particular emphasis is placed on experience of teamwork and a creative, iterative and open-ended process.
Prerequisites: MAT2377, CVG4001.
CVG4107 Rock Mechanics (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Rock exploration, laboratory and in-situ testing; deformation and stre ngth; failure criteria; stresses in rock; elementary principles of des ign of underground openings.
Prerequisites: CVG2107/2102, CVG2140, CVG3106.
CVG4108 Geotechnical Design (3,1.5,3) 3 cr.
Applications of soil mechanics theory to bearing capacity, settlement, and stability evaluation; design of foundations, retaining structures, embankments, and excavations; geotechnical explorations and reporting. Fieldwork.
Prerequisites: CVG3109, CVG3106.
CVG4109 Embankment Dam Engineering (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Factors influencing design and construction of embankment dams and type of dams; site investigation and in-situ testing at dam sites; analysis of seepage and seepage reduction measures including grouting; design of filters; determination of stability of slopes at end of construction full reservoir, and at drawdown; tailings dams; earthquake response; construction aspects and contract specifications.
Prerequisite: CVG3106.
CVG4110 Hydraulics of Open Channels (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Equations of open channel flow. Rapidly varied flow. Gradually varied flow in regular and natural channels. Unsteady flow. Application to flood waves and tides in natural channels. Turbulence and related diffusion phenomena. Sediment transport, bed and suspended load. Scour.
Prerequisites: CVG3116/3111, CVG3120
CVG4111 Hydraulic Structures (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Classification and function of dams; stability analysis of gravity dams Ancilliary works including intakes; overflow spillways; siphon spillways; control structures; energy dissipators; stilling basin design. Hydraulics of bridge crossings.
Prerequisites: CVG3116/3111, CVG3148/3143.
CVG4113 Hydraulics of Water Supply and Sewer Systems (3,1.5,3) 3 cr.
Population forecasting techniques. Design of network distribution systems for flow and pressure requirements, hydraulics of sewer junctions and transitions, measuring devices in urban water and sewer networks, pumps, and pumping stations, valves, hydrants. Environmental considerations. Fieldwork.
Prerequisite: CVG3116.
CVG4114 Urban Water Resources (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Hydrologic changes caused by urbanization. Major and minor drainage systems. Master plans for new developments. Management for water pollution control. Erosion and sedimentation control. The use of models for urban water resources planning and operation. Examples of microcomputer models.
Prerequisites: CVG3116/3111, CVG3120.
CVG4120 Design of Water Resources Systems (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Systems approach in water resources. Examples in flood control and reservoir design. Development of simulation models with different levels of sophistication. Application and interface of computer models in a practical application. Comparison of alternatives, calibration and validation.
Prerequisites: CVG3116/3111, CVG3120.
CVG4122 Groundwater and Seepage (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Types and physical properties of aquifers. Darcy's Law; hydraulic conductivity of isotropic, anisotropic, and multilayered soils; uniform flow, undirectional and radial flow -- steady and unsteady flow nets; methods of images, partially penetrating wells; leaky aquifers; application of mapping techniques to seepage problems.
Prerequisites: CVG2116/2111, CVG3109/3105.
CVG4124 Geotechnical Design Case Histories (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Typical construction project sequence; geotechnical design and construction features of major building, pipeline, transmission line, dam, waterfront and mining projects located in Canada and abroad.
Prerequisites: CVG3109/3105, CVG4107.
CVG4130 Advanced Environmental Engineering (3,1.5,0) 3 cr.
Theory and design of water and wastewater treatment operations not covered in CVG 3132: type III sedimentation, sludge thickening, trickling filters, stabilization ponds, activated carbon treatment. Stream modelling. Pumping station design.
Prerequisite: CVG2132.
CVG4132 Hazardous Waste Management (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Classification and characterization of hazardous waste; sources and rat of waste generation; environmental legislation and disposal regulation; Waste reduction and resource recovery; treatment technologies; incineration technologies; land disposal technologies and groundwater contamination; risk assessment; case studies.
Prerequisite: CVG2132 or CVG2231.
CVG4133 Solid Waste Management (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Quantities and characteristics of municipal solid waste. Collection and transportation systems. Resource recovery. Solid waste separation processes. Energy recovery from municipal solid waste. Disposal methods. Environmental impacts of landfilling of solid waste. Environmental legislation and risk assessment.
Prerequisite: CVG2132 or CVG2231.
CVG4142 Structural Dynamics (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Dynamic problems in civil engineering; single-degree-of-freedom system; free and forced vibrations; transient phenomena and Duhamel's integral; distributed mass system; seismic response of structures; multi-storey buildings; random vibration and wind-induced response of structures.
Prerequisites: CVG3140, CVG3141.
CVG4143 Structural Steel Design II (3,135,0) 3 cr.
Second-order effects (P-delta analysis method). Beam-Columns: Strength and stability interaction equations, local buckling, moment gradients, biaxial bending. Welded connections: Full and partial penetration welds, fillet welds. Fully and partially composite beams. Plate girders: ultimate shear strength, tension-field, transverse, bearing and longitudinal stiffeners, local buckling effects. Reinforcing existing deficient structural components. Use of structural steel design computer programs.
Prerequisites: CVG3147/3142, CVG3148/3143
CVG4145 Reinforced Concrete Design II (3,1.5,0) 3 cr.
Extension of course CVG 3143. Behaviour and design of reinforced concrete members, subjected to biaxial bending, torsion, lateral loads and two-way action. Two-way slab systems. Strip method, direct design approach and equivalent frame analysis of two-way slabs. Yieldline theory of slabs. Inelastic response of reinforced concrete structures and moment re-distribution. Earthquake resistant design.
Prerequisites: CVG3141, CVG3148/3143.
CVG4146 Structural Design in Timber (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Timber engineering; species groups, stresses, load factors. Mechanical fasteners and adhesives. Preservative treatments; fire safety, design and analysis of timber structures.
Prerequisite: CVG3140.
CVG4148 Theory of Structures II (3,0,2) 3 cr.
Topics in structural analysis related to statistically indeterminate structures. Moment distribution methods. Three moment equations. Plastic analysis of structures. Introduction to stiffness and flexibility coefficients; matrix formulation and computer programming to solve indeterminate structures such as trusses, continuous beams and tall building frames.
Prerequisites: CVG2181, CVG3140
CVG4150 Highway and Transportation Engineering (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Importance of highways and transportation; urban transportation planning; driver, vehicle, and general traffic characteristics; traffic engineering and studies; highway capacity and level of service; highway location and geometric design; earthwork operations; highway drainage and subgrade structure; structural analysis and design of rigid and flexible pavements; economic analysis and evaluation of transportation systems.
Prerequisites: CVG2171, CVG2107/2102, CVG2141.
CVG4173 Construction Management (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Planning and operation of construction project by the civil engineer, co-ordination and control of personnel, materials and machines, scheduling, estimation, purchasing cost control and other topics. Influence of construction procedures on civil engineering design processes. Common and civil law as applied to engineering contracts and specifications.
CVG4180 Special Directed Studies (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Selected topics of special interest in civil engineering.
Prerequisite: Permission of the Department.
CVG4181 Special Topics in Structural Engineering I (3,0,2) 3 cr.
Specialized course on a selected topic in structural engineering
Prerequisites: CVG3142, CVG3143 or consent of the department.
CVG4182 Special Topics in Structural Engineering II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Specialized course on a selected topic in structural engineering
Prerequisites: CVG3142, CVG3143 or consent of the department.
CVG4183 Special Topics in Structural Engineering III (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Specialized course on a selected topic in structural engineering
Prerequisites: CVG3142, CVG3143 or consent of the department.
CVG4184 Special Topics in Geotechnical Engineering I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Specialized course on a selected topic in geotechnical engineering.
Prerequisite: CVG3106 or consent of the department.
CVG4185 Special Topics in Geotechnical Engineering II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Specialized course on a selected topic in geotechnical engineering
Prerequisite: CVG3106 or consent of the department.
CVG4186 Special Topics in Water Resources Engineering I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Specialized course on a selected topic in water resources engineering.
Prerequisites: CVG3116/3111, CVG3120 or consent of the department.
CVG4187 Special Topics in Water Resources Engineering II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Specialized course on a selected topic in water resources engineering
Prerequisites: CVG3116/3111, CVG3120 or consent of the department.
CVG4188 Special Topics in Environmental Engineering I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Specialized course on a selected topic in environmental engineering.
Prerequisites: CVG3116/3111, CVG3120 or consent of the department.
CVG4189 Special Topics in Environmental Engineering II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Specialized course on a selected topic in environmental engineering.
Prerequisites: CVG3116/3111, CVG3120 or consent of the department.
CVG4260 Thesis 6 cr.
Thesis on an approved research or design topic in Civil Engineering which will emphasize independent work. The thesis will be done under the direction of a faculty adviser and the student must obtain an adviser's approval before commencing the course.
Prerequisites: B average; permission of supervisor.
CVG4301 Waste Geotechnique (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Transport phenomena through geological materials; effect of contaminant on the transport coefficients, strength and deformation characteristics of soil and rock; environmental effects of municipal and industrial waste disposal sites, tailings disposal areas and nuclear waste repositories; preventive and corrective measures; site investigation design, construction, and performance monitoring for hazardous waste disposal sites.
CVG4901 Rapport de stage coop IV / CO-OP Work Term Report IV 3 cr.
CVG4902 Rapport de stage coop V / CO-OP Work Term Report V 3 cr.
CVG4907 Projet de conception en génie civil Civil / Engineering Design Project (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Projet en génie civil sous la direction de conseillers membres du corps professoral pendant la dernière année du programme. Le projet doit être basé sur la connaissance et les qualifications conformes aux normes de conception, de législation, de sciences économiques, de santé et de sécurité, d'environnement et autres facteurs pertinents. Un accent particulier est mis sur l'expérience de travail en équipe et sur l'apprentissage dans un contexte créatif, itératif et ouvert.
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Dernières modifications : 2014.04.01