This annual event was organized by the Student Society in International Law, a prominent association in the Civil Law Section of the Faculty of Law in partnership with the Centre for Environmental Law and Global Sustainability, home to the largest concentration of environmental law professors at any law school in Canada. This event was intended to celebrate the intersectionality and diversity in the International Law Community.

Lawyers, jurists, diplomats, faculty members, students, and graduates meet each year to demonstrate their firm commitment to the potential legal careers and for the second time, this was done virtually. The event took place on GatherTown; a virtual platform where users can create avatars and interact and navigate around fully customizable spaces.

A few kudos from the participants:
“Participating in this year’s Demystifying International Law event was an absolute pleasure! This event is a major networking hub, which I love! It was awesome to be able to meet professionals practicing international law through a variety of career paths and I got to learn a lot about the different routes that a student can take to pursue a career in this field. Can’t wait for next year!” – Sheri Subawalla, 2nd year Civil Law student
“I found the Demystifying event amazing and fun, especially with the concept of the virtual platform. As a student that wants to work in international relations, it was a great way to meet people from that field and ask many questions about their careers. It was very interesting, and it helped me understand more what the field requires and having advice from the professionals were very encouraging. It is an event that I would be participating next year for sure!” – Mila Gagnon, 1st year Civil Law student
"C’est la deuxième fois que je participe à l’évènement démystifié le droit international. Ces expériences m’ont permis d’en apprendre davantage sur les différents domaines de pratiques qui domine le monde du droit international. À quel point cette sphère est vaste et variée, permettant ainsi à tous de pouvoir y trouver son compte ! Cette année par contre ce fut sur une nouvelle plateforme interactive tellement innovatrice. Un monde virtuel avec nos propres avatars, différentes salles pour chaque présentateur, etc. nous permettant ainsi de profiter au maximum de l’évènement même en virtuel." – Arielle Ramsey, 2nd year Civil Law student
“The event, Demystifying International Law, was hosted on a virtual platform which allowed us to meet many professionals in a interactive way. I’ve been amazed by the discussions that I had, the different perspectives I heard and the connections I made. This was really a great event for all those who are interested in any aspect of international law.” – Denis Jakovic, 3rd year Civil Law student