Intervenor Status Granted: Friends of the Earth

By Environmental Law

Communication, Faculty of Law

Faculty of Law - Common Law Section
Common Law Section
Climate change
Intervenor Status Granted: Friends of the Earth
Professors from the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, Nathalie Chalifour and Lynda Collins as well as PhD candidate Erin Dobbelsteyn will be representing Friends of the Earth Canada, in an important upcoming climate change case!

Along with Indigenous Climate Action (ICA), the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE), For Our Kids, the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), and the David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights, Friends of the Earth Canada has been granted intervenor status in Ecojustice's challenge against the Ontario government on climate change.

In 2018, the Ontario government gutted relatively strong climate targets with a single, significantly weaker 2030 target that would allow dangerous levels of GHG pollution to continue over the next decade.

This weaker target will allow more greenhouse gas emissions to be emitted, further contribute to dangerous climate change-related impacts such as heatwaves, floods, fires, and poor air quality that will harm the health of Ontarians, and violate their Charter rights to life, liberty, and security of the person.

Each group, bringing a varied perspective on the impact of climate change across Ontario, will be presenting before the court during the full hearing scheduled this coming September 12-14, 2022.

Click here to view the full press release.

Click here to learn more about the case & ways you can support.