As an expert on health and medical law and public policy, she has lectured at universities in North America, and has presented at conferences on the key current legal and policy issues raised by science and technology in the fields of clinical health and research. She is the author of four books, including “Tough Choices: Living and Dying in the 21st Century”; and was a member of the Global Commission on Pollution, Health and Development, whose report appeared in the Lancet in 2017.
She has served in many volunteer capacities, including as a founding member and Chair of the Advisory Board of the Shirley E. Greenberg Women’s Health Centre in Ottawa; a lay member of the National Council of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada; a lay member of the Accreditation Committee of Canadian Medical Schools; a mentor for the Trudeau Foundation; co-Chair of the National Experts Commission of the Canadian Nurses Association, a member of the Board of Governors of the University of Ottawa, and the Ottawa Heart Institute; a Canadian representative of the international White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood; and a national patron of the Canadian Osteoporosis Society.
Welcome to Maureen!
Welcome to Maureen McTeer

We are thrilled to announce that Maureen McTeer is joining the Faculty of Law and the Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics as a Visiting Professor for two years, beginning May 1. Maureen is a graduate of the University of Ottawa ,BA, LLB '77, Dalhousie University, LL.M. health law, and Sheffield University, Masters in biotechnological law & ethics, and has held academic appointments at both Canadian and American universities. She has been awarded four honorary degrees from universities in Canada and the UK.