Students walking down stairs

Giving Tuesday

To show our appreciation, we invite you to watch a special thank-you video from third-year students Damaris and Abraham.

This year, you can further your impact by participating in a uOttawa challenge! From social media posting to being the fund with the most gifts, there’s a variety of bonus opportunities. 

Giving Tuesday challenges!

Challenges and rewards: 

  • Fund with the gift from the furthest away from uOttawa: $1,000  
  • Fund with the most donors: $1,000  
  • Fund with the most gifts from professors and staff: $1,000  
  • Faculty or service with the most professor or staff donors: $1,000  
  • Fund with the most recent alumni donors (from the past five years): $500  
  • First donor every hour from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.: $100 toward the fund in question ($1,000 total)  
  • Social media: All posts made using #uottawagivingtuesday or #UOttawaMardiJeDonne will be added to a draw, with four prizes of $500 each to the funds in question ($2,000 total)  
  • New monthly donors draw: $500 for one fund  
first place medal on podium

Story in numbers

1,5 M $

amassés à ce jour à l’Université d’Ottawa

4  257

donatrices et donateurs depuis 2015

56 %

sont membres de notre communauté diplômée

Other funds of your choice

students talking sitting on campus

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