Human Resource Management

In recent years, organizations have increasingly begun to appreciate the strategic importance of adopting a systematic approach to human resource management (HRM). The purpose of this program is to provide an in-depth knowledge of the three HRM functions that have become most critical in organizations: personnel management, industrial relations and organizational behaviour. This program emphasizes both practical and conceptual skills, to enable students to work in all areas of HRM in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors.

Graduates of this program are well-positioned to succeed in the competitive HR labour market, as the majority of our courses have been accredited by the Human Resources Professionals Association of Ontario (HRPAO). Thus, students who successfully complete the HRM program not only receive a BCom with specialized training in HRM, but also fulfill the academic requirements for Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation.

CO-OP and French immersion are available in this program.