Celtic Studies

Here is your chance to discover Celtic culture from antiquity to the present. The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures offers a minor in Celtic Studies which allows you to explore the full range of subjects associated with this discipline, starting with the modern Celtic languages (Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh and Breton).

The program also includes courses devoted to the rich cultures of the Celtic world, in which you will have the opportunity to study a whole range of themes from early history to contemporary events, such as the story of King Arthur, the music of the Celtic peoples or the various Celtic peoples in Western Europe and in the Americas.

What's more, through this multidisciplinary approach, you will gain a thorough understanding of the important Celtic roots of Britain, Ireland, France and parts of Central Europe as well as the vitality of Celtic cultures wherever Celtic peoples have settled or lived, including Canada.

The Celtic Club, organized by students, also exists to promote Celtic Studies as well as Celtic culture and languages in Ottawa. Activities include ceilis to learn how to dance and the celebration of Celtic festivals.