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Calendars > Faculty of Arts > Joint Honours Baccalaureate Programs

Joint Honours Baccalaureate Programs

Joint Honours BA in Classics and Philosophy
B.A. spécialisé bidisciplinaire en communication et lettres françaises
Joint Honours BA in Communication and Philosophy
Joint Honours BA in Communication and Political Science
Joint Honours BA in Communication and Sociology
Joint Honours BA in Geography and Sociology
Joint Honours BA in History and Political Science
Joint Honours BA in Philosophy and Political Science
Joint Honours BA in Psychology and Linguistics



Joint Honours BA in Classics and Philosophy


To be admitted to this program, one must have completed one academic year or the equivalent.

Compulsory courses in CLA - 48 credits
Compulsory courses in PHI - 48 credits
Compulsory general studies courses - 6 credits in ENG

General studies courses - 18 credits

First year compulsory courses:cr.
ENG1100Workshop in Essay Writing3
ENG1120Literature and Composition I: Prose Fiction3
ENG1121Literature and Composition II: Drama and Poetry3
PHI1101Reasoning and Critical Thinking3
PHI1103Fundamental Philosophical Questions3
PHI1104Great Philosophers3
CLA1101Greek Civilization3
CLA1102Roman Civilization3
LCL1101Latin I3
LCL1102Latin II3
Other compulsory courses: 
CLA2101The Beginnings of Greek Civilization3
CLA2102Athens, Persia, and Sparta3
CLA2103The Republic3
CLA2104The Early Empire3
CLA2323Greek Mythology3
LCL2151Ancient Greek I3
LCL2152Ancient Greek II3
PHI2170Logic I3
PHI2183Political Philosophy3
PHI2380Greek philosophy or the Birth of Philosophy3
PHI2382Medieval Philosophy3
PHI2383Modern Philosophy3
PHI3170Theory of Knowledge3
PHI3174Metaphysics: The Structure of Reality3
PHI3377Contemporary Continental Philosophy3
PHI3378Analytic Philosophy3
Three credits from: 
CLA2105Introduction to Classical Archaeology3
CLA2110Archaeological Methods and Techniques3
CLA2152Greeks, Italians, and the Arts of the Near East3
CLA2153Classical Art and the Hellenistic World3
CLA2154Art in the Roman Empire3
LCL2101Latin III3
LCL2102Latin IV3
LCL3151Ancient Greek III3
LCL3152Ancient Greek IV3
LCL4100Latin Authors3
LCL4150Greek Authors3
Twelve credits of electives PHI with six credits at 4000-level12
The following courses are recommended: PHI2312, PHI3370 and PHI3380
Twelve credits of electives in CLA and LCL with at least three credits at the 4000-level12
Eighteen credits of electives18
LCL4100 and 4150 are repeatable for credit with different content from year to year.


B.A. spécialisé bidisciplinaire en communication et lettres françaises


Pour être admis à ce programme, il faut avoir complété une année universitaire ou l'équivalent.

Cours obligatoires CMN - 48 crédits
Cours obligatoires FRA - 48 crédits
Cours obligatoires de formation générale - 6 crédits PHI et 6 crédits FRA

Cours de formation générale - 12 crédits

Cours obligatoires de première annéecr.
CMN1501Introduction à la recherche en communication3
CMN1520Introduction à la communication3
FRA1710Parcours individuel de français3
FRA1720Lecture et écriture3
FRA1745Littératures française et québécoise I3
FRA1747Littératures française et québécoise II3
PHI1501Raisonnement et pensée critique3
Trois crédits parmi : 
PHI1502Raisonnement moral3
PHI1503Les grandes questions philosophiques3
PHI1504Les grands philosophes3
Les vingt et un crédits suivants : 
CMN2530Communication interpersonnelle3
CMN2570Nouveaux médias3
CMN3502Méthodes quantitatives3
CMN3503Méthodes qualitatives3
CMN3505Éthique des médias3
CMN3509Théories des communications3
FRA2789Grammaire et expression3
Trois crédits parmi : 
CMN2548Communication organisationnelle3
CMN2560Théories des médias3
Trois crédits parmi : 
FRA2548Écrits narratifs et descriptifs3
FRA2549Transformation de textes3
Trois crédits parmi : 
CMN3562Journalisme culturel3
CMN3563Journalisme écrit3
Un des profils suivants :
Profil littérature 
Cours obligatoire :
FRA2732Méthodologie des études en lettres3
Trois crédits parmi : 
FRA3549Littérature et journalisme3
FRA3759Histoire de la langue française3
Six crédits parmi : 
FRA2730Le théâtre3
FRA2740La poésie3
FRA2780Le récit3
Neuf crédits parmi : 
FRA3561Le moyen âge3
FRA3562Le classicisme3
FRA3571La Renaissance3
FRA3572Le siècle des lumières3
Profil rédaction 
Six crédits parmi : 
FRA3548Écriture et information3
FRA3568La rédaction professionnelle3
FRA3748Écriture et persuasion3
Six crédits parmi : 
FRA2558Les mots en situation3
FRA3768Grammaire critique du français contemporain3
FRA4578L'analyse stylistique3
FRA4749La rhétorique3
FRA4758Théorie du texte3
Une des options suivantes, au choix : 
Neuf crédits du bloc «Création» : 
FRA2560Création littéraire I3
FRA3570Création littéraire II3
FRA3580Création littéraire III3
FRA4560Enjeux de la création littéraire3
Neuf crédits du bloc «Édition» : 
FRA2701Édition et société3
FRA2712Éditique : du manuscrit au livre3
FRA3702Le texte et l'image3
FRA4701L'édition virtuelle3
Quinze crédits FRA au choix dont au moins neuf crédits de niveau 400015
Dix-huit crédits CMN au choix dont au moins neuf crédits de niveau 400018
Douze crédits au choix12


Joint Honours BA in Communication and Philosophy


To be admitted to this program, one must have completed one academic year or the equivalent.

Compulsory courses in CMN - 48 credits
Compulsory courses in PHI - 48 credits
Compulsory general studies courses - 6 credits in ENG

General studies courses - 18 credits

Program Requirements:cr.
ENG1100Workshop in Essay Writing3
Three credits from: 
ENG1120Literature and Composition I: Prose Fiction3
ENG1121Literature and Composition II: Drama and Poetry3
PHI1101Reasoning and Critical Thinking3
Three credits from: 
PHI1102Moral Reasoning3
PHI1103Fundamental Philosophical Questions3
PHI1104Great Philosophers3
CMN1120Introduction to Communication3
CMN2130Interpersonal Communication3
CMN2170New Media3
CMN2148Organizational Communication3
CMN2160Theories of the Media3
PHI2170Logic I3
PHI2183Political Philosophy3
PHI2380Greek philosophy or the Birth of Philosophy3
PHI2382Medieval Philosophy3
PHI2383Modern Philosophy3
CMN3102Quantitative Methods3
CMN3103Qualitative Methods3
CMN3105Media Ethics3
CMN3109Theories of Communication3
PHI3170Theory of Knowledge3
PHI3174Metaphysics: The Structure of Reality3
PHI3377Contemporary Continental Philosophy3
PHI3378Analytic Philosophy3
CMN4105Ethics and Information Society3
PHI4312Problems in Contemporary Ethics3
Three credits from: 
CMN4148Communication and Governmental Organizations3
CMN4168Communication and International Development3
CMN4185Political Economy of the Media3
Eighteen credits of electives in CMN with at least six at the 4000 level18
Nine credits of electives in PHI with at least three at the 4000 level9
Eighteen credits of electives18


Joint Honours BA in Communication and Political Science


To be admitted to this program, one must have completed one academic year or the equivalent.

Compulsory courses in CMN: 48 credits
Compulsory courses in POL: 48 credits
Compulsory general studies courses - 6 credits in ENG and 6 credits in PHI

General studies courses - 12 credits

Program Requirements:cr.
CMN1120Introduction to Communication3
ENG1100Workshop in Essay Writing3
PHI1101Reasoning and Critical Thinking3
POL1101Understanding Politics3
Three credits from: 
ENG1120Literature and Composition I: Prose Fiction3
ENG1121Literature and Composition II: Drama and Poetry3
Three credits from: 
PHI1102Moral Reasoning3
PHI1103Fundamental Philosophical Questions3
PHI1104Great Philosophers3
CMN2130Interpersonal Communication3
CMN2170New Media3
CMN2148Organizational Communication3
CMN2160Theories of the Media3
POL2156Foundations of Research in Political Science3
POL2207Introduction to Political and Social Thought6
POL2201Canadian Politics6
POL2203Introduction to International Relations and Global Politics6
CMN3102Quantitative Methods3
CMN3103Qualitative Methods3
CMN3109Theories of Communication3
CMN3133Political Communication3
POL3533Politique et médias au Canada3
POL3202Modern Systems of Political Thought6
Three credits from: 
CMN4105Ethics and Information Society3
CMN4148Communication and Governmental Organizations3
CMN4168Communication and International Development3
CMN4185Political Economy of the Media3
Three credits from: 
POL4710Séminaire de synthèse en pensée politique3
POL4720Séminaire de synthèse en politique canadienne3
POL4730Séminaire de synthèse en politique internationale3
Eighteen to twenty-one credits in CMN with at least nine at the 4000 level*18
Eighteen to twenty-one credits in POL with at least twelve credits at the 4000 level.*18
Twelve credits of electives12
* CMN3133 or POL3533 could replace three elective credits in CMN or POL and replace a 4000-level course.


Joint Honours BA in Communication and Sociology


To be admitted to this program, one must have completed one academic year or the equivalent.

Compulsory courses in CMN - 42-48 credits
Compulsory courses in SOC - 42-48 credits
Compulsory general studies courses - 6 credits in ENG and 6 credits in PHI

General studies courses - 12 credits

First year compulsory courses:cr.
CMN1120Introduction to Communication3
ENG1100Workshop in Essay Writing3
PHI1101Reasoning and Critical Thinking3
SOC1101Principles of Sociology3
SOC1102The Emergence of Sociology3
Three credits from: 
ENG1120Literature and Composition I: Prose Fiction3
ENG1121Literature and Composition II: Drama and Poetry3
Three credits from: 
PHI1102Moral Reasoning3
PHI1103Fundamental Philosophical Questions3
PHI1104Great Philosophers3
Second year compulsory courses: 
CMN2130Interpersonal Communication3
CMN2170New Media3
CMN2148Organizational Communication3
CMN2160Theories of the Media3
SOC2300Analysis of Scientific Thought3
SOC2301Qualitative Research Methodology3
SOC2304Marx and Marxist Analysis3
SOC2305Durkheim and Functionalist Analysis3
Third year compulsory courses: 
CMN3105Media Ethics3
CMN3109Theories of Communication3
SOC3106Weber and Weberian Analysis3
SOC3312Theoretical Currents in Contemporary Sociology3
Six credits among the following courses in CMN or in SOC: 
CMN3102Quantitative Methods3
CMN3103Qualitative Methods3
SOC3141Quantitative Methodology and Data Collection3
SOC3142Quantitative Data Analysis3
Three credits among: 
CMN4105Ethics and Information Society3
CMN4148Communication and Governmental Organizations3
CMN4168Communication and International Development3
CMN4185Political Economy of the Media3
Twenty-one credits of electives in CMN with at least nine credits at the 4000-level.21
Eighteen credits of electives in SOC with at least twelve credits at the 4000-level.18
Twelve credits of electives12


Joint Honours BA in Geography and Sociology


To be admitted to this program, one must have completed one academic year or the equivalent.

Compulsory courses in GEG - 48 credits
Compulsory courses in SOC - 48 credits
Compulsory general studies courses - 6 credits in ENG and 6 credits in PHI

General studies courses - 12 credits

Compulsory general studies courses:cr.
ENG1100Workshop in Essay Writing3
PHI1101Reasoning and Critical Thinking3
Three credits from: 
ENG1120Literature and Composition I: Prose Fiction3
ENG1121Literature and Composition II: Drama and Poetry3
Compulsory courses in GEG: 
GEG1301The Physical Environment3
GEG1302Society and Environment3
GEG2108Contested places3
GEG2109Canada and its regions3
GEG2305The Geography of Global Economic Systems3
GEG2306Urban Geography3
GEG2320Introduction to Digital Cartography and GIS3
GEG2918Camp d'automne I / Field Camp I3
GEG3104Methods of Geographical Research3
GEG3321Geographical Approaches to Environmental Issues3
Eighteen credits in GEG (at least nine credits at the 4000-level excluding GEG4001, 4019, 4918)18
Compulsory courses in SOC: 
SOC1101Principles of Sociology3
SOC1102The Emergence of Sociology3
SOC2300Analysis of Scientific Thought3
SOC2301Qualitative Research Methodology3
SOC2304Marx and Marxist Analysis3
SOC2305Durkheim and Functionalist Analysis3
SOC3106Weber and Weberian Analysis3
SOC3141Quantitative Methodology and Data Collection3
SOC3142Quantitative Data Analysis3
SOC3312Theoretical Currents in Contemporary Sociology3
Eighteen credits in SOC/ANT (at least 12 credits at the 4000-level)18
Twelve credits of electives12


Joint Honours BA in History and Political Science


To be admitted to this program, one must have completed one academic year or the equivalent.

Compulsory courses in HIS - 48 credits
Compulsory courses in POL - 48 credits
Compulsory general studies courses - 6 credits in ENG and 6 credits in PHI
General studies courses - 12 credits

At least a minimum of 12 credits must be completed in the second language.

Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
ENG1100Workshop in Essay Writing3
PHI1101Reasoning and Critical Thinking3
Three credits from: 
ENG1120Literature and Composition I: Prose Fiction3
ENG1121Literature and Composition II: Drama and Poetry3
Three credits from: 
PHI1102Moral Reasoning3
PHI1103Fundamental Philosophical Questions3
PHI1104Great Philosophers3
Program Requirements in History: 
Three HIS credits in Methodology (M)Course title not available0
Three credits in Canadian history (C) at the 2000- or 3000-levelCourse title not available0
Three credits in European history (E) at the 2000- or 3000-levelCourse title not available0
Three credits in United States history (A) at the 2000- or 3000-levelCourse title not available0
Three credits in Non-Western history (N) at the 2000- or 3000-levelCourse title not available0
Thirty-three elective credits in HIS with at least 12 credits at the 3000-level and 12 credits at the 4000-level33
Program Requirements in Political Science: 
POL2156Foundations of Research in Political Science3
POL2201Canadian Politics6
POL2203Introduction to International Relations and Global Politics6
POL2207Introduction to Political and Social Thought6
POL3202Modern Systems of Political Thought6
Three credits among: 
POL4710Séminaire de synthèse en pensée politique3
POL4720Séminaire de synthèse en politique canadienne3
POL4730Séminaire de synthèse en politique internationale3
or other pertinent seminar (with permission of the Faculty)
Twenty-four credits in POL with at least 12 credits at the 4000-level24
Twelve credits of electives12


Joint Honours BA in Philosophy and Political Science


To be admitted to this program, one must have completed one academic year or the equivalent.

Compulsory courses in PHI - 48 credits
Compulsory courses in POL - 48 credits
Compulsory general studies courses - 6 credits in ENG

General studies courses - 18 credits

First year compulsory courses:cr.
ENG1100Workshop in Essay Writing3
PHI1101Reasoning and Critical Thinking3
PHI1103Fundamental Philosophical Questions3
PHI1104Great Philosophers3
PHI2170Logic I3
PHI2183Political Philosophy3
PHI2380Greek philosophy or the Birth of Philosophy3
PHI2382Medieval Philosophy3
PHI2383Modern Philosophy3
POL2156Foundations of Research in Political Science3
POL2207Introduction to Political and Social Thought6
POL2201Canadian Politics6
POL2203Introduction to International Relations and Global Politics6
PHI3170Theory of Knowledge3
PHI3174Metaphysics: The Structure of Reality3
PHI3377Contemporary Continental Philosophy3
PHI3378Analytic Philosophy3
POL3202Modern Systems of Political Thought6
POL4311Course title not available0
Three credits among: 
POL4710Séminaire de synthèse en pensée politique3
POL4720Séminaire de synthèse en politique canadienne3
POL4730Séminaire de synthèse en politique internationale3
or any other pertinent seminar (with permission of the Faculty)
Nine elective credits in PHI with at least three credits at the 4000 level.9
Twenty-one credits in POL with at least twelve credits at the 4000 level.21
Eighteen credits of electives18


Joint Honours BA in Psychology and Linguistics


To be admitted to this program, one must have completed one academic year or the equivalent.

Compulsory courses in PSY - 48 credits
Compulsory courses in LIN- 48 credits
Compulsory general studies courses - 6 credits in ENG and 6 credits in PHI

General studies courses - 12 credits

General Studies:cr.
ENG1100Workshop in Essay Writing3
PHI1101Reasoning and Critical Thinking3
Three credits from: 
ENG1120Literature and Composition I: Prose Fiction3
ENG1121Literature and Composition II: Drama and Poetry3
Three credits from: 
PHI1102Moral Reasoning3
PHI1103Fundamental Philosophical Questions3
PHI1104Great Philosophers3
Courses in Linguistics: 
LIN1101Introduction to Linguistics3
LIN2120Phonetics I3
LIN3101English Phonology3
LIN3111English Syntax3
LIN3115Semantics I3
Twenty-one credits from: 
LIN3130Introduction to Historical Linguistics3
LIN3132History of English3
LIN3154Second Language Acquisition3
LIN3156Communication Disorders3
LIN4122Speech Science: Production3
LIN4123Speech Science: Acoustics3
LIN4150Models of Language Processing and Production3
LIN4151First Language Acquisition3
Courses in Psychology: 
PSY1101Introduction to Experimental Psychology3
PSY1102Introduction to Applied Psychology3
PSY2105Child Development3
PSY2106Quantitative Methods in Psychology I3
PSY2116Quantitative Methods in Psychology II3
PSY2174Research Methods and Ethics3
PSY2301Biological Foundations of Behaviour3
PSY3301Behavioural Neuroscience3
PSY3307Psychometric Methods3
Fifteen credits in PSY with at least six credits at the 4000 level15
PSY3105The Psychology of Adolescence3
PSY3128The Psychology of Ageing3
Twelve elective credits12


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