Calendars > Faculty of Arts > Honours BA in Environmental Studies
Honours BA in Environmental Studies
Honours BA in Environmental Studies

At least 24 credits specific to the program, excluding bilingual courses, must be taken in the second language.

Co-operative education is available with this program.

Compulsory first-year courses:
BIO1130 Introduction to Organismal Biology 3
CHM1100 Chemistry and the Human Environment 3
ECO1104 Introduction to Microeconomics 3
ENG1100 Workshop in Essay Writing 3
GEG1301 The Physical Environment 3
GEG1302 Society and Environment 3
MAT1372 Elements of Probability and Statistical Inference 3
PHI1101 Reasoning and Critical Thinking 3
PHI1102 Moral Reasoning 3
PHY1703 Physique et environnement 3
POL1102 Politics and Globalization 3
Three credits from:
ENG1120 Literature and Composition I: Prose Fiction 3
ENG1121 Literature and Composition II: Drama and Poetry 3
Three credits from:
PHI1102 Moral Reasoning 3
PHI1103 Fundamental Philosophical Questions 3
PHI1104 Great Philosophers 3
Other compulsory courses:
BIO2129 Ecology 3
ECO2118 Introduction to the Economics of the Environment 3
ENV2501 La recherche environnementale : approches et méthodes 3
ENV3101 Legal Context of Environmental Issues 3
ENV4910 Recherche sur le terrain / Field Study Course 3
ENV4920 Séminaire de recherche en études de l'environnement / Research Seminar in Environmental Studies 3
ENV4999 Volontariat en environnement / Environmental Volunteer Work 0
GEG2304 Climatology 3
GEG2320 Introduction to Geomatics 3
GEG3302 Natural Resource Management 3
PHI2798 L'éthique environnementale1 3
POL2101 Introduction to Canadian Politics 3
SOC2105 Introduction to Social Ecology 3
30 credits with at least six credits in each of the lists A, B, C, D and a maximum of 18 credits in GEG.
A. Methodology
ENV4110 Selected Topics in Environmental Methodology 3
GEG2918 Camp d'automne I / Field Camp I 3
GEG3105 Remote Sensing 3
GEG3312 Advanced GIS 3
GEG3313 Planning Methodology 3
GEG4118 Environmental Impact Assessment 3
GEG4120 GIS and Numerical Spatial Analysis 3
GEG4121 Applications of GIS in Natural and Social Sciences 3
GEG4515 La télédétection appliquée à l'environnement 3
GEG4523 Méthodes et techniques de planification spatiale 3
SOC2111 Methodological Principles in Sociology 3
SOC3141 Quantitative Methodology and Data Collection 0
B. Natural Environment
BIO3115 Conservation Biology 3
BIO3117 Ecosystem Ecology 3
CVG2231 Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering 4
CVG4133 Solid Waste Management 3
ENV4111 Selected Topics in Natural Environment 3
EVS1101 Introduction to Environmental Science 3
EVS3101 Environmental Issues 3
GEG2301 Geomorphology 3
GEG3101 Advanced Geomorphology 3
GEG3102 Hydrology 3
GEG3114 Biogeography 3
GEG3300 Selected Topics in Physical Geography 3
GEG4001 Étude sur le terrain dans le nord canadien / Northern Canada Field Research 6
GEG4101 Permafrost Geomorphology 3
GEO4332 Permafrost Geomorphology 3
GEG4102 Drainage Basin Processes and Environmental Change 3
GEG4103 Northern Hydrology 3
GEG4105 GIS in Environmental Research 3
GEG4304 Microclimatology 3
GEG4507 Géoarchéologie 3
GEG4509 Les changements climatiques 3
GEG4517 L'holocène 3
GEO2307 Environmental Geology 3
C. Society and Environment
CML2301 Aboriginal Peoples and the Law 3
CMN3181 Communication, Environment & Development 3
ECO4136 Economics of the Environment 3
ENG2141 Literature and the Environment 3
ENV4112 Selected Topics in Society and Environment 3
GEG2305 The Geography of Global Economic Systems 3
GEG3107 Geography of Polar Regions 3
GEG3301 Selected Topics in Human Geography 3
GEG3320 Geography of Tourism 3
GEG3321 Geographical Approaches to Environmental Issues 3
GEG4000 Étude sur le terrain dans l'Arctique / Arctic Field Research 6
GEG4110 Industrial Location and Environment 3
GEG4119 Resource Management: Coastal and Shoreline Environments 3
GEG4303 Urbanization and Environment in the Third World 3
GEG4508 Climat, environnement et société 3
HIS2129 Technology, Society and Environment since 1800 3
LSR2121 Recreation and Environmental Quality 3
LSR3105 Recreation Resources Conservation 3
LSR4108 Development of Touristic Resources 3
POL4532 Environnement, écologie et politique au Canada 3
SOC2107 Principles of Demography 3
SOC3105 Environmental Sociology 3
SOC4310 Globalization and the Environment 3
D. Six credits from:
ENV4000 Mémoire de B.A. / Honours Essay 6
Six credits chosen from list A, B or C.
18 credits of electives.
1This course may be taken in French.
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Last modified : 2015.08.05