Lettres françaises

In Lettres françaises, you explore the literary traditions and trends of France, Quebec, French-speaking Ontario and other Francophone cultures and nations, while acquainting yourself with an array of approaches to theory and criticism. Course options also allow you to perfect your writing and communication skills, sharpen your eye for literary analysis, and even dabble in literary creation and publishing.

Integrated programs in Lettres françaises and education provide a comprehensive
blend of discipline-specific and teacher-training components. Right away in first year, you examine teaching issues and concepts while expanding your knowledge of French-language literatures. Your first teaching internship takes place in third year.

The new minor in techniques de rédaction makes an ideal complement for programs at the faculties of Arts, Social Sciences or Law. The minor's extensive array of grammar and style courses proves ideal for the many students who feel the need to polish or fine-tune their written communication skills, not only to improve their academic achievement, but also to enter their professional life with as many assets as possible.

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Last updated: 2014.04.01