Public Relations

The Department of Communication now offers a new honours bachelor in public relations. This is a joint program with Algonquin College (in English) and with La Cité collégiale (in French).
In Canada, the public relations industry employs more than 40,000 people, and a career in this area allows you to try a wide variety of functions and tasks: writing review articles, bulletins, news releases, pamphlets and speeches; building and maintaining good relationships with the media; organizing press conferences, launches, inaugurations, open houses and exhibits; acting as spokesperson; developing multi-media kits; producing videos; designing Web pages; and managing crises.

There are two ways to complete this degree:

1) Register for the honours bachelor's degree at the University and, after completing 75 credits there (five sessions), transfer to Algonquin College to complete the diploma program in public relations. Because of space limitations at Algonquin, the University can only accept 25 students in this stream. In addition, you must have an average of at least 70% to be admitted.

2) Start by completing two years in public relations at Algonquin College (you must maintain an average of at least 70%) and then transfer to the University of Ottawa to do five more sessions (75 credits). The University has no registration limits in this case.

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Last updated: 2014.04.01