Faculty of Engineering


WANTED: Imaginative, visionary, and innovative minds!

Do you know that a degree in engineering or in computer science can open doors to many exciting and rewarding career opportunities, both here and abroad? Most of the current challenges faced by societies across the globe – including food security, water supply and quality, climate change, energy supply, information and telecommunications – require engineering and computing solutions. At the Faculty of Engineering, you can choose from a vast array of undergraduate programs in engineering and in computer science that will provide you with a strong foundation on which to build a successful career. Our programs are accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) and/or by the CIPS – Canada’s Association of Information Technology Professionals.

CO-OP opportunities are offered in all our programs and participation in CO-OP is mandatory for those studying software engineering. Options and dual-degree programs in areas such as biotechnology, computing technology, and management and entrepreneurship, allow you to expand your education according to your individual needs and aspirations. Through the Faculty’s Entrepreneurship and Innovation Endowment Fund, you can participate in annual entrepreneurship and innovation competitions to hone your business and communication skills. The Faculty is the only engineering school in Canada whose undergraduates can study in either English or French, or in both languages. In addition, the Extended French Stream (EFS) is now offered in our software engineering and computer science programs.

Our Faculty is home to nearly 3,400 undergraduates, over 1,600 graduate students, 200 regular faculty and staff members, and many more part-time professors and contractual employees. We are a dynamic community that is recognized as a major player in engineering and computer science education, one that is advancing the knowledge and practice of engineering and computer science in Ontario, in Canada, and beyond.

Welcome aboard!

Claude Laguë, P.Eng., ing., FCAE|MACG, PhD

Disciplines offered