Professional Development Programs (AQ) - Visual Arts
Professional Development Programs (AQ) - Visual Arts

Aim of Program :

This program is designed for teachers who intend to specialize in the teaching of visual arts. The three-part program is designed to develop understanding of, skill in, and sensitivity towards, the teaching of visual arts and to help teachers become aware of the importance of this subject in the total development of the student. It also assists teachers to study in greater depth the learning process as it applies to the different levels of visual arts and other school curriculum. Finally the program develops an awareness of supervisory and administrative concerns in the coordinating of visual arts programs.

Specific Requirements :

The applicant registering for Part III (Specialist) must meet the requirements listed under Registration Requirements. In addition, it is recommended that the applicant complete university undergraduate courses (or equivalent) in visual arts. The Faculty reserves the right to interview applicants in order to attest that the academic record and professional experience are satisfactory.

PDP1210 Visual Arts - Part I 6
PDP2210 Visual Arts - Part II 6
PDP3210 Visual Arts - Specialist 6
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Last modified : 2015.08.05