Honours BA with specialization in Spanish
Honours BA with specialization in Spanish

ENG1100 Workshop in Essay Writing 3
PHI1101 Reasoning and Critical Thinking 3
Three credits from:
ENG1120 Literature and Composition I: Prose Fiction 3
ENG1121 Literature and Composition II: Drama and Poetry 3
Three credits from:
PHI1102 Moral Reasoning 3
PHI1103 Fundamental Philosophical Questions 3
PHI1104 Great Philosophers 3
ESP1001 Cours élémentaire intensif d'espagnol / Intensive Elementary Spanish 6
ESP1991 Cours élémentaire d'espagnol I / Elementary Spanish I 3
ESP1992 Cours élémentaire d'espagnol II / Elementary Spanish II 3
ESP2001 Cours intermédiaire intensif d'espagnol / Intensive Intermediate Spanish 6
ESP2991 Cours intermédiaire d'espagnol I / Intermediate Spanish I 3
ESP2992 Cours intermédiaire d'espagnol II / Intermediate Spanish II 3
ESP2911 Culture espagnole I / Spanish Culture I 3
ESP2912 Culture hispano-américaine I / Spanish-American Culture I 3
ESP3991 Cours avancé d'espagnol I / Advanced Spanish I 3
ESP3992 Cours avancé d'espagnol II / Advanced Spanish II 3
ESP3931 Introduction aux études hispaniques I / Introduction to Hispanic Studies I 3
ESP3932 Introduction aux études hispaniques II / Introduction to Hispanic Studies II 3
ESP3940 Histoire de la langue espagnole / History of the Spanish Language 3
18 optional ESP credits
Three optional ESP credits at the 3000 or 4000 level
Six optional ESP credits at the 4000 level
48 elective credits
18 elective credits plus a minor
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Last modified : 2015.08.05