Leisure Studies
Leisure Studies


To promote and develop leadership in physical activity, sport, leisure, and health through inspired teaching, creative and innovative research, and meaningful community service.

Program vision

To provide an environment of academic excellence in physical activity, sport, leisure, and health where students will be challenged and engaged to develop critical thinking, effective communication skills and exceptional leadership.

Focus of the BA leisure studies program

Leisure studies is concerned with individual, community, societal and environmental well-being. Leisure studies integrates knowledge from many different disciplines including the social sciences, the arts, health studies, human kinetics, management and environmental studies, into a program of study focused upon humans, leisure and recreation. Students examine leisure as a social and cultural phenomenon, investigate leisure behaviour, study the delivery and management of leisure services, consider the health benefits of leisure and learn about the environmental impacts of leisure.

The program provides a theoretical and practical environment for learning which contributes to the intellectual, personal and career development of students. Students are prepared for a variety of management, programming, planning, and leadership positions in the recreation and leisure services field.
In their choice of electives students may focus on one of four areas of interest: leisure and well-being, leisure services administration, recreation and the environment (parks), or tourism. Students may complete a minor in related disciplines such as health sciences, business administration or environmental studies to extend their fields of interest.

Leisure studies offers three programs: a four-year honours BA with specialization in leisure studies; a three-year general bachelor of arts with minor in leisure studies; and a 30-credit minor in leisure studies. The honours BA includes a practicum in the community."

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Last modified : 2015.08.05