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ESP - Espagnol / Spanish


Course descriptions

ESP1991 Cours �l�mentaire d'espagnol I (3,0,1) 3 cr.
R�gles essentielles de la grammaire, prononciation et conversation. Exercices oraux et �crits. Ce cours est destin� aux �tudiants n'ayant aucune (ou � peu pr�s aucune) notion de l'espagnol. (Ant�rieurement : ESP 1001). Elementary Spanish I Essentials of grammar, pronunciation and conversation. Oral and written exercises. This course is intended for students with little or no previous knowledge of Spanish. (Previously: ESP 1001).


ESP1992 Cours �l�mentaire d'espagnol II (3,0,1) 3 cr.
R�gles fondamentales de la grammaire; conversation, lecture, enrichissement du vocabulaire. Exercices oraux et �crits. Pr�alable: ESP1991 ou permission du D�partement. (Ant�rieurement : ESP 1001). Elementary Spanish II Fundamental grammar; conversation, reading, acquisition of additional vocabulary. Oral and written exercises. Prerequisite: ESP1991 or permission of the Department. ESP1991 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ESP 1001).


ESP2911 Culture espagnole I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Introduction aux �l�ments les plus importants de la vie espagnole : litt�rature, religion, art, soci�t�, vie intellectuelle. Pr�alable: ESP2992 ou concomittant. (Ant�rieurement : ESP 3901)Spanish Culture I An introduction to the principal factors in Spanish life: literature, religion, art, society, intellectual life. Prerequisite: ESP2992 or corequisite. ESP2992 or corequisite. (Previously: ESP 3901)


ESP2912 Culture hispano-am�ricaine I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Introduction aux �l�ments les plus importants de la vie hispano-am�ricaine : litt�rature, religion, art, soci�t�, vie intellectuelle. Pr�alable: ESP2992 ou concomittant. (Ant�rieurement : ESP 3902)Spanish-American Culture I An introduction to the principal factors in Spanish- American life: literature, religion, art, society, intellectual life. Prerequisite: ESP2992 or corequisite. ESP2992 or corequisite. (Previously: ESP 3902)


ESP2991 Cours interm�diaire d'espagnol I (3,0,1) 3 cr.
R�vision de la grammaire; d�veloppement de la compr�hension et de l'expression orale et �crite; lecture et vocabulaire. Travaux pratiques oraux et �crits. Pr�alable: ESP1992 ou permission du D�partement. (Ant�rieurement : ESP 2001). Intermediate Spanish I Review of grammar; development of oral and written comprehension and expression; reading and vocabulary. Oral and written practice. Prerequisite: ESP1992 or permission of the Department. ESP1992 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ESP 2001).


ESP2992 Cours interm�diaire d'espagnol II (3,0,1) 3 cr.
�tude avanc�e de la grammaire. Lecture, composition, conversation. Travaux pratiques oraux et �crits. Pr�alable: ESP2991 ou permission du D�partement. (Ant�rieurement : ESP 2001). Intermediate Spanish II Advanced study of grammar. Readings, composition, conversation. Oral and written practice. Prerequisite: ESP2991 or permission of the Department. ESP2991 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ESP 2001).


ESP3904 Les formes narratives en Espagne au XXe si�cle (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Examen de l'�volution du roman et du conte en Espagne au XXe si�cle par l'�tude d'oeuvres des �crivains les plus importants. Pr�alable: ESP3992 ou permission du D�partement. Contemporary Spanish Narrative An examination of the development of the novel and short story in Spain this century, with reference to works by major writers of the period. Prerequisite: ESP3992 or permission of the Department. ESP3992 or permission of the Department.


ESP3912 Les formes narratives en am�rique latine jusqu'� 1950 (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude des principaux auteurs de romans et nouvelles jusqu'� 1950 : Azuela, Guiraldes, Gallegos, etc. Pr�alable: ESP3992 ou permission du D�partement. Spanish-American Narrative A study of the major novelists and short story writers up to 1950. Azuela, Guiraldes, Gallegos, etc. Prerequisite: ESP3992 or permission of the Department. ESP3992 or permission of the Department.


ESP3913 Th�mes choisis en culture hispanique (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude approfondie de probl�matiques propres au monde des arts et de la culture hispaniques. Pr�alable: ESP2911,ESP2912 ou permission du D�partement. Topics in Hispanic Culture In-depth study of one or several topics in Hispanic arts and culture. Prerequisite: ESP2911,ESP2912 or permission of the Department. ESP2911,ESP2912 or permission of the Department.


ESP3914 Le th�tre espagnol du XXe si�cle (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude d'oeuvres repr�sentatives de l'�volution du th�tre espagnol du XXe si�cle. Pr�alable: ESP3992 ou l'�quivalent ou permission du D�partement. Twentieth-Century Spanish Study of selected works which illustrate the development of Spanish theatre in the twentieth century. Prerequisite: ESP3992 or equivalent or permission of the Department. ESP3992 or equivalent or permission of the Department.


ESP3916 Le conte et la nouvelle hispano-am�ricains au XXe si�cle (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude des principaux contes et nouvelles hispano-am�ricains du XXe si�cle. Pr�alable: ESP3992 ou l'�quivalent ou permission du D�partement. Twentieth-Century Spanish-American Short Story Study of representative short stories in twentieth-century Spanish-American literature. Prerequisite: ESP3992 or equivalent or permission of the Department. ESP3992 or equivalent or permission of the Department.


ESP3919 L'espagnol commercial (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Introduction � la correspondance commerciale espagnole. �tude de probl�mes grammaticaux et lexicaux. Exercices pratiques. Pr�alable: ESP2992 ou l'�quivalent ou permission du D�partement. Commercial Spanish Introduction to business correspondence in Spanish. Study of grammatical and lexical problems. Practical exercises. Prerequisite: ESP2992 or equivalent or permission of the Department. ESP2992 or equivalent or permission of the Department.


ESP3931 Introduction aux litt�ratures hispaniques I : instruments d'analyse litt�raire (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Pr�sentation des instruments et concepts de base pour l'analyse litt�raire (narrateur, point de vue, langage figur�, principes de versification, formes m�triques les plus communes, etc.). Illustration dans des textes hispaniques choisis. Pr�alable: ESP2992 ou permission du D�partement. Introduction to Hispanic Literature I: Tools for Literary Analysis Presentation of basic tools and concepts for literary analysis (narrator, point of view, figurative language, principles of versification, common metrical forms, etc.) together with their illustration in selected short Hispanic works. Prerequisite: ESP2992 or permission of the Department. ESP2992 or permission of the Department.


ESP3932 Introduction aux litt�ratures hispaniques II: �tude de textes litt�raires (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Pr�sentation et �tude d'oeuvres choisies �crites par des auteurs espagnols et hispano-am�ricains importants. Pr�alable: ESP2992 ou permission du D�partement. Introduction to Hispanic Literature II: Readings Presentation and commentary of selected accessible works by major Spanish and Spanish-American authors. Prerequisite: ESP2992 or permission of the Department. ESP2992 or permission of the Department.


ESP3933 Th�orie litt�raire et litt�rature hispanique (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Concepts fondamentaux de la th�orie et de la critique litt�raires. Application � l'analyse de textes hispaniques (po�sie, prose, drame). Pr�alable: ESP3931 (Ant�rieurement : ESP 3909)Literary Theory and Hispanic Literature Fundamental concepts of literary theory and criticism. Application to Hispanic texts (poetry, narrative, drama). Prerequisite: ESP3931 ESP3931 (Previously: ESP 3909)


ESP3940 Histoire de la langue espagnole (3,0,0) 3 cr.
L'�volution de la langue espagnole des origines � nos jours. Pr�alable: ESP3991 ou permission du D�partement. La connaissance du latin est utile mais non indispensable. (Ant�rieurement : ESP 4928)History of the Spanish Language The evolution of the Spanish language from its origin to the present day. Prerequisite: ESP3991 or permission of the Department. ESP3991 or permission of the Department. A knowledge of Latin is desirable though not obligatory. (Previously: ESP 4928)


ESP3942 Syntaxe de l'espagnol (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude des structures, cat�gories et fonctions grammaticales. Syntagme nominal et syntagme verbal. Syntagmes adjectivaux et verbaux. L'ordre des mots. Fonctions de sujet et d'objet. Compl�ments et adjoints. Subordinations nominale et adjectivale. Phrases infinitives. Pr�alable: ESP3991 ou permission du D�partement; pr�alable sugg�r� LIN1501.(Ant�rieurement : ESP 3911)Spanish Syntax Grammatical structures, categories and functions in Spanish. Noun and verb, adjectival and adverbial phrases. Word order. Subject and object functions. Object complements and adjuncts. Nominal and adjectival subordination. Infinitive constructions. Prerequisite: ESP3991 or permission of the Department; recommended prerequisite LIN1101.ESP3991 or permission of the Department; recommended prerequisite LIN1101.(Previously: ESP 3911)


ESP3944 La litt�rature espagnole avant 1800 (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude de textes choisis de prose, de po�sie et de th�tre depuis le moyen �ge jusqu'� la p�riode n�oclassique. Grands courants litt�raires. Examen critique d'oeuvres d'auteurs repr�sentatifs tels que Fray Luis de Leon, Quevedo, Gongora, Cervantes, Calderon, Cadalso et Moratin. Pr�alable: ESP3991 ou permission du D�partement. (Ant�rieurement : ESP 3004,ESP 3934,et ESP 3935). Spanish Literature Before the Nineteenth Century Study of narrative, poetic and dramatic texts from medieval times until the neoclassical period. Major literary trends. Critical examination of representative works of authors such as Fray Luis de Leon, Quevedo, Gongora, Cervantes, Calderon, Cadalso, and Moratin. Prerequisite: ESP3991 or permission of the Department. ESP3991 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ESP 3004,ESP 3934,and ESP 3935).


ESP3945 La litt�rature espagnole de 1800 � nos jours (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude de textes choisis de prose, de po�sie et de th�tre depuis le romantisme. Grands courants litt�raires. Examen critique d'oeuvres d'auteurs repr�sentatifs tels que Duque de Rivas, Galdos, Pardo Bazan, Unamuno, Garcia Lorca, Alberti et Munoz Molina. Pr�alable: ESP3991 ou permission du D�partement. (Ant�rieurement : ESP3935,ESP3936,ESP3004). Spanish Literature from 1800 to the Present Study of narrative, poetic and dramatic texts from the Romantic period to the present day. Major literary trends. Critical examination of representative works of authors such as Duque de Rivas, Galdos, Pardo Bazan, Unamuno, Garcia Lorca, Alberti and Munoz Molina. Prerequisite: ESP3991 or permission of the Department. ESP3991 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ESP3935,ESP3936,ESP3004).


ESP3946 La litt�rature hispano-am�ricaine avant 1880 (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude de textes choisis de prose, de po�sie, de th�tre et d'essais depuis le d�but de la p�riode coloniale jusqu'� 1880. Grands courants litt�raires. Examen critique d'oeuvres d'auteurs repr�sentatifs tels que Colon, Ercilla, Sor Juana, Fernandez de Lizardi, Hernandez et Palma. Pr�alable: ESP3991 ou permission du D�partement. (Ant�rieurement : ESP3937,ESP3938,ESP3003). Spanish- American Literature Before 1880 Study of narrative, poetic and dramatic texts and essays from the early Colonial period to 1880. Major literary trends. Critical examination of representative works of authors such as Colon, Ercilla, Sor Juana, Fernandez de Lizardi, Hernandez and Palma. Prerequisite: ESP3991 or permission of the Department. ESP3991 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ESP3937,ESP3938,ESP3003).


ESP3947 La litt�rature hispano-am�ricaine de 1880 � nos jours (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude de textes choisis de prose, de po�sie, de th�tre et d'essais depuis le modernismo jusqu'� nos jours. Grands courants litt�raires. Examen critique d'oeuvres d'auteurs repr�sentatifs tels que Rub�n Dario, Borges, Neruda, Gabriela Mistral, Garcia Marquez et Griselda Gambaro. Pr�alable: ESP3991 ou permission du D�partement. (Ant�rieurement : ESP3938,ESP3939,ESP3003). Spanish- American Literature from 1880 to the Present Study of narrative, poetic and dramatic texts and essays from Modernismo to the present. Major literary trends. Critical examination of representative works of authors such as Rub�n Dario, Borges, Neruda, Gabriela Mistral, Garcia Marquez and Griselda Gambaro. Prerequisite: ESP3991 or permission of the Department. ESP3991 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ESP3938,ESP3939,ESP3003).


ESP3991 Cours avanc� d'espagnol I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude de notions complexes de la grammaire. Pratique intensive de la langue �crite et parl�e. Exercices de composition et de conversation. Pr�sentations orales. Analyse de textes choisis. Pr�alable: ESP2992 ou permission du D�partement. (Ant�rieurement : ESP 3001). Advanced Spanish I Study of the complexities of Spanish grammar. Intensive written and spoken practice. Composition and conversation exercises. Oral presentations. Analysis of selected texts. Prerequisite: ESP2992 or permission of the Department. ESP2992 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ESP 3001).


ESP3992 Cours avanc� d'espagnol II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Probl�mes de grammaire. �tude des effets stylistiques. Composition et conversation avanc�es. Analyse de textes choisis. Pr�alable: ESP3991 ou permission du D�partement. (Ant�rieurement : ESP 3001)Advanced Spanish II Problems of grammar. Study of stylistic effects. Advanced composition and conversation. Analysis of selected texts. Prerequisite: ESP3991 or permission of the Department. ESP3991 or permission of the Department. (Previously: ESP 3001)


ESP4101 Translation from Spanish into English (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Introduction to written translation of a variety of texts (business, administrative, etc.) from Spanish into English. Workshop for students with a good passive knowledge of the source language. Prerequisite: ESP3992 or equivalent. Students are admissible directly into this course if they pass a placement test. Maximum 20 students. (Also offered as TRA4101.)


ESP4102 Translation from English into Spanish (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Written translation from English into Spanish of a variety of texts (administrative, commercial, etc.). Workshop for students with a very good active knowledge of the target language. Prerequisites: ESP3992 or equivalent. Maximum 20 students. (Also offered as TRA4102.)


ESP4501 Traduction de l'espagnol vers le fran�ais (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Initiation � la traduction �crite de l'espagnol au fran�ais. Travaux pratiques vari�s : traduction de textes commerciaux, administratifs, journalistiques, etc. Cours destin� aux �tudiants qui ont d�j� acquis une bonne connaissance passive de la langue de d�part. Pr�alables: ESP3992 ou equivalent. L'�tudiant poss�dant une connaissance suffisante de l'espagnol peut �tre admis directement � ce cours apr�s avoir subi avec succ�s un examen. Maximum de 20 �tudiants. (Aussi offert sous la cote TRA4501.)


ESP4502 Traduction du fran�ais vers l'espagnol (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Traduction �crite du fran�ais � l'espagnol. Travaux pratiques vari�s : traduction de textes techniques, administratifs, journalistiques, etc. Cours destin� aux �tudiants qui poss�dent une tr�s bonne connaissance active de l'espagnol. Pr�alables: ESP3992 ou equivalent. Maximum vingt �tudiants.(Aussi offert sous la cote TRA4502.)


ESP4903 S�minaire sur l'enseignement de l'espagnol comme langue �trang�re (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude des m�thodes utilis�es pr�sentement dans l'enseignement de la langue espagnole. Pr�alable: ESP3992 ou l'�quivalent. Seminar on the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language Examination of current techniques utilized in the teaching of the Spanish language. Prerequisite: ESP3992 or the equivalent. ESP3992 or the equivalent.


ESP4904 Litt�rature espagnole du moyen �ge (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Histoire de la litt�rature espagnole de ses origines jusqu'� La Celestina. �tude de certains textes litt�raires. Recherche individuelle � l'aide de bibliographies. Pr�alable: ESP3944 ou permission du D�partment. Medieval Spanish Literature Spanish literature from its beginnings to La Celestina. The course includes a certain number of texts for detailed study in class, reinforced by readings taken from a bibliography. Prerequisite: ESP3944 or permission of the Department. ESP3944 or permission of the Department.


ESP4906 Litt�rature hispano-am�ricaine avant le XIXe si�cle (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude des oeuvres des Cronistas et des principaux repr�sentants du mouvement baroque. Pr�alable: ESP3946 ou permission du D�partement. Spanish-American Literature This course includes the study of the works of the Cronistas and the main representative authors of the baroque movement in Spanish-America. Prerequisite: ESP3946 or permission of the Department. ESP3946 or permission of the Department.


ESP4908 Le th�tre contemporain en Am�rique latine (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude d'oeuvres repr�sentatives du th�tre contemporain en Am�rique latine. Pr�alable: ESP3946,ESP3947 ou permission du D�partement. Spanish-American Contemporary Theatre A study of representative dramatic works of contemporary Spanish-American playwrights. Prerequisite: ESP3946,ESP3947 or permission of the Department. ESP3946,ESP3947 or permission of the Department.


ESP4909 L'essai Litt�raire en am�rique latine (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude des grands courants de l'essai litt�raire en Am�rique latine. Probl�matique de la qu�te d'identit� depuis la lutte pour l'Ind�pendance jusqu'� nos jours. Textes de Bolivar, Sarmiento, Marti, Rodo, Vasconcelos, Paz, Rama et Garcia-Canclini, entre autres. Pr�alable: ESP3946,ESP3947 ou permission du D�partement. The Literary Essay in Latin America Study of main trends in the literary essay in Latin America. The problem of the search for identity from the struggle for Independence to the present day. Texts by Bolivar, Sarmiento, Marti, Rodo, Vasconcelos, Paz, Rama, Garcia-Canclini and others. Prerequisite: ESP3946,ESP3947 or permission of the Department. ESP3946,ESP3947 or permission of the Department.


ESP4911 Le th�tre espagnol du Si�cle d'Or (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude du d�veloppement du th�tre espagnol et de l'histoire du drame espagnol aux XVIe et XVIIe si�cles. Analyse critique des textes plus repr�sentatifs. Pr�alable: ESP3944 ou permission du D�partement. Spanish Golden Age Drama Study of the development of the Spanish theatre and the history of Spanish drama in the XVIth and XVIIth centuries, along with a critical analysis of representative texts. Prerequisite: ESP3944 or permission of the Department. ESP3944 or permission of the Department.


ESP4912 La po�sie espagnole du Si�cle d'Or (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude des principaux mouvements de la po�sie espagnole des XVIe et XVIIe si�cles. �tude et analyse de po�mes repr�sentatifs. Pr�alable: ESP3944 ou permission du D�partement. Spanish Golden Age Poetry Study of the main currents of Spanish poetry in the XVIth and XVIIth centuries. Study and analysis of representative poems. Prerequisite: ESP3944 or permission of the Department. ESP3944 or permission of the Department.


ESP4913 La prose espagnole du Si�cle d'Or (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude historique et critique du roman et des autres genres narratifs et didactiques des XVIe et XVIIe si�cles. Pr�alable: ESP3944 ou permission du D�partement. Spanish Golden Age Prose Historical and critical study of the novel and other narrative-didactic genres of the XVIth and XVIIth centuries. Prerequisite: ESP3944 or permission of the Department. ESP3944 or permission of the Department.


ESP4914 Le n�o-classicisme et le romantisme dans la litt�rature espagnole (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude d'auteurs illustrant l'�volution de l'expression litt�raire du XVIIIe si�cle : Isla, Villarroel, Cadalso, etc. Le drame et la po�sie romantiques : Rivas, Larra, Espronceda, B�cquer, etc. Pr�alable: ESP3944 ou permission du D�partement. The Neo-Classical and Roman Movements A study of writers who illustrate the evolution of literary expression in the eighteenth century: Isla, Villarroel, Cadalso, etc. Romantic drama and poetry: Rivas, Larra, Espronceda, B�cquer, etc. Prerequisite: ESP3944 or permission of the Department. ESP3944 or permission of the Department.


ESP4915 Le roman espagnol du XIXe si�cle (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude des principaux romanciers du XIXe si�cle en s'attachant particuli�rement aux oeuvres de Galdos, Pardo Bazan et Alas ("Clarin"). Pr�alable: ESP3944 ou permission du d�partement. Nineteenth-Century Spanish Novel A study of the major Spanish fiction writers of the XIXth century, with special reference to Galdos, Pardo Bazan, Alas ("Clarin"). Prerequisite: ESP3944 or permission of the Department. ESP3944 or permission of the Department.


ESP4916 La G�n�ration de 1898 (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude approfondie de cette �poque de la vie intellectuelle moderne en Espagne, surtout d'un point de vue litt�raire. Attention sp�ciale port�e aux int�r�ts politiques et philosophiques des membres de la g�n�ration. Pr�alable: ESP3944,ESP3945 ou permission du D�partement. The Generation of 1898 A detailed study of this fundamental period of modern intellectual life in Spain, principally from a literary point of view, but also with reference to the political and philosophical interests of the members of the generation. Prerequisite: ESP3944,ESP3945 or permission of the Department. ESP3944,ESP3945 or permission of the Department.


ESP4920 S�minaire sp�cial I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude critique d'un sujet � d�terminer soit en litt�rature espagnole ou hispano-am�ricaine, soit en linguistique espagnole. Special Seminar I A critical study of a topic in Spanish or Spanish- American literature or Spanish linguistics to be announced.


ESP4921 Litt�rature hispano- am�ricaine du XIXe si�cle I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Examen des tendances les plus significatives dans la litt�rature hispano-am�ricaine du n�o-classicisme au romantisme. Lecture des oeuvres les plus importantes de la p�riode. Pr�alable: ESP3946 ou permission du D�partement. Nineteenth-Century Spanish-American Literature I This course explores the most significant trends in Spanish-American literature since Neo- classicism through Romanticism with special reference to the major literary works of the period. Prerequisite: ESP3946 or permission of the Department. ESP3946 or permission of the Department.


ESP4923 Le mouvement Modernismo dans le litt�rature hispano-am�ricaine (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude d�taill�e des caract�ristiques de ce mouvement fondamental de l'Am�rique latine, d'apr�s la prose et la po�sie des principaux �crivains de l'�poque. Pr�alable: ESP3946,ESP3947 ou permission du D�partement. Spanish-American Modernismo A detailed study of the characteristics of this fundamental movement in Spanish- America, with reference to prose and verse by major writers of the period. Prerequisite: ESP3946,ESP3947 or permission of the Department. ESP3946,ESP3947 or permission of the Department.


ESP4924 La po�sie hispano-am�ricaine contemporaine (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Principales tendances en po�sie contemporaine : creacionismo, ultraismo, surr�alisme, po�sie sociale, et popularismo. Oeuvres de Borges, Nicolas Guill�n, Neruda, etc. Pr�alable: ESP3946,ESP3947 ou permission du D�partement. Contemporary Spanish-American Poetry Main trends in contemporary poetry: creacionismo, ultraismo, surrealism, social poetry, popularismo. Emphasis on the works of Borges, Nicolas Guill�n, Neruda, etc. Prerequisite: ESP3946,ESP3947 or permission of the Department. ESP3946,ESP3947 or permission of the Department.


ESP4925 Le roman hispano-am�ricain actuel (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude des oeuvres caract�ristiques des principaux �crivains de la seconde moiti� du XXe si�cle. Pr�alable: ESP3946,ESP3947 ou permission du D�partement. Present-day Spanish-American Novel A study of the characteristic works of the most noteworthy novelists of the second half of this century. Prerequisite: ESP3946,ESP3947 or permission of the Department. ESP3946,ESP3947 or permission of the Department.


ESP4927 S�minaire sp�cial II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude critique d'un sujet � d�terminer soit en litt�rature espagnole ou hispano-am�ricaine, soit en linguistique espagnole. Special Seminar II A critical study of a topic in Spanish or Spanish-American literature or Spanish linguistics to be announced.


ESP4929 S�minaire sp�cial III (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude critique d'un sujet � d�terminer soit en litt�rature espagnole ou hispano-am�ricaine, soit en linguistique espagnole. Special Seminar III A critical study of a topic in Spanish or Spanish-American literature or Spanish linguistics to be announced.


ESP4930 Litt�rature hispano-am�ricaine du dix-neuvi�me si�cle II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude approfondie des courants r�aliste et naturaliste dans les oeuvres des repr�sentants les plus importants de ces mouvements. Pr�alable: ESP3946,ESP3947 ou permission du D�partement. Nineteenth-Century Spanish-American Literature II Special emphasis on realist and naturalist currents in the works of outstanding representatives of the movements. Prerequisite: ESP3946,ESP3947 or permission of the Department. ESP3946,ESP3947 or permission of the Department.


ESP4931 La po�sie espagnole du XXe si�cle (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude des principaux mouvements po�tiques : Modernismo, l'Avant-garde, la G�n�ration de 1927, la po�sie sociale apr�s 1939. Pr�alable: ESP3944,ESP3945 ou permission du D�partement. Twentieth-Century Spanish Poetry Examination of the main currents in poetry: Modernismo, the Avant-Garde, the Generation of 1927, the Committed Poetry of the thirties, the Social Poetry of the post Civil War period. Prerequisite: ESP3944,ESP3945 or permission of the Department. ESP3944,ESP3945 or permission of the Department.


ESP4932 Grammaire diff�rentielle de l'espagnol et du fran�ais (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Comparaison de la structure de l'espagnol et du fran�ais aux niveaux phonologique, morphologique et syntaxique. Pr�alable: ESP3992 ou permission du D�partement. Contrastive Grammar: Spanish and French Comparison of the structure of Spanish and French at the phonological, morphological and syntactic levels. Prerequisite: ESP3992 or permission of the Department. ESP3992 or permission of the Department.


ESP4933 Grammaire diff�rentielle de l'espagnol et de l'anglais (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Comparaison de la structure de l'espagnol et de l'anglais aux niveaux phonologique, morphologique et syntaxique. Pr�alable: ESP3992 ou permission du D�partement. Contrastive Grammar: Spanish and English Comparison of the structure of Spanish and English at the phonological, morphological and syntactic levels. Prerequisite: ESP3992 or permission of the Department. ESP3992 or permission of the Department.


ESP4934 S�minaire sp�cial IV (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude critique d'un sujet � d�terminer soit en litt�rature espagnole ou hispano- am�ricaine, soit en linguistique espagnole. Special Seminar IV A critical study of a topic in Spanish or Spanish- American literature or Spanish linguistics to be announced.


ESP4935 S�minaire sp�cial V (3,0,0) 3 cr.
�tude critique d'un sujet � d�terminer soit en litt�rature espagnole ou hispano-am�ricaine, soit en linguistique espagnole. Special Seminar V A critical study of a topic in Spanish or Spanish-American literature or Spanish linguistics to be announced.


ESP4991 R�daction en espagnol (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Techniques de composition et exercices de style en espagnol �crit. Coh�rence et efficacit� du texte �crit. Analyse de diff�rents genres et registres. Exercices pratiques. Pr�alable: ESP3992 ou permission du D�partement. Writing in Spanish Techniques of composition and stylistic exercises in written Spanish. Coherence and effectiveness in the written text. Analysis of different genres and registers. Practical exercises. Prerequisite: ESP3992 or permission of the Department. ESP3992 or permission of the Department.


ESP4997 Recherches dirig�es I (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Recherche individuelle sous la direction d'un professeur du D�partement. Le sujet et la dur�e sont d�termin�s conjointement par l'�tudiant et son conseiller. Directed Research I Research on an individual basis under the guidance of a professor of the Department. Topic and duration to be determined jointly by the adviser and the student.


ESP4998 Recherches dirig�es II (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Recherche individuelle sous la direction d'un professeur du D�partement. Le sujet et la dur�e sont d�termin�s conjointement par l'�tudiant et son conseiller. Directed Research II Research on an individual basis under the guidance of a professor of the Department. Topic and duration to be determined jointly by the adviser and the student.


ESP4999 Recherches dirig�es III (3,0,0) 3 cr.
Recherche individuelle sous la direction d'un professeur du D�partement. Le sujet et la dur�e sont d�termin�s conjointement par l'�tudiant et son conseiller. Directed Research III Research on an individual basis under the guidance of a professor of the Department. Topic and duration to be determined jointly by the adviser and the student.




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