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Calendars > Faculty of Health Sciences > Leisure Studies Programs

Leisure Studies Programs

The leisure studies curriculum provides the foundation for intensive study of leisure. It examines leisure as a social and cultural phenomenon, investigates leisure behaviour, studies the management of leisure services, and is concerned with the ecological impacts of leisure and tourism. The program provides a theoretical and practical environment for learning which contributes to the intellectual, avocational and career development of its students. All compulsory courses of the Leisure Studies program are given in English and in French. Optional courses are offered alternately in both languages. The honours program in leisure studies is designed so that students may also complete a concentration in many of several related disciplines.The program offers an internship for honours students.

BSocSc with concentration in Leisure Studies
Honours BSocSc in Leisure Studies
Concentration in Canadian and Quebec Politics
Concentration in Criminology
Concentration in Economics
Concentration in Global Studies
Concentration in Governance and Public Policy
Concentration in International Relations and Global Politics
Concentration in Political Science
Concentration in Political Thought
Concentration in Psychology
Concentration in Sociology
Concentration in Women's Studies
Concentration in Canadian Studies
Concentration in Classical Studies
Concentration in Communication
Concentration in Computing Technology
Concentration in English
Concentration in Environmental Studies (bilingual)
Concentration in French
Concentration in Geography
Concentration in German
Concentration in History
Concentration in Italian
Concentration in Linguistics
Concentration in Mathematics
Concentration in Medieval Studies
Concentration in Music
Concentration in Philosophy
Concentration in Religious Studies
Concentration in Russian
Concentration in Second Language Teaching
Concentration in Spanish
Concentration in Theatre
Concentration in Visual Arts
Concentration in French as a Second Language



BSocSc with concentration in Leisure Studies


Students registering in the School of Human Kinetics must familiarize themselves with the specific requirements of the degree sought.

Degree requirements
The requirements to obtain the BSocSc with concentration in Leisure Studies:

Compulsory courses in LSR - 33 credits
Compulsory general studies courses - 6 credits in ENG
General studies courses - 51 credits
Passing grade for all courses: D

Cumulative grade point average 3.5

Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
ENG1100Workshop in Essay Writing3
LSR1100Introduction to Leisure Studies3
LSR1105Leisure in Canadian Society3
Three credits from: 
ENG1120Literature and Composition I: Prose Fiction3
ENG1121Literature and Composition II: Drama and Poetry3
Other compulsory courses:cr.
LSR2110Leisure : Concepts and Values3
LSR2121Recreation and Environmental Quality3
LSR2181Research Methods I3
LSR3112Principles of Leadership in Recreation3
Twelve credits in LSR at the 2000- or 3000-level12
Fifty-one credits of electives51


Honours BSocSc in Leisure Studies


Compulsory courses in LSR - 60 credits
Compulsory general studies courses - 6 credits in ENG
General studies courses - 54 credits
Passing grade for all courses: D
Cumulative grade point average 4.5

Diploma grade point average 5.0

Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
ENG1100Workshop in Essay Writing3
LSR1100Introduction to Leisure Studies3
LSR1105Leisure in Canadian Society3
Three credits from: 
ENG1120Literature and Composition I: Prose Fiction3
ENG1121Literature and Composition II: Drama and Poetry3
Other compulsory courses:cr.
LSR2110Leisure : Concepts and Values3
LSR2121Recreation and Environmental Quality3
LSR2134Administration of Leisure Services3
LSR2181Research Methods I3
LSR3112Principles of Leadership in Recreation3
LSR3118Recreation Program Development3
LSR3181Research Methods II3
LSR4081Recherche indépendante / Independent Research6
Eighteen credits in LSR18
Fifty-four credits of electives54


Concentration in Canadian and Quebec Politics


This concentration is not opened to students registered in political science programs.

Compulsory first-year course:cr.
POL1101Understanding Politics3
Other compulsory courses: 
POL2156Foundations of Research in Political Science3
POL2201Canadian Politics6
Eighteen credits in Canadian Politics (CAN) at the 3000- or 4000-level18
Advanced standing/exemption for POL1101/1501

Students who receive 18 university credits of advanced standing upon admission to a political science program are exempted from POL1101/1501 - Understanding Politics. The exemption enables students to register in second-year courses in political science. Students exempted from POL1101 must replace it with three credits in political science.


Concentration in Criminology


Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
CRM1300Introduction to Criminology3
CRM1301History of Criminological Thought3
Other compulsory courses: 
CRM2300Criminal Justice and Penal Norm3
CRM2301Criminological Theories I3
CRM2303Research Methodology in Criminology3
CRM2311Criminological Theories II3
Eighteen credits in CRM18


Concentration in Economics


Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
ECO1102Introduction to Macroeconomics3
ECO1104Introduction to Microeconomics3
MAT1300Mathematical Methods I3
MAT1302Mathematical Methods II3
Other compulsory courses: 
ECO2142Macroeconomic Theory I3
ECO2143Macroeconomic Theory II3
ECO2144Microeconomic Theory I3
ECO2145Microeconomic Theory II3
Fifteen credits in ECO15
NOTE: Prerequisite: Advanced Functions and Introductory Calculus 4U (or equivalent).


Concentration in Global Studies


Compulsory courses:cr.
Between nine and 15 credits from: 
CRM3323Globalization, Crime and Justice3
ECO2121Economics of Globalization3
HIS1111The Twentieth-Century World from 19453
POL1102Politics and Globalization3
SOC2151Globalization: Sociological Aspects3
Other compulsory courses: 
Between 15 and 21 credits from: 
ANT2125Social Anthropology3
CMN2168Globalization and Communication3
ECO2113Canada and the World Economy3
ECO2117Introduction to the Economics of Developing Countries3
ECO3119Comparative Economic Systems3
ECO3121Economics of the European Union3
ECO3136World Economic History3
GEG1302Society and Environment3
GEG2305The Geography of Global Economic Systems3
GEG3302Natural Resource Management3
GEG3311Political Geography3
GEG3320Geography of Tourism3
GEG3522Espace social3
GEG4303Urbanization and Environment in the Third World3
GEG4525Territoires de la francophonie3
GEO2307Environmental Geology3
LSR3322Cultural Tourism3
POL2203Introduction to International Relations and Global Politics6
POL3111Universal International Organizations3
POL3115Development and Political Change3
POL3144Politics in Africa3
POL3145Politics in Latin America3
POL4176International Political Economy3
POL4178Political Economy of Development3
POL4526Géopolitique et mondialisation3
SOC3105Environmental Sociology3
SOC3131Sociology of Development3
SOC3144Social Change3
SOC3148Comparative Social Structure3
SOC3306Social Structures and Relations between the Sexes: Comparative Analysis3
SOC4127Sociological Aspects of Migration3
SRS2195Religion and Politics in Global Society3
SRS3194Anthropological Theories in Inter-Cultural and Inter-Religious Issues3


Concentration in Governance and Public Policy


Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
ADM1101Social Context of Business3
PAP2300Principles of Public Administration3
PAP3350Public Policy Development3
POL1103Governance and Society3
Six credits from: 
ECO1102Introduction to Macroeconomics3
ECO1104Introduction to Microeconomics3
POL2201Canadian Politics6
Eighteen credits of electives from one of the following options:18
A. Governance and Administration: 
ADM1100Introduction to Business Management3
ADM2336Organizational Behaviour3
ADM2337Human Resource Management3
ADM3318International Business3
ADM3336Organization Design3
ADM4101Government -- Business Relations3
ECO2110Microeconomic Analysis of the Public Sector3
PAP3355Budgetary Policy and Public Finance3
PAP4360Seminar in Strategic Public Management3
POL3111Universal International Organizations3
POL3525Pouvoir municipal au Canada3
POL4531Politiques gouvernementales3
POL4553Le fédéralisme canadien3
POL4554Le parlementarisme au Canada3
SOC3147Sociology of Organizations3
B. Analysis of Public Policy: 
CRM2308Social and Criminal Policy3
ECO1102Introduction to Macroeconomics3
ECO1104Introduction to Microeconomics3
ECO2110Microeconomic Analysis of the Public Sector3
ECO2113Canada and the World Economy3
ECO2114Introduction to Labour and Population Economics3
ECO2115Introduction to Money and Banking3
ECO2118Introduction to the Economics of the Environment3
ECO2146Introduction to Canadian Economic History3
ECO3139Industrial Organization I3
ECO3148Introduction to Regional and Urban Economics3
POL4176International Political Economy3
POL4178Political Economy of Development3
POL4530Les politiques économiques au Canada3
POL4531Politiques gouvernementales3
POL4532Environnement, écologie et politique au Canada3
POL4533L'État canadien et les politiques sociales3
SOC3105Environmental Sociology3
SOC3113Sociology of Work3
SOC4135Ecomomic Sociology3
SOC4139Social Problems and Social Policy in Canada3
C. Governance and Civil Society: 
CRM2310Community Intervention in Criminology3
CRM4311Law and Social Control3
CRM4314State and Criminal Policies3
POL1102Politics and Globalization3
POL3126Women and Politics3
POL3528La vie politique au Québec3
POL3529Vie politique en Ontario3
POL4531Politiques gouvernementales3
POL4545Politique comparée : questions identitaires3
POL4551Les groupes d'intérêt et les mouvements sociaux au Canada3
SOC2151Globalization: Sociological Aspects3
SOC2308Sociology of Francophone Communities Outside Quebec3
SOC3137Minority Groups3
SOC3144Social Change3
SOC4127Sociological Aspects of Migration3
SOC4305Conflicts and Social Movements3
Elective Work Term: 
ADM4904Stage dans un service public / Work Term in Government3
Availability of this course is not guaranteed. Written permission of the professor is required. This course replaces a three-credit elective.


Concentration in International Relations and Global Politics


This concentration is not opened to students registered in political science programs.

Compulsory first-year course:cr.
POL1101Understanding Politics3
Other compulsory courses: 
POL2156Foundations of Research in Political Science3
POL2203Introduction to International Relations and Global Politics6
POL3155Analysis in Comparative Politics3
Fifteen credits in International Relations and Global Politics (INT) at the 3000 - or 4000-level15
Advanced standing/exemption for POL1101/1501

Students who receive 18 university credits of advanced standing upon admission to a political science program are exempted from POL1101/1501 - Understanding Politics. The exemption enables students to register in second-year courses in political science. Students exempted from POL1101 must replace it with three credits in political science.


Concentration in Political Science


This concentration is not opened to students registered in political science programs.

Compulsory first-year course:cr.
POL1101Understanding Politics3
Other compulsory courses: 
POL2156Foundations of Research in Political Science3
POL2201Canadian Politics6
POL2203Introduction to International Relations and Global Politics6
POL2207Introduction to Political and Social Thought6
Six credits in POL (at least three credits at the 3000- or 4000-level)6
Advanced standing/exemption for POL1101/1501

Students who receive 18 university credits of advanced standing upon admission to a political science program are exempted from POL1101/1501 - Understanding Politics. The exemption enables students to register in second-year courses in political science. Students exempted from POL1101 must replace it with three credits in political science.


Concentration in Political Thought


This concentration is not opened to students registered in political science programs.

Compulsory first-year course:cr.
POL1101Understanding Politics3
Other compulsory courses: 
POL2156Foundations of Research in Political Science3
POL2207Introduction to Political and Social Thought6
POL3202Modern Systems of Political Thought6
Twelve credits in Political Theory and Analysis of Ideologies (PPT) at the 3000-or 4000-level12
Advanced standing/exemption for POL1101/1501

Students who receive 18 university credits of advanced standing upon admission to a political science program are exempted from POL1101/1501 - Understanding Politics. The exemption enables students to register in second-year courses in political science. Students exempted from POL1101 must replace it with three credits in political science.


Concentration in Psychology


Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
PSY1101Introduction to Experimental Psychology3
PSY1102Introduction to Applied Psychology3
Other compulsory courses: 
PSY2102Learning and Conditioning3
PSY2105Child Development3
PSY2106Quantitative Methods in Psychology I3
PSY2110Social Psychology3
PSY2174Research Methods and Ethics3
Twelve credits in PSY12


Concentration in Sociology


Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
SOC1101Principles of Sociology3
SOC1102The Emergence of Sociology3
Other compulsory courses: 
SOC2300Analysis of Scientific Thought3
SOC3312Theoretical Currents in Contemporary Sociology3
Three credits from: 
SOC2301Qualitative Research Methodology3
SOC3141Quantitative Methodology and Data Collection3
Six credits from: 
SOC2304Marx and Marxist Analysis3
SOC2305Durkheim and Functionalist Analysis3
SOC3106Weber and Weberian Analysis3
Nine credits in SOC/ANT (at least six credits at the 3000-level or above)9


Concentration in Women's Studies


A. Theoretical and Methodological Foundations:cr.
Compulsory first-year course: 
FEM1100Introduction to Women's Studies3
Other compulsory courses: 
FEM2103Methodology in Women's Studies3
FEM3105Feminist Theories3
Three credits from: 
HIS2182Women in Canada3
HIS2183Women in Western Societies to the Eighteenth Century3
HIS2184Women in Western Societies from the Eighteenth Century to the Present3
HIS3181History of the Women's Movement3
HIS4182Seminar in Women's History3
B. Pluridisciplinary Feminist Knowledge: 
Nine credits from: (at least three credits at the 3000-level)9
FEM2104Women and Health3
FEM2105Women and Education3
FEM2106Women in Science and Engineering3
FEM2107Women, Racism and Power3
FEM3100Special Topic in Women's Studies3
FEM3104Feminism, Justice and the Law3
FEM3303Feminist Activism3
FEM3900Études dirigées / Directed Studies3
C. Disciplinary Feminist Knowledge 
Nine credits from: (at least three credits must be at the 3000- or 4000-level)9
BLOCK A: Social Sciences - six to nine credits from: 
CRM2307Women, Justice and Victimization3
CRM3307Women, Justice and Criminalization3
CRM4312Women and Justice3
ECO2111Economics of Women's Issues3
LSR3123Women and Leisure3
POL3126Women and Politics3
PSY3121Psychology of Women3
SOC2104Women, Men and Society3
SOC3306Social Structures and Relations between the Sexes: Comparative Analysis3
SOC4301Sociology of Gender Relations: Selected Topic3
BLOCK B - Other faculties - Students who completed six credits in Block A, must complete three credits from: 
APA4114Equity as a Professional Issue in Physical Activity and Health3
ART3117Art and Feminism3
CML3380Women and the Law3
CML3393Lesbian and Gay Legal Issues3
CMN3104Women and the Media3
DRC4752Femmes et droit3
ENG2235Women in Literature6
FRA2530La littérature et la femme3
FRA3530Écriture au féminin3
FRA4530La critique féministe3
GEG4716Femmes et espaces3
PHI2390Philosophical Issues in Women's Studies3
SRS2211Women and Religions6
SRS3163Women in Early Christianity3
SRS3164Women in Modern and Contemporary Christianity3


Concentration in Canadian Studies


Compulsory first-year course:cr.
HIS1101The Making of Canada3
Other compulsory courses: 
CDN1100Introduction to Canadian Studies3
CDN2100New Research Methods for the Study of Canada3
ECO2146Introduction to Canadian Economic History3
GEG2109Canada and its regions3
POL2201Canadian Politics6
SOC2309Canadian Society3
Students registered in the Canadian studies program are not required to do prerequisites for the above ECO, POL and SOC courses.
Six credits from: 
ENG2400Introduction to Canadian Literature6
FRA2545Littérature et culture de l'Ontario français3
FRA3754Le roman québécois de 1900 à 19703
FRA3784La littérature canadienne des origines à 18953
(FLS1000 is a prerequisite for FRA courses)
Three credits from: 
Faculty of Arts (the above courses in ENG or FRA may also count as optional courses) 
ART3334Canadian Art3
CMN3133Political Communication3
CMN3197Canadian and Quebec Cinema3
FRE3506Le roman québécois3
(This course is reserved for Anglophones.) 
LIN2502Le français du Canada3
LIN3503Lexicologie du franco-canadien3
MUS4323Survey of Music in Canada3
MUS4324Seminar on Music in Canada3
MUS4380Survey of Musical Traditions in Canada3
SRS1191Religion and Culture in Canada3
SRS2386History of Religion in Canada3
THE2143Theatre in English Canada3
THE2543Le théâtre au Canada français3
Three credits from: 
Faculty of Social Sciences (prerequisite or the written permission of the instructor are required for all the courses below) 
ANT3126Native Peoples of the Americas3
CRM2300Criminal Justice and Penal Norm3
ECO2112The Economy of Quebec3
ECO2113Canada and the World Economy3
ECO2114Introduction to Labour and Population Economics3
ECO2115Introduction to Money and Banking3
ECO4136Economics of the Environment3
LSR1105Leisure in Canadian Society3
LSR2135Recreation and Political Processes3
POL3528La vie politique au Québec3
POL3533Politique et médias au Canada3
POL3535Politique et francophonie en Ontario3
POL3546Politique étrangère canadienne3
POL4553Le fédéralisme canadien3
POL4554Le parlementarisme au Canada3
POL4565Développement des idéologies sociales et politiques au Québec3
POL4566Développement des idéologies sociales et politiques au Canada3
SOC2308Sociology of Francophone Communities Outside Quebec3
SOC3303Sociology of Quebec Society3
SOC3705Sociologie de la société franco-ontarienne3
SOC4539Problèmes sociaux et politique sociale au Canada3
NOTE: Twelve of the 36 credits in Canadian studies required by the program must be completed in the student's second language.

Students may not take more than 12 credits in the same department.


Concentration in Classical Studies


Six credits from:cr.
CLA2101The Beginnings of Greek Civilization3
CLA2102Athens, Persia, and Sparta3
CLA2103The Republic3
CLA2104The Early Empire3
Three credits from: 
CLA2105Introduction to Classical Archaeology3
CLA2110Archaeological Methods and Techniques3
CLA2151Bronze Age Art in the Mediterranean3
CLA2152Greeks, Italians, and the Arts of the Near East3
CLA2153Classical Art and the Hellenistic World3
CLA2154Art in the Roman Empire3
CLA3000Stage archéologique I / Archaeological Field Work I6
Twenty-seven credits in CLA or LCL27


Concentration in Communication


Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
CMN1101Introduction to Communication Research3
CMN1120Introduction to Communication3
Other compulsory courses: 
CMN2130Interpersonal Communication3
CMN2170New Media3
CMN3102Quantitative Methods3
CMN3103Qualitative Methods3
CMN3105Media Ethics3
CMN3109Theories of Communication3
Three credits from: 
CMN2148Organizational Communication3
CMN2160Theories of the Media3
Nine credits in CMN9


Concentration in Computing Technology


Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
CSI1100Introduction to Computer Science I4
CSI1101Introduction to Computer Science II4
Other compulsory courses: 
CSI2114Data Structures3
CSI2115Concepts in Programming Languages3
MAT1361Logic and Discrete Mathematics3
MAT2343Elements of Discrete Mathematics3
Two credits from: 
CSI2165Prolog Concepts Laboratory2
CSI2172C++ Concepts Laboratory2
CSI2174Functional Programming Concepts Laboratory2
Nine credits of electives: six credits in CSI, three credits in MAT or CSI9
(except CSI1301, CSI1303 and CSI1390)
NOTE: CSI and SEG courses at the 2000-level and above require a minimum grade of D+.


Concentration in English


Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
ENG1122Literature and Composition III: English Literature Before 17003
ENG1123Literature and Composition IV: English Literature Since 17003
Three credits from: 
ENG2320Practice of Criticism3
ENG2325Introduction to Critical Theory3
Nine credits from: 
ENG2400Introduction to Canadian Literature6
ENG2450Introduction to American Literature6
ENG3133Elizabethan Shakespeare3
ENG3134Jacobean Shakespeare3
ENG3310Chaucer I3
ENG3316Old English3
ENG3317Spenser and Milton3
ENG3318Romantic Literature3
ENG3319Rise of the Novel: 18th-Century and 19th-Century Fiction3
ENG3320Modern British Literature3
ENG3346Elizabethans and Metaphysicals3
ENG3350Literature of the Restoration and 18th Century3
ENG3362Victorian Literature3
Eighteen credits in ENG at the 2000-, 3000-, or 4000-level (at least six credits at the 3000- or 4000-level)**18
* ENG1122 and ENG1123 are prerequisites for 3000-level English courses, ENG2320 or ENG2325 is a pre- or co-requiste for 3000-level ENG courses.

** A maximum of six of these credits can be taken from: ENG2110, 2120, 2130, 2131, 2132, 2133, 2135, 2136, 2137, 2140, 2141, 2142, 2171.


Concentration in Environmental Studies (bilingual)


At least nine credits specific to the program must be taken in the second language.
Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
BIO1120Introduction to Organismal Biology4
ECO1104Introduction to Microeconomics3
GEG1301The Physical Environment3
GEG1302Society and Environment3
Other compulsory courses: 
ECO2118Introduction to the Economics of the Environment3
ENV2501La recherche environnementale : approches et méthodes3
GEG3302Natural Resource Management3
Fifteen credits from the following list: (maximum of six credits in GEG) 
BIO3115Conservation Biology3
BIO3117Ecosystem Ecology3
CMN3181Communication, Environment & Development3
GEG2320Introduction to Digital Cartography and GIS3
GEG2918Camp d'automne I / Field Camp I3
GEG3105Remote Sensing3
GEG3321Geographical Approaches to Environmental Issues3
PHI2398Environmental Ethics3
LSR2121Recreation and Environmental Quality3
POL1102Politics and Globalization3
SOC2105Introduction to Social Ecology3


Concentration in French


Second language test
Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
FRE1731Littérature et culture françaises I3
FRE1732Littérature et culture françaises II3
Other compulsory courses: 
FLS2521Cours avancé de français langue seconde (écrit)3
FLS2522Cours avancé de français langue seconde (oral)3
FLS2771Grammaire française I pour étudiants avancés en langue seconde3
FLS3761Perfectionnement de l'expression écrite en français langue seconde II3
FLS3771Grammaire française II pour étudiants avancés en langue seconde3
FRE2539Les mots français3
FRE2796Analyse textuelle3
Twelve credits from: 
FRE3504Le roman français3
FRE3506Le roman québécois3
FRE3723La poésie d'expression française3
FRE3725Le théâtre d'expression française3
FRE3740Le récit bref3
Three credits in FRA at the 2000- or 3000-level3


Concentration in Geography


Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
GEG1301The Physical Environment3
GEG1302Society and Environment3
Other compulsory courses: 
GEG2108Contested places3
GEG2109Canada and its regions3
GEG2305The Geography of Global Economic Systems3
GEG2918Camp d'automne I / Field Camp I3
Fifteen credits in GEG15


Concentration in German


Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
ALG1901Cours élémentaire d'allemand I / Elementary German I3
ALG1902Cours élémentaire d'allemand II / Elementary German II3
ALG1020Cours élémentaire intensif d'allemand / Intensive Elementary German6
Other compulsory courses: 
ALG2100Special Topics in German Culture3
ALG2134German Culture Through the Ages3
ALG2300Masterpieces of German Literature in Translation3
ALG2901Cours intermédiaire d'allemand I / Intermediate German I3
ALG2902Cours intermédiaire d'allemand II / Intermediate German II3
ALG2020Cours intermédiaire intensif d'allemand / Intensive Intermediate German6
ALG3901Cours avancé d'allemand I / Advanced German I3
ALG3902Cours avancé d'allemand II / Advanced German II3
Nine credits from: 
ALG3100Contemporary German Culture3
ALG3330Cinema in the German Speaking Countries3
ALG3900Thèmes choisis en littérature allemande / Special Topics in German Literature3
ALG3921Lectures dirigées en littérature allemande II / Directed Readings in German3
ALG3980Littérature allemande et bouleversements du 20e siècle / German Literature and the Turmoils of the 20th Century3


Concentration in History


Six credits from:cr.
HIS1101The Making of Canada3
HIS1110The Twentieth-Century World to 19453
HIS1111The Twentieth-Century World from 19453
HIS1120The History of Europe (16th-20th Century)3
Other compulsory courses: 
Twenty-one credits in HIS at 2000- or 3000-level:21
a) Three credits in three of the following categories:3
Canadian history (C) at 2000- or 3000-levelCourse title not available0
European history (E) at 2000- or 3000-levelCourse title not available0
United States history (A) at 2000- or 3000-levelCourse title not available0
Non-Western history (N) at 2000- or 3000-levelCourse title not available0
b) Six credits in HIS at the 3000-level6


Concentration in Italian


Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
ITA1911Cours élémentaire d'italien I / Elementary Italian I3
ITA1912Cours élémentaire d'italien II / Elementary Italian II3
Other compulsory courses: 
ITA2113Italian Culture3
ITA2114Italian Literature3
ITA2911Cours intermédiaire d'italien I / Intermediate Italian Language I3
ITA2912Cours intermédiaire d'italien II / Intermediate Italian Language II3
ITA3911Cours avancé d'italien / Advanced Italian Language3
ITA3912Cours avancé d'italien pratique / Advanced Practical Italian3
Twelve credits from: 
ITA1113Italian Cinema3
ITA1114Italian Heritage in North America3
ITA3901Thèmes choisis en littérature italienne / Special Topics in Italian Literature3
ITA3902Thèmes choisis de la culture italienne / Special Topics in Italian Literature3
ITA3903Études dirigées I / Directed Studies I3
ITA3904Études dirigées II / Directed Studies II3


Concentration in Linguistics


Compulsory first-year course:cr.
LIN1101Introduction to Linguistics3
Other compulsory courses: 
LIN2120Phonetics I3
LIN3115Semantics I3
Three credits in theoretical linguistics from: 
LIN3101English Phonology3
LIN3111English Syntax3
LIN3130Introduction to Historical Linguistics3
LIN3132History of English3
LIN3505Phonologie française3
LIN3520Syntaxe française3
LIN3530Introduction à la linguistique diachronique3
LIN3533Linguistique historique : le domaine français3
Three credits in sociolinguistics or psycholinguistics from: 
LIN3154Second Language Acquisition3
LIN3156Communication Disorders3
LIN4122Speech Science: Production3
LIN4123Speech Science: Acoustics3
LIN4142Urban Dialectology I3
LIN4143Urban Dialectology II3
LIN4151First Language Acquisition3
Fifteen credits in LIN15


Concentration in Mathematics


Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
MAT1320Calculus I3
MAT1322Calculus II3
MAT1341Introduction to Linear Algebra3
Other compulsory courses: 
MAT2122Calculus III3
MAT2341Linear Algebra3
MAT2141Honours Linear Algebra I3
MAT2343Elements of Discrete Mathematics3
MAT2143Group Theory and Applications3
Twelve credits in MAT at the 2000-level or above12
Six credits in MAT at the 3000-level or above6


Concentration in Medieval Studies


Compulsory courses:cr.
HIS2335Western Europe from the 5th to the 15th Century3
MDV2100Introduction to Medieval Civilization3
Thirty credits from: 
ARB2101Arabic Culture I3
CLT2130Early Celtic Literature3
ENG2130Tradition of King Arthur3
ENG2212Classical and Biblical Backgrounds in English Literature6
ENG2313European Contexts of English Literature3
ENG3103The Bible and the History of English Letters3
ENG3310Chaucer I3
ENG3311Chaucer II3
ENG3316Old English3
ENG3333Shakespeare's Contemporaries I: Tudor Drama3
ENG4115Middle English: Seminar I3
ENG4315Middle English: Seminar II3
ESP4904Littérature espagnole du moyen âge / Medieval Spanish Literature3
FRA3561Le moyen âge3
FRA3799Ancien français3
HIS3116Russian Social and Institutional History prior to Peter The Great3
HIS3335Medieval Society from the 10th to the 15th Century3
HIS4320Seminar in Medieval History3
ITA2113Italian Culture3
LCL1101Latin I3
LCL1102Latin II3
LCL2101Latin III3
LCL2102Latin IV3
LIN3132History of English3
LIN3136Romance Linguistics3
MDV3100Selected Topics3
MUS2331History of Music I: Middle Ages and Renaissance3
MUS3330Music Before 16003
PHI2382Medieval Philosophy3
SRS2380Religion in the Middle Ages3
THE2144Theatre History I: From Ritual to Profession3
THO2126Medieval Church History3
NOTE: Students may take certain undergraduate or graduate CLA and LCL course such as CLA7304 (Latin Palaeography) with the permission of the department concerned.


Concentration in Music


Compulsory first-year course:cr.
MUS1990Solfège et dictée musicale I / Sight-Singing and Dictation I3
Other compulsory courses: 
MUS2306Theory and Analysis I3
MUS2307Theory and Analysis II3
MUS2331History of Music I: Middle Ages and Renaissance3
MUS2332History of Music II: Baroque3
MUS2333History of Music III: Classical3
MUS2334History of Music IV: Romantic3
MUS3306Theory and Analysis III3
MUS3335Twentieth-Century Music3
MUS4323Survey of Music in Canada3
Nine credits in MUS9
* A written test at the beginning of courses MUS1990 and MUS2306 will determine placement in an additional weekly lab.

NOTE: Courses are selected through tutorial consultation. The department determines the order in which some courses must be taken and can impose any courses deemed necessary for the musical development of the student; these courses may be chosen in departments other than music.


Concentration in Philosophy


Compulsory first-year course:cr.
PHI1101Reasoning and Critical Thinking3
Three credits from: 
PHI1103Fundamental Philosophical Questions3
PHI1104Great Philosophers3
Nine credits from: 
PHI2380Greek philosophy or the Birth of Philosophy3
PHI2382Medieval Philosophy3
PHI2383Modern Philosophy3
PHI3377Contemporary Continental Philosophy3
PHI3378Analytic Philosophy3
Nine credits from: 
PHI2170Logic I3
PHI2183Political Philosophy3
PHI3170Theory of Knowledge3
PHI3174Metaphysics: The Structure of Reality3
Twelve credits in PHI at the 2000- or 3000-level12


Concentration in Religious Studies


Compulsory courses:cr.
SRS2112The Religions of the World I3
SRS2113The Religions of the World II3
SRS2191The Sociology of Religion3
SRS2194Anthropology of Religion3
SRS2351Psychology of Religion3
SRS2381History of Modern and Contemporary Christianity3
SRS2383Beginnings of Christianity3
Three credits from: 
SRS2115Religious Ways of the Aboriginal Peoples3
SRS2170Studies in the Old Testament3
SRS2211Women and Religions6
SRS2380Religion in the Middle Ages3
SRS2386History of Religion in Canada3
Six credits in SRS at the 3000-level6
Six credits in SRS6


Concentration in Russian


Compulsory first-year courses: 
RUS1901Cours élémentaire de russe I / Elementary Russian I3
RUS1902Cours élémentaire de russe II / Elementary Russian II3
Other compulsory courses: 
RUS2101Russian Literature and Culture3
RUS2901Cours intermédiaire de russe / Intermediate Russian3
RUS2902Grammaire russe et traduction I / Russian Grammar and Translation I3
RUS3901Cours avancé de russe I / Advanced Russian I3
RUS3902Grammaire russe et traduction II / Russian Grammar and Translation II3
Fifteen credits in RUS chosen in consultation with the department15


Concentration in Second Language Teaching


Compulsory first-year courses: 
DLS1100Introduction to Second Language Teaching I3
DLS1101Introduction to Second Language Teaching II3
LIN1101Introduction to Linguistics3
Other compulsory courses: 
DLS2101Listening and Reading3
DLS2102Speaking and Writing3
LIN2103Descriptive Grammar of Modern English3
LIN2152Second Language Testing3
LIN3154Second Language Acquisition3
Six credits from: 
DLS3100Classroom Observation and Related Research3
DLS3101Educational Technology and Second Language Teaching3
DLS3103English for Specific Purposes3
DLS3104Curriculum and Teaching Materials in Second Language Education3
DLS3105Language Education in a Multicultural Setting: from Theory to Practice3
DLS4100Topics in Second Language Teaching3
DLS4101Teaching Grammar3
Six credits from: 
a) for anglophones preparing to teach English In French schools (see note 1) 
ENG1122Literature and Composition III: English Literature Before 17003
ENG1123Literature and Composition IV: English Literature Since 17003
ENG2110Children's Literature3
ENG2120Mystery Novel3
ENG2131Fantasy, Myth and Language3
ENG2135Science Fiction3
ENG2171Craft of Writing3
ENG2313European Contexts of English Literature3
ENG2320Practice of Criticism3
ENG2400Introduction to Canadian Literature6
ENG2450Introduction to American Literature6
ENG3101History of the English Language3
b) for anglophones preparing to teach French as a second language (see note 2) 
FLS3761Perfectionnement de l'expression écrite en français langue seconde II3
FLS3771Grammaire française II pour étudiants avancés en langue seconde3
FRE2539Les mots français3
FRE2796Analyse textuelle3
FRE3504Le roman français3
FRE3506Le roman québécois3
FRE3723La poésie d'expression française3
FRE3725Le théâtre d'expression française3
FRE3740Le récit bref3
FRA2545Littérature et culture de l'Ontario français3
FRA2702Merveilleux, fantastique et science-fiction3
FRA2715La littérature pour la jeunesse3
* Courses marked by an asterisk must be taken in the language that students are preparing to teach.

** Students are encouraged to take this course in the language they are preparing to teach.

NOTE 1: By taking the DLS program courses, you will meet the requirements of the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa for the English option at the junior/intermediate and intermediate/senior divisions (BEd).

NOTE 2: By taking the DLS program courses, you will meet the requirements of the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa for the French as a second language option at the primary/junior, junior/intermediate and intermediate/senior divisions of the preservice program (BEd). NOTE: Students admitted to the concentration or honours in second language teaching will be given priority in registration for DLS courses. LIN1101/1501 and DLS1200/1600 must both be taken before, or concurrently with, any other LIN or DLS courses.


Concentration in Spanish


Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
ESP1991Cours élémentaire d'espagnol I / Elementary Spanish I3
ESP1992Cours élémentaire d'espagnol II / Elementary Spanish II3
Other compulsory courses: 
ESP2911Culture espagnole I / Spanish Culture I3
ESP2912Culture hispano-américaine I / Spanish-American Culture I3
ESP2991Cours intermédiaire d'espagnol I / Intermediate Spanish I3
ESP2992Cours intermédiaire d'espagnol II / Intermediate Spanish II3
ESP3931Introduction aux littératures hispaniques I : instruments d'analyse littéraire / Introduction to Hispanic Literature I: Tools for Literary3
ESP3932Introduction aux littératures hispaniques II: étude de textes littéraires / Introduction to Hispanic Literature II: Readings3
ESP3991Cours avancé d'espagnol I / Advanced Spanish I3
ESP3992Cours avancé d'espagnol II / Advanced Spanish II3
Six credits from: 
ESP3913Thèmes choisis en culture hispanique / Topics in Hispanic Culture3
ESP3940Histoire de la langue espagnole / History of the Spanish Language3
ESP3942Syntaxe de l'espagnol / Spanish Syntax3
ESP3944La littérature espagnole avant 1800 / Spanish Literature Before the Nineteenth Century3
ESP3945La littérature espagnole de 1800 à nos jours / Spanish Literature from 1800 to the Present3
ESP3946La littérature hispano-américaine avant 1880 / Spanish- American Literature Before 18803
ESP3947La littérature hispano-américaine de 1880 à nos jours / Spanish-American Literature from 1880 to the Present3


Concentration in Theatre


Compulsory first-year course:cr.
THE1201Introduction to Theatre6
Other compulsory courses: 
THE2100The Theatrical Event3
THE2111Acting I3
THE2143Theatre in English Canada3
THE2144Theatre History I: From Ritual to Profession3
THE2146Theatre History II: From Classicism to the Dawn of Romanticism3
THE2150Introduction to Technical Theatre I3
THE2152Introduction to Technical Theatre II3
THE3121Theatre Production3
THE3341Modern Theatre I: Theatre of Revolution, Riot and Revolt3
THE3342Modern Theatre II: Theatre of Relevance and Revelation3
Three credits in THE3


Concentration in Visual Arts


Compulsory first-year courses:cr.
ART1311The Painting Field3
ART1321The Autonomous Object3
ART1331The Photographic Image3
ART1341The Image in Motion3
Other compulsory courses: 
ART2160General Art History I3
ART2161General Art History II3
ART2170Modern Art I3
ART2171Modern Art II3
ART3180Contemporary Art I3
ART3181Contemporary Art II3
Six credits in Theory and History of Art6


Concentration in French as a Second Language


Compulsory courses: 
FLS2521Cours avancé de français langue seconde (écrit)3
FLS2522Cours avancé de français langue seconde (oral)3
FLS2731Compréhension de l'oral en français langue seconde3
FLS2741Compréhension de l'écrit en français langue seconde I3
FLS2751Perfectionnement de l'expression orale en français langue seconde I3
FLS2761Perfectionnement de l'expression écrite en français langue seconde I3
FLS2771Grammaire française I pour étudiants avancés en langue seconde3
FLS2772Prononciation française pour étudiants en langue seconde3
FLS3773Développement du vocabulaire en français langue seconde3
Nine credits from the following FLS sheltered or FRA courses:9
Specialized courses: 
FLS3741Compréhension de l'écrit en français langue seconde II3
FLS3751Perfectionnement de l'expression orale en français langue seconde II3
FLS3761Perfectionnement de l'expression écrite en français langue seconde II3
FLS3771Grammaire française II pour étudiants avancés en langue seconde3
FLS3774Compréhension du français familier d'ici3
FLS3775Dimension culturelle de la communication en français langue seconde3
Sheltered courses: 
Sheltered courses provide students with the possibility of earning subject matter and language credits at the same time. Students register in the appropriate section of the subject-matter course and the corresponding ESL course. 
FLS2581Cours encadré3
HIS1501La formation du Canada3
LIN1500Introduction à l'étude du langage3
POL1501Introduction à la vie politique3
POL1502Politique et mondialisation3
PSY1501Introduction à la psychologie expérimentale3
PSY1502Introduction à la psychologie appliquée3
SOC2503Sociologie de la famille3
Literature courses: 
Third-year students may choose six credits from (subject to availability): 
FRE1731Littérature et culture françaises I3
FRE1732Littérature et culture françaises II3
FRE3506Le roman québécois3
FRE3740Le récit bref3
NOTE: This program must be combined with a first concentration or honours program. Students who are required to take a first-year ENG course may not enrol in this program. These courses must be taken for credits. Auditors are not permitted.


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