Présentation (en anglais seulement)
Le Centre de recherche en droit, technologie et société de l’Université d’Ottawa présente :
John Willinsky’s new (open access) book considers how copyright may be a remediable problem in our pursuit of what we now agree is best for science, namely, open access. After all, copyright offers publishers no legal support for open access, while bringing the full weight of the law to bear on journal subscription payments. Does this impeding the move to open access in a timely manner at a fair price call for more than copyright workarounds, such as sharing final drafts? He invites consideration of two legislative remedies. The first is strengthening copyright’s research exceptions and limitations; the second is introducing statutory licensing for research publications. What are the international implications of such reforms, particularly amid current European copyright initiatives and asks, ultimately, whether it is time for those interested in the progress of science to take up copyright reform.
À propos du conférencièr (en anglais seulement)
John Willinsky is a Professor at Simon Fraser University, and Khosla Family Professor Emeritus at Stanford University. Having founded the Public Knowledge Project in 1998, he has seen its open source Open Journal Systems (OJS) grow into the world’s most widely used journal platform. His dozen books include The Access Principle: The Case for Open Access to Research and Scholarship (MIT Press 2006) and The Intellectual Properties of Learning: A Prehistory from Saint Jerome to John Locke (Chicago 2017).
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