Ceci c'est le premier séminaire de recherche de la série de conférences Marleau

À propos de l'orateur: (en Anglais seulement)

Johannes Wieland is Associate Professor of Economics and holder of the Distinguished Endowed Chair in Macroeconomics and Public Finance at the University of California, San Diego.

His primary research interests include macroeconomics, international economics, economic history, and public finance. Specific topics of interest include the monetary transmission mechanism, the Great Depression, Abenomics, the interaction of structural transformation and the business cycle, the efficacy of fiscal policy, and the macroeconomic effects of remote work.

Prof Wieland earned a BA at the University of Cambridge, UK, an MPhil at the University of Oxford, UK, and a PhD at the University of California, Berkeley. He is a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and Associate Editor at the Journal of Monetary Economics and the Review of Economic Dynamics. He has previously worked for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and consulted for the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

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Date et heure
13 oct. 2023
11 h 30 à 13 h
Formule et lieu
En personne
Pavillon des Sciences sociales (FSS)
FSS 4006
Étudiants cycles supérieurs, Membres du corps professoral et du personnel, Chercheurs
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