- Sign up for the CBD Community Touchpoint e-bulletin to stay up-to-date on CBD news from RCPSC.
- RCPSC: Competence by Design: About CBD; Rationale for change; Tools and resources; and much more
- RCPSC: Meantime Guide: Ideas for getting a head-start on CBD
- Check out our uOttawa CBME YouTube Playlist, and hear from some of our local CBME leaders.
Ressources additionnelles
Les ressources sont disponibles en anglais seulement.
About CBD
Teaching and Assessment Resources
- CanMEDS interactive: Tool to facilitate implementation of CanMEDS 2015 and CBD
- Developing the CanMEDS physician: eBooks series designed to help medical educators teach and evaluate medical trainees in each of the intrinsic CanMEDS roles
- Royal College CBD Myths and Misconceptions Infographic
PGME Tools
- Academic Support Process: Provides guidance and support for medical educators to create resident learning plans, as well as identify and support learners in difficulty.
- PGME - PD Professional Development & Resources (in Brightspace)
- PGME - PA Professional Development & Resources (in Brightspace)
- One45: Assessment and evaluation

Y a-t-il d'autres grandes ressources qui vous manquent?
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