La Faculté de médecine dans les médias : Mars 2018

Faculté de médecine
Un journal
Un résumé de la présence médiatique des membres de la Faculté, apprenants, employés et diplômé(e)s dans les nouvelles ce mois-ci.

Semaine du 22 – 31 mars

8 mythes sur l'obésité déboulonnés (Radio-Canada)
Dr Jean-Philippe Chaput, Professeur adjoint au Département de Pédiatrie, déboulonne 8 mythes sur l’obésité.

Semaine du 15 – 21 mars

Dr Jerome Leis, un Fransaskois au coeur de la lutte contre les maladies infectieuses (Radio-Canada)
Dr Jerome Leis, qui a terminé sa formation en médecine à l'Université d'Ottawa, a choisi de consacrer sa carrière à promouvoir un système de santé où les médecins et les patients luttent pour une meilleure utilisation des antibiotiques.

Semaine du 8 – 14 mars

Les problèmes de sommeil (Radio-Canada)
Dr Jean-Philippe Chaput, Professeur à l’école d’épidémiologie et de santé publique, discute des effets du changement d’heure.

Les malins – La bonne nouvelle en santé (Radio-Canada)
Dr Alireza Jalali, Directeur d’anatomie au Département d’innovation en éducation médicale, partage sa bonne nouvelle de la semaine, l’Outaouais est la deuxième plus grande région en ce qui a trait au don de corps pour la science.

Comment mieux accompagner les mères qui choisissent d'allaiter? (Radio-Canada)
Dre Catherine Pound, Professeure adjointe au Département de Pédiatrie, discute de l’allaitement maternel et comment mieux accompagner les mères qui font ce choix.

Dr Alireza Jalali, Directeur d’anatomie au Département d’innovation en éducation médicale, Faculté de médecine, discute du don de corps pour la science.

Semaine du 1 – 7 mars

Une importante réforme fiscale : l'heure est-elle venue? (L'aut' Journal)
Dr Michael Wolfson, Professeur à l’école d’épidémiologie et de santé publique et membre du Centre de droit, politique et éthique de la santé partage son opinion sur la réforme fiscale.

Commencer la vie du mauvais pied (Le Droit)
Dr. Jean-Philippe Chaput, Professeur à l’école d’épidémiologie et de santé publique, discute du conditionnement physique chez les jeunes.

Médias Anglais

Week of March 22 - 31

Heart Institute opening 'most significant expansion in 40 years'(Ottawa Citizen)
This article pertains to the opening of the University of Ottawa Heart Institute’s state-of-the art critical care facility.

Blood samples from Ontario newborns studied at CHEO to help babies worldwide (Ottawa Citizen)

Dr. Steve Hawken, Assistant Professor in the School of Epidemiology and Public Health, is one of the co-leads of a research program, funded with a $1-million grant from the Gates Foundation, will help identify the gestational age of newborns in low-resource countries.

Smoking in patients with heart attacks reduced with varenicline (Medical Health News)
Dr. Robert Reid, Professor in the School of Epidemiology and Public Health, co-authored a research that found that patients who continue to smoke after acute coronary syndrome are at increased risk of reinfection and death

Some e-cigarette users may struggle to quit smoking (Reuters US)
Dr. Robert Reid, Professor in the School of Epidemiology and Public Health, discusses treatments used for smoking cessation.

Children with autism vaccinated at lower rates than others: study (Global News)
Dr. Kumanan Wilson, Professor in the School of Epidemiology and Public Health, comments on the “invalidated conspiracy theories, rumours out there that there’s an association between vaccines and autism.”

Tiffany Haddish's Turpentine Drinking is 'Absolutely Crazy', Says Scientist (Inverse)
Dr. Sam Kacew, Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, comments on the use of turpentine as medicine.

Survey finds nurses not getting exercise they need for their health (CTV News Ottawa)
This article is about the University of Ottawa Heart Institute’s new program to encourage medical staff, including nurses,  to use the rehab track  it to keep in shape.

U.S. seeking to stop Canada's plans for food warning labels in NAFTA negotiations (Global News)
Dr. Ronald Labonté, Professor in the School of Epidemiology and Public Health, shares his concern over U.S. seeking to stop Canada’s plans for food warning labels

Simple Office Screen May Predict Parkinson's Dementia (MedPage Today)
Benjamin Dawson,  student at the Faculty of Medicine is the first author of a new study.

Week of March 15 - 21

Heart Institute to open 145,000-square-foot, state-of-art expansion (Ottawa Citizen)
Three years after breaking ground, the University of Ottawa Heart Institute is set to open a 145,000-square-foot facility that it calls the "latest and most sophisticated in Canada."

These Are the New Experiments Heading to International Space Station (MSN)
Dr. Guy Trudel, Professor in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, is interested in understanding what happens to astronauts in space and how they recover from the changes they experience.

Week of March 08 - 14

These Flexible Sensors Could Help Monitor a Stroke Patient In Recovery (Smithsonian Magazine)
Dr. Francois Tremblay, Faculty of Medicine, shares his opinion on the new  flexible sensor that can be stuck on the skin like a Band-Aid to monitor speech and movement on stroke patients.

Opioid outreach worker: 'There are tragic stories behind these women' (Ottawa Citizen)
Dr. Laura Gaudet, in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, discusses the realities of opioid-dependent pregnant women.

Researchers detail spike in complex pneumonia among Eastern Ontario children (Ottawa Citizen)
Dr. Tom Kovesi, Full Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, was lead researcher of a paper pertaining to complex cases of pneumonia in children in Eastern Ontario

Excuses won't help you shed those extra pounds! You lose weight in the kitchen and gain health at the gym (RavaPakistan)
Dr. Yoni Freedoff, Assistant Professor in the Department of Family Medicine, discusses the relation between what you eat and physical activity.

Contraception in midlife offers benefits beyond preventing pregnancy (Medical Health News)
Dr. Amanda Black, Professor in the Department of  Obstetrics and Gynecology, talks about contraception for women in their 40’s.

Week of March 01 - 07

Children Are Seeing More Ads for Junk Food - Here's What You Can Do To Help Your Kids (One Green Planet)
This article mentions that the University of Ottawa found that 90% of online food ads were for processed foods and those with high levels of fat, sugar, and salt. Dr. Monique Potvin Kent, Assistant Professor from the School of Epidemiology and Public health, comments.

9 Reasons You Feel Lightheaded--And When To Be Concerned (Runner's World US)
Dr. Venkatesh Thiruganasambandamoorthy, Assistant Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine, explains that 90% of people who have fainted are absolutely fine.

Un journal