Paula Forgeron est professeure titulaire à l'École des sciences infirmières de la Faculté des sciences de la santé de l'Université d'Ottawa. Avant de se joindre à la faculté, elle avait une carrière clinique diversifiée avec une expérience directe en soins pédiatriques et adultes en soins d'urgence, en soins intensifs néonatals, ainsi qu'un poste d'infirmière clinicienne spécialisée au sein d'une équipe pédiatrique de douleur complexe. Sa recherche financée se concentre sur le fonctionnement social des adolescents atteints de maladies chroniques ainsi que sur les meilleures pratiques pour préparer les professionnels de la santé à s'engager dans la pratique interprofessionnelle. En collaboration avec ses collègues, elle a mené des recherches dans le domaine de l'application des connaissances, en particulier pour améliorer les soins de la douleur chez les enfants et les jeunes dans les pays en développement et les pays occidentaux.
Paula Forgeron

Professeure titulaire
LEE 419H
Numéro de téléphone
613-562-5800 poste 8420
Intérêts de recherche
- Social Functioning of Adolescents with Chronic Pain
- Pediatric Pain Management
- Global Health
- Knowledge Translation
- Mixed Methods
Articles publiés dans des revues arbitrées
- Forgeron, P; Chambers, C; Dick, B; Cohen, J; Finley, G. A; Lamontagne, C. (2021). Dyadic analysis of adolescent friendships behaviours during pain: Comparison of those with chronic pain versus those without chronic pain. European Journal of Pain. (in press)
- Ahola-Kohut, S., Forgeron, P., McMurtry, M., Weiser, N., Lunliano, A., Stinson, J. (2021). Resilience Factors in Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Health Care Provider, Parent and Youth Perspectives. Journal of Child and Family Studies. (in press)
- Jordan, A., Carter, B., Forgeron. P., Fournier, K., Sanders, K. (2021). Romantic relationships in young people with long-term health conditions: A scoping review. Journal of Pediatric Psychology,. 46(3): 264-279.
- Taylor, T., Forgeron, P., Vandyk, A., Lightfoot, S., Finley, A. (2021). Pediatric Health Outcome Evaluation in Low-and Middle-Income Countries. A Scoping Review of NGO Practice, Global Pediatric Health, 5(8), doi: 10.1177/2333794X21991011.
- Eccleston, C. Fisher, E., Howard, R.F., Slater, R., Forgeron., P. Palermo, T. M., Birnie, K. A., Anderson, B. J., Chambers, C. T., Crombez, G., Ljungman, G., Jordan, I., Jordan, Z., Roberts, K., Schechter, N., Sieberg, C., Tibboel, D., Walker, S. M., Wilkinson, D., Wood, C. (2021). Delivering transformative action in paediatric pain: a Lancet Child & Adolescent Health Commission, 5(1), 47-87.
- Jordan, A., Carter, B., Forgeron. P., Fournier, K., Sanders, K. (2020). Romantic relationships in young people with long-term health conditions: A scoping review. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, Dec 11 (online ahead of print DOI: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsaa106north_eastlien externe
- Dagg, W., Forgeron, P., Macartney, G., Chartrand, J., (2020) Parents’ management of adolescent patients’ post-operative pain after discharge: A qualitative study. Canadian Journal of Pain, 4(3), 51-60. externe
- Dagg, W., Forgeron, P., Macartney, G., Chartrand, J., (2020) Adolescent patients’ management of post-operative pain after discharge: A qualitative study, Pain Management Nursing, 21(6), 565-571.
- Birnie, K. A., Dib, K., Ouellette, C., Dib, MA., Nelson, K., Pahtayken, D., Baerg, K, Chorney, J., Forgeron, P., Lamontagne, C., Noel, M., Poulin, P. Stinson, J. (2019). Partnering For Pain: A priority setting partnership to identify patient-oriented research priorities for pediatric chronic pain, Canada CMAJ Open, 7(4), E654-E664.
- Ismail, A., Forgeron, P., Polomeno, V., Gharaibeh, H., Dagg, W., & Harrison, D. (2019) Pain management interventions in the pediatric intensive care units: A scoping review. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 54, 96-105, 96-105.
- Forgeron, P. A., McKenzie, E., O’Reilly, J., Rudnicki, E., Caes, L. (2019). Support for my video is support for me: A YouTube scoping review of videos including adolescents with chronic pain. Clinical Journal of Pain 35(5) 443-450.
- Higginson, A., Forgeron, P. A., Harrison, D., Finley, G. A., Dick, B. (2019). Moving On: Transition Experiences of Young Adults with Chronic Pain. Canadian Journal of Pain, 3(1) 85-97.
- Higginson, A., Forgeron, P. A., Dick, B., Harrison, D. (2018). Moving on: A Survey of Canadian Nurses’ Self-Reported Transition Practices for Young People with Chronic Pain, Canadian Journal of Pain (in press).
- Hu, J., & Forgeron, P. A. (2018). Thinking, educating, acting: Developing advanced practice nursing. International Journal of Nursing Science (in press).
- Forgeron, P. A., Chambers, C. T., Cohen, J., Dick, B., Finely, G. A., Lamontagne, C. (2018). Dyadic differences in friendships of adolescents with chronic pain compared to pain free peers. Pain (in press).
- Poulin, P., Shergill, Y., Romanow, H., Busse, J. W., Chambers, C. T., Cooper, L., Forgeron, P. A., Harper, A. O., Hudspith, M., Iorio, A., Lalloo, C., Oueltte, C., Roberston, R., Smeenk, S., Stevens, J., Stinson, J. (2018). Research What Matters to Improve Chronic Pain Care in Canada: A Priority-Setting Partnership Process to Support Patient Oriented Research. Canadian Journal of Pain (in press).
- Ismail, A., Squires, J., Forgeron, P.A., Polomeno, V., Gharaibeh, H., & Harrison, D. (2018). The Influence of Context on Utilizing Research Evidence for Pain Management in Jordanian Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PICU), Journal of Pediatric Nursing (in press).
- Marshall, C., Forgeron, P., Harrison, D., Young, N. L. (2018). Exploration of nurses’ pediatric pain management experiences in rural hospitals: A qualitative descriptive study. Applied Nursing Research, 42, 89-97.
- Jordan, A., Family, H., Forgeron, P. (2017). Interpersonal relationships in adolescent chronic pain: A qualitative synthesis. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 5 (4), 303-318.
- Ismail, A., Forgeron, P.A., Polomeno, V., Gharaibeh, H., & Harrison, D. (2017). Pain management practice and guidelines in Jordanian pediatric intensive care units. Pain Management Nursing pii: S1524-9042(16)30181-3. doi: 10.1016/j.pmn.2017.07.004. [Epub ahead of print]
- Bernardes, S. F., Forgeron, P., Fournier, K., & Reszel, J. (2017). Beyond solicitousness: A comprehensive review of informal pain-related social support. Pain, 158(11), 2066-2076.
- Forgeron, P.A., King, S., Reszel, J., & Fournier, K. (2017). Psychosocial interventions to improve social functioning of children and adolescents with chronic physical conditions: A systematic review. Children’s Health Care (published online August 16, 2017)
- Forgeron, P. A., Higginson, A., & Truskoski, C. (2017). Departure from pediatric care: Transition of adolescent with chronic pain. Pain Management Nursing, 18(5), 273-277.
- Ahola Kohut, S., Stinson, J., Forgeron, P, Harris, L., Luca, S. & van Wyk, M. (2017). Been there done that: Been there, done that: The experiences of acting as a young adult mentor to adolescents living with chronic illness. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 42(9), 962-969.
- Ahola Kohut, S., Stinson, J., Forgeron, P, Harris, L., Luca, S. & van Wyk, M. (2016). A qualitative content analysis of peer mentoring video calls in youth with chronic disease. Journal of Health Psychology, September 28 (Epub head of print).
- Stinson, J., Ahola Kohut, S., Forgeron, P., Amaria, K., Bell, M., Kaufman, M., Luca, N., Luca, S., Harris, L., Victor, C., & Spiegel, L. (2016). The iPeer2Peer Program: A pilot randomized controlled trial in adolescents with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. Pediatric Rheumatology, 14(1), 48-58.
- Twycross, A., Forgeron, P.A., Chorney, J., Finely, G. A., Backman, C. (2016). Pain as the neglected patient safety concern: Five years on. Journal of Child Health Care, April 18 (Epub head of print).
- Ahola Kohut, S., Stinson, J.N., Ruskin, D., Forgeron, P., Harris, L., van Wyk, M., Lucal, S., Campbell, F. (2016). iPeer2Peer Program: A Pilot Feasibility Study in Adolescents with Chronic Pain. Pain, 157(5), 1146-1155.
- Forgeron, P. A., Chorney, J. M., Carlson, T. E., Dick, B. D., Plante, E. (2015). To Befriend or Not: Naturally developing friendships amongst a clinical group of adolescents with chronic pain. Pain Management Nursing, 16(5), 721-732.
- Twycross, A., Forgeron, P. A., & Markio-Williams, A. (2015). Paediatric nurses’ postoperative pain management practices in hospital settings: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(4), 836-863.
- Forgeron, P. A. & Stinson, J. (2014). Fundamentals of chronic pain in children and young people: Part 2. Nursing Children and Young People, 26(9), 31-36.
- Forgeron, P. A. & Stinson, J. (2014) Fundamentals of chronic pain in children and young people: Part 1 Nursing Children and Young People, 26(8), 29-34.
- Fales, J. L., & Forgeron, P. A. (2014). The importance of friendships in youth with chronic pain: Developing a research agenda. Pediatric Pain Letter, 16(3), 35-39.
- Birnie, K., Chambers, C. T., Fernandez, C. V., Forgeron, P. A., Latimer, M. A., McGrath, P.J., Cummings, E. A., & Finley, G. A. (2014) "Hospitalized Children Continue to Report Undertreated and Preventable Pain, Pain Research and Management." Pain Research and Management, 19(4), 198-204.
- Forgeron, P. A., Evans, J., McGrath, P.J., Stevens, B. & Finley, G. A. (2013). Living with Difference: Exploring the Social Self and Friendships of Adolescents with Chronic Pain. Pain Research & Management, 18(6), e115-e123.
- Jongudomkarn, J., Forgeron, P. A., Siripul, P., Finley, G. A. (2012) My Child You Must Have Patience and “Kreng Jai” : Thai Parents and Child Pain. Journal of Nursing Scholarship.
- Forgeron, P. A., McGrath, P. J., Stevens, B., Evans, J., Dick, B., Finley, G. A., Carlson, T. (2011). Social Information Processing in Adolescents with Chronic Pain: My Friends Don’t Really Understand Me. Pain 152(12), 2771-2780.
- Schechter N. L., Finley G. A., Bright N. S., Laycock M., Forgeron P. A. ChildKind: A global initiative to reduce pain in children. Pediatric Pain Letter 2010 (Dec) 12(3).
- Forgeron, P. A., King, S., Stinson, J., McGrath, P. J., MacDonald, A. J., Chambers, C. T. (2010). Social functioning and peer relationships in children and adolescents with chronic pain: A systematic review. Pain Research and Management 15 (1): 27- 41.
- Finley, G. A., Kristjánsdóttir, Ó., Forgeron. P. A. (2009) Cultural influences on the assessment of children’s pain. Pain Research Management 14 (1): 33-37.
- Forgeron, P. A., Jonqudomkarn, D., Evans, J., Finley, A., Thienthang, S., Siripul, P., Pairojkul, S., Sriraj, W., Boonyawatanangkool, K. (2009) Pediatric pain management: Thai health professionals’ perspectives. Qualitative Health Research 19 (1): 71-81.
- Forgeron, P. A., & McGrath, P. J. (2008). Self-identified needs of adolescents with chronic pain. Journal of Pain Management 1(2): 163-172.
- Price, S., Forgeron, P. A., MacConnell, G. G.U.I.D.E: (2008) Graduates United in Dialogue for Excellence. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship 39 (7): 314-318.
- Finley, GA, Forgeron, P. A., & Arnaout, M. (2008) Action research: Developing a pediatric cancer pain program in Jordan. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 35 (4): 447-454.
- Forgeron, P. A., Finley, G. A. & Arnaout, M. (2006) Pediatric pain prevalence and parents’ attitudes at a cancer hospital in Jordan. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 31 (5): 438-446.
- Forgeron, P. A., & Martin-Misner, R. (2005). Parental Intent to Use Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Services in the Emergency Setting. Journal of Advanced Nursing 52 (3): 231-238.
- Curran-Smith, J. Abidi, & Forgeron, P. A. (2005). Towards a Collaborative Training Environment for Children’s Pain Management: Leveraging an Online Discussion Forum. Health Informatics Journal 11 (1): 19-31.
- Price, S., MacConnell, G., & Forgeron, P. A. (2003). A forum for graduate nursing students. Canadian Nurse 99 (8): 14-15.
- Taylor, B., MacIntyre, J., Forgeron, P. A. (1999). Trauma recurrence in the pediatric emergency population. The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care 46: 479-482.
Chapitres de livres arbitrés
- Caes, L., Forgeron, P. A., Goubert, L. (2021). Pain: A Biopsychosocial Phenomenon. Twycross, A., Stinson, J., Friedrichsdorf S., Chambers, C.Managing Pain Children: A Clinical Guide 3rd ed.
In Press, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, United Kingdom - Forgeron, P. A., & King, S. (2014). Pain, Social Relationships, and School. In: P.J. McGrath, B. Stevens, S. Walker, & W. Zempsky (Eds.), Oxford Textbook of Paediatric Pain, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
- McGrath, P.J., Forgeron, P. A., & Huget, A. (2014). Pain in Infants, Children, and Adolescents. In: M. J. Aminoff & R. D. Daroff (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Neurological Sciences 2nd ed. Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
- Forgeron P. A. & McGrath P.J. (2007). Distance Management of Pediatric Pain. In: G. A. Walco & K. R. Goldschneider (Eds.),Pediatric Pain Management in Primary Care: A Practical Guide. Totowa, New Jersey: Humana Press.
- Finley G. A., Forgeron P. A. (2006). Developing pain services around the world. In: Finley GA, McGrath PJ, Chambers CT (Eds.): Bringing Pain Relief to Children. Humana Press: Totowa, New Jersey.