Facebook Hard Questions on Canadian Content and Culture in a Digital Age
A fire chat between Peter Menzies and Michael Geist
29 janv. 2020 — 10 h à 12 h
As more and more of our lives extend online, and digital technologies transform how we live, we all face challenging new questions — everything from how best to safeguard personal privacy online to the meaning of free expression to the future of journalism worldwide.

Présentation (en anglais seulement)
Le Centre de recherche en droit, technologie et société est enchanté de présenter le Conférence Annuelle eQuality:
As more and more of our lives extend online, and digital technologies transform how we live, we all face challenging new questions — everything from how best to safeguard personal privacy online to the meaning of free expression to the future of journalism worldwide. We debate these questions fiercely and freely inside Facebook every day, and with experts from around the world whom we consult for guidance. Hard Questions is an effort by Facebook to open dialogue on these difficult questions. The Facebook Canada Hard Questions Roundtable Series takes these difficult conversations offline to consult with Canadian experts and stakeholders who face these issues on the ground.
The Hard Questions Roundtable on Canadian Content and Culture in a Digital Age will be a two-part event:
The event will kick off with a video-recorded, publicly available fireside chat. Peter Menzies, former Vice-Chair of the CRTC and current Senior Fellow at the MacDonald-Laurier Institute, will be launching a white paper and participating in a fireside chat with Michael Geist. The fireside chat will be a publicly available video on the Facebook Canada Hard Questions Roundtables landing page.
Students from uOttawa can attend this part of the event. Please RSVP to [email protected] before Friday, January 24th, 2020.
The roundtable will be a moderated discussion, closed to the participants invited to participate. The roundtable discussion will be a private event, held under Chatham House Rules.
This part is by invitation only.