Eric MacIntosh
Eric MacIntosh
Professeur titulaire

Ph.D., Kinésiologie, Université de Western Ontario

MNT 373
Numéro de téléphone 
613-562-5800 poste 4242


Les activités d’enseignement et de recherche du professeur Eric MacIntosh portent sur les différents comportements organisationnels et sur la gestion du sport international, notamment la culture organisationnelle, le leadership, la socialisation, le développement, l'image corporative et la marque.  Ses recherches portent sur le fonctionnement de l'organisation et sur la façon dont le leadership peut former et façonner la culture organisationnelle qui peut se transmettre positivement à l'interne et à l'externe sur le marché. Il est membre de la North American Society for Sport Management Research Fellow

Le professeur MacIntosh travaille en collaboration avec un grand nombre d’organisations sportives  nationales et internationales (p. ex. la Fédération des Jeux du Commonwealth, GoodLife Fitness, Right to Play, la NHL, le CIO) et a fait des recherches à ce sujet. Il est un érudit bien publié et un conférencier passionné dans le domaine de la gestion du sport.  M. MacIntosh est corédacteur de International Sport Management et coauteur de Organizational Behavior in Sport.

Intérêts de recherche

  • Gestion du sport

Recherches en cours

L'idée de bâtir une culture organisationnelle forte, authentique et axée sur les résultats continue de guider mes recherches. Je travaille en ce moment avec de nombreux titulaires de droits sur les événements sportifs pour examiner l’expérience des athlètes dans l’environnement des Jeux, l’influence de l’environnement sur la performance des athlètes et la création de Jeux centrés sur les athlètes. Mes recherches actuelles portent également sur l'examen de la culture de la sécurité dans le sport de haut niveau au Canada. Elles sont financées par le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada.


  • Kinoshita, K., MacIntosh, E., & Parent, M. (2021). Social outcomes from participating in the Youth Olympic Games: The role of the service environment.  European Sport Management Quarterly. 1-19, DOI 10.1080/16184742.2021.1889636
  • Kinoshita, K., MacIntosh, E., & Sato, S. (2021). Thriving in youth sport: The antecedents and consequences. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1-22. DOI 10.1080/1612197X.2021.1877327
  • MacIntosh, E., Kinoshita, K., & Sotiriadou, P. (2020). Effects of the 2018 Commonwealth Games service environment on athlete satisfaction and performance: A transformative service research approach. Journal of Sport Management, 34(4), 316-328. DOI 10.1123/jsm.2019-0186 externe
  • MacIntosh, E., & Sotiriadou, P. (2020). The role of the Commonwealth Youth Games in pre-elite athlete development. Journal of Sport Management. 34(3), 260-269. DOI: externe
  • MacIntosh, E., Kinoshita, K., Naraine, M., & Sato, S. (2019).  Examining the youth multi-sport event environment: Implications towards athlete development and transitioning. Journal of Athlete Development and Experience, 1(2): Article 1. externe
  • Abeza, G., Finch, D., O’Reilly, N., MacIntosh, E. & Nadeau, J. (2019). An integrative model of sport relationship marketing: Transforming insights into action. Journal of Sport Management. 33, 343-360. DOI: externe
  • MacIntosh, E., Parent, M., & Culver, D. (2019). Understanding young athletes’ learning at the Youth Olympic Games: A sport development perspective. Journal of Global Sport Management: DOI: 10.1080/24704067.2018.1561206
  • MacIntosh, E., & Burton, L. (2019 ). Organizational Behavior in Sport Management, Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
  • MacIntosh, E. (2018). Creating an anti-hazing value system: Changing the culture of sport and entertainment. Sport and Entertainment Review 4(1), 14-19.
  • Kristiansen, E., MacIntosh, E.W., Parent, M.M., & Houlihan, B. (2018): The Youth Olympic Games: a facilitator or barrier of the high performance sport development pathway? European Sport Management Quarterly, 18(1), 73-92. DOI: 10.1080/16184742.2017.1383499
  • MacIntosh, E., Arellano, A., & Forneris, T. (2016). Exploring the community and external-agency partnership in sport-for-development programming. European Sport Management Quarterly, 16(1), 38-57.
  • MacIntosh, E., Arellano, A., & Forneris, T. (2016). Exploring the community and external-agency partnership in sport-for-development programming. European Sport Management Quarterly, 16(1), 38-57.
  • MacIntosh, E. (2015). Youth athlete major event experiences: Brand co-creators and ambassadors. Sport in Society externe.
  • MacIntosh, E., & Law, B. (2015). Should I stay or should I go? Exploring the decision to join, maintain, or cancel a fitness membership. Managing Leisure, 20(3), 191-210.
  • MacIntosh, E., Capstick, L, & Spence, K. (2015). Management challenges in delivering an international sport and development program. Sport, Business, Management, an International Journal, 5(3), 276-296. .
  • MacIntosh, E., & Weckend-Dill, S. (2015). The Athletes Perspective. In Chappelat, J, & Parent, M.M. Handbook of Sport Events, Routledge, p125-138.
  • Parent, M., Kristiansen, E., & MacIntosh, E. (2014). Athletes' Experiences at the Youth Olympic Games: Perceptions, Stressors and Discourse Paradox. Event Management. 18, 303-324
  • Parent, M., & MacIntosh, E. (2013). Organizational culture evolution in temporary organizations: The case of the 2010 Olympic Winter Games. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 30(4), 223-237.
  • MacIntosh, E., & Spence, K. (2012). An exploration of stakeholder values: In search of common ground within an international sport and development initiative. Sport Management Review, 15, 404-415
  • MacIntosh, E., & Walker, M. (2012). Chronicling the transient nature of fitness employees: An organizational culture perspective. Journal of Sport Management, 26(2), 113-126.
  •  MacIntosh, E., & Nichol, L. (2012). The athlete’s sport event experience of the XIX Commonwealth Games in Delhi, India. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 3(1), 12-29.
  • MacIntosh, E., Li, M., & Bravo, G. (2011). Inter-cultural Management in Sport Organizations, pp. 53-69. In Li, M., MacIntosh, E., & Bravo (Eds.), International Sport Management.
  • Li, M., MacIntosh, E., & Bravo, G. (2011).  International sport management.  Champaign, IL:  Human Kinetics.
  • MacIntosh, E., Doherty, A., & Walker, M. (2010).  Cross-sectoral variation in organizational culture in the fitness industry. European Sport Management Quarterly, 10(4), 445-464.
  • MacIntosh, E., & Doherty, A. (2010).  The effect of organizational culture on job satisfaction and intention to leave: An examination of the fitness industry. Sport Management Review, 13(2), 106-117.
  • Crow, R.B., & MacIntosh, E. (2009).  Conceptualizing a meaningful definition of hazing in sport. European Sport Management Quarterly9(4), 433-451.
  • MacIntosh, E., & Doherty, A. (2007). Extending the scope of organizational culture. The external perception of an internal phenomenon. Sport Management Review, 10(1), 45-65.
  •  MacIntosh, E., & Doherty, A. (2007). Reframing the service environment in the fitness industry. Managing Leisure, 12(4), 273-289.
  •  MacIntosh, E. & Doherty, A. (2005). Leader intentions and employee perceptions of organizational culture in a private fitness corporation. European Sport Management Quarterly, 5(1), 1-22.

Sélection de conférences

  • MacIntosh, E., & Sotiradou, P. (2016).  The role of the Youth Games on pre-elite athletes’ performances and transition to the Commonwealth Games. Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand, November, 23-25, 2016.
  • MacIntosh, E. (2014). Building a sport club brand following a franchise failure. North American Society of Sport Management Conference, Pittsburgh, May 29.
  • MacIntosh, E. (2013). Should I stay or should I go? Solving the retention problem in public fitness. European Association of Sport Management, Istanbul, Turkey, September 13.
  • Seguin, B., & MacIntosh, E. (2013). Co-creation and destruction of value. European Association of Sport Management, Istanbul, Turkey, September 14.
  • MacIntosh, E., Arellano, A., & Forneris, T. (2012). Shoot to Score: Hockey for Development?  Presented at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, St. John’s, NFLD, June 10.
  • MacIntosh, E., Arellano, A., & Forneris, T. (2012).  Towards sustainable sport and development programs in two-thirds world communities. Presented at the North American Society for Sport Management, Seattle, May 25.
  • MacIntosh, E. (2011). The athlete’s experience of the XIX Commonwealth Games in Delhi, India. Presented at the European Association for Sport Management, Madrid, Spain, September 7-10, 2011.
  • Parent, M., & MacIntosh, E. (2011). The organizational culture of the 2010 Olympic Winter Games: Effectiveness, efficiency and stakeholder influences. Presented at the North American Society for Sport Management, London, Ontario, May 30-June 4.
  • MacIntosh, E. (2010). The Commonwealth Games Association of Canada and sport for development: Examining stakeholders shared understandings of programs.  Presented at the International Sport for Development and Peace Association Power of Sport Summit, Boston, June 10-12.