Martin Camiré est professeur à l’École des sciences de l’activité physique à l’Université d’Ottawa. Dans le cadre de ses recherches, le professeur Camiré s’intéresse à la façon dont le contexte du sport peut nourrir divers aspects du développement, plus particulièrement chez les jeunes. De plus, il s’appuie sur des approches postfondamentales pour voir les éléments du processus d’enquête sous un angle différent. Ses domaines d’enseignement sont notamment l’éthique, la promotion de la santé et les méthodes (post)qualitatives.
Martin Camiré

Professeur titulaire
2012 : Ph.D., Sciences de l’activité physique, Université d'Ottawa
2008 : M.A., Sciences de l’activité physique, Université d'Ottawa
2006 : B.A., Psychologie, Université d'Ottawa
MNT 345
Intérêts de recherche
- Favoriser des expériences développementales de qualité pour les gens qui pratiquent un sport.
- Promotion de milieux sportifs favorisant la santé mentale et la justice sociale.
- Utilisation d’approches d’enquête postfondamentales (postqualitatives et posthumanistes)
Financement du CRSH
Financement comme chercheur principal
- Camiré, M. (PI), Strachan, L., Bean, C., & Newman, T. J. (2021-2023). Reimagining High School Sport Coaching through a Social Justice Lens. SSHRC Partnership Development Grant ($86,732).
- Camiré, M. (PI), Cairney, J., & Bruner, M. (2019-2024). High school sport participation and its association to psychosocial development and mental health. SSHRC Insight Grant ($95,142).
- Camiré, M. (PI), Bean, C., Pierce, S., & Amorose, A. (2019-2020). Designing and validating the coaching life skills in sport questionnaire. SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant ($24,989).
- Camiré, M. (PI) & Bean, C. (2017-2018). Examining the associations between implicit and explicit life skills development processes and program quality in youth golf. SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant ($24,592).
- Camiré, M. (PI) & Trudel P. (2016-2018). The testing, dissemination, and evaluation of the teaching life skills through sport training program for high school coaches. SSHRC Insight Grant ($131,060).
- Camiré, M. (PI), & Forneris, T. (2014-2015). Teacher-coaches' influence on the global development of student-athletes: An examination of perceived dual role benefits and challenges. SSHRC Insight Development Grant ($43,641).
Financement comme co-chercheur
- Turgeon, S. (PI), Camiré, M., & Rathwell, S. (2022). Translation and validation of the French version of the coaching life skills in sport questionnaire. SSHRC Insight Development Grant. ($29,487).
- Bean, C. (PI) & Camiré, M. (2021). Walking the talk: Mobilizing knowledge to enhance evaluation capacity in the Canadian sport sector. SSHRC Connection Grant. ($24,992).
- Trottier, C. (PI), Camiré, M., Drapeau, V., Goulet, C., & Lemyre, P. N. (2016-2018). Conception, implantation et évaluation d'un programme d'enseignement des habiletés de vie en contexte de sport scolaire. SSHRC Insight Grant ($132,000).
- Holt, N. (PI), Camiré, M., Fraser-Thomas, J., MacDonald, D., Strachan, L., Tamminen, K., & Côté, J. (2015-2018). Promoting positive youth development through sport: PYD SportNET. SSHRC Partnership Development Grant ($195,456).
- Forneris, T. (PI), Camiré, M., & Fortier, M., & Fraser-Thomas, J. (2015-2017). Positive youth development through sport: Examining and understanding program quality. SSHRC Insight Grant ($146,889)
Consulter le dossier de publication de Martin Camiré sur Google Scholar and ResearchGate.
- Camiré, M. (2024). Critical posthumanisms, postqualitative inquiry, and conventional qualitative research: Some interrogations and contemplations on their entangled identities and futurities. Qualitative Research in Psychology.
- Kramers, S., & Camiré, M. (2024). “It’s necessary work”: Stories of competitive youth sport coaches’ developing critical praxes. The Sport Psychologist.
- Santos, F., Camiré, M., Pierce, S., MacDonald, D. J., Strachan, L., Newman, T., Vella, S., & Milistetd, M. (2024). Using social learning spaces to think beyond and innovate conventional conferencing formats. Kinesiology Review.
- Santos, F., Camiré, M., MacDonald, D. J., Strachan, L., Ferreira, M., & Rathwell, S. (2024). Decision-makers’ interactions that co-determine positive youth development through sport: A critical realist examination. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 16(2), 181-196.
- Ciampolini, V., Kramers, S., Camiré, M., Nascimento, J. V., & Milistetd, M. (2024). The shy girl who became national team captain: A bioecological narrative of an Olympian’s life skills development. Sport in Society, 27(5), 783-803.
- Camiré, M., Santos, F., Newman, T., Vella, S., MacDonald, D. J., Milistetd, M., Pierce, S., & Strachan, L. (2023). Positive youth development as a guiding framework in sport research: Is it time to plan for a transition?Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 69 (102505).
- Camiré, M. (2023). Sport coaching as intra-action: An agential realist diffraction. Sports Coaching Review.
- Camiré, M. (2023). The two continua model for life skills teaching. Sport, Education and Society, 28(8), 915-928.
- Bishop, E., Turgeon, S., Tang, W., Newman, T. J., Strachan, L., Bean, C., & Camiré, M. (2023). White privilege in Canadian high school sport: Investigating white coaches’ perspectives on social justice issues. Sports Coaching Review.
- Camiré, M. (2023). Building a case for infusing posthumanist thinking in the qualitative training of sport and exercise psychology researchers. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
- Camiré, M. (2023). Assemblage thinking as attunement to race, gender, and sexuality in youth sport research. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 47(1), 56-74.
- Camiré, M. (2023). Proposing an ontological shift from intervention to intravention in sport and exercise psychology. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 64 (102342).
- Turgeon, S., Martin, L., Rathwell, S., & Camiré, M. (2022). The influence of gender on the relationship between the basic psychological needs and mental health in high school student-athletes. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
- Camiré, M. (2022). A move to rethink life skills as assemblages: A call to postqualitative inquiry. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 14(6), 900-915.
- Camiré, M., Newman, T. J., Bean, C., & Strachan, L. (2022). Reimagining positive youth development and life skills in sport through a social justice lens. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 34(6), 1058-1076.
- Camiré, M., Sabourin, C., Gladstone Martin, E., Martin, L., & Lowe, N. (2022). “My life sucks right now”: Student-athletes’ pandemic-related experiences with screen time and mental health. The Sport Psychologist, 36(4), 251-261.
- Sabourin, C., Turgeon, S., Martin, L., Rathwell, S., Bruner, M., Cairney, J., & Camiré, M. (2022). Sport participation, extracurricular activity involvement, and psychological distress: A latent class analysis of Canadian high school student-athletes. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 17(3), 327-345.
- Darnell, S. C., Whitley, M. A., Camiré, M., Massey, W. V., Blom, L. C., Chawansky, M., Forde, S., & Hayden, L. (2022). Systematic reviews of sport for development literature: Managerial and policy implications. Journal of Global Sport Management, 7(2), 249-266.
- Kramers, S., Camiré, M., Ciampolini, V., & Milistetd, M. (2022). Development of a life skills self-assessment tool for coaches. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 13(1), 54-64.