Michelle Lalonde est professeure agrégée à l’École des sciences infirmières de la Faculté des sciences de la santé de l’Université d’Ottawa. De plus, elle est le lead du volet de recherche de « Francophonie et Santé » du Centre de recherche en santé et sciences infirmières (CRSSI) de l’Université d’Ottawa. Michelle Lalonde est titulaire d’un doctorat en Sciences infirmières de l’Université de Toronto. Le programme de recherche de la professeure Lalonde cible « L’état de la préparation et la transition à la pratique infirmière ». Ce programme de recherche compte trois objectifs principaux: 1) explorer la transition des infirmières pendant les points de transition clés, d’étudiant à infirmière, les changements de poste, ainsi que les changements de champ de pratique, 2) évaluer l’intégration de la simulation tout au long du continuum d’apprentissage, et 3) évaluer les relations entre le travail des infirmières et les milieux de travail sur les résultats des infirmières, des patients et du système de santé. Le thème relié à la francophonie est intégré au travers de son programme de recherche. Les domaines d’expertise cliniques de cette infirmière autorisée sont la traumatologie d’urgence et la chirurgie générale. Professeure Lalonde est membre de l’Association Nationale des Infirmières et Infirmiers d’Urgence au Canada et est une rédactrice pour le Journal Canadien des Infirmières d’Urgence.
Michelle Lalonde

Professeure agrégée
2013 Ph.D. Sciences infirmières Université de Toronto
2013 Diplôme Recherche en politiques et en services de santé Centre ontarien de formation
2005 M.Sc.Inf. Sciences infirmières Université de Toronto
2001 B.S. Inf. Sciences infirmières Université d'Ottawa
1998 Diploma Nursing Vanier College, St-Laurent, Quebec
RGN 3249B
Numéro de téléphone
613-562-5800 poste 1404
Intérêts de recherche
- Transition des nouvelles infirmières et nouveaux infirmiers diplômés
- Services de santé
- Socialisation organisationnelle
- Préceptorat
- Milieux de travail des infirmières
- Enseignement clinique
- Simulation
Articles évalués par les pairs
- Beauchamp, J., Lalonde, M., Michel, I., Godbout,P., Fournier, V., Mehiz, S., Pedrotti, M., Simoneau, I, & Lasater, K. Traduction et adaptation française du Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric®: Une étude multicentrique. Quality Advancement in Nursing Education - Avancées en formation infirmière, 7(2), article 5. doi : https://doi.org/10.17483/2368-6669.1277.
- Lalonde, M., Prairie, G., Vanderspank-Wright, B., Chartrand, C., McGillis Hall, L., & Lamont, M. NCLEX-RN© Preparation Resources Available Online in French: An Integrative Review. International Nursing Review. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/inr.12705.
- Lalonde, M., Smith, C.A., Wong, S., & Bentz, J. A., Vanderspank-Wright, B. New Graduate Nurse Transition into the Intensive Care Unit Part 2: Mixed-Methods Findings from a Longitudinal Study. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice. doi: 10.1891/RTNP-D-21-00014.
- Peguero-Rodriguez, G., Polomeno, V., Lalonde, M. (2021). Le transfert des aînés des résidences pour personnes âgées vers l’urgence : L’état actuel des connaissances. Revue Soins d’Urgence, 2(1), 11-20.
- Hartung, B., Lalonde, M., Vanderspank-Wright, B., & Phillips, C. New graduate nurses and dementia care in acute care: A qualitative study. Nurse Education Today, 53,1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2021.103049.
- Tyerman, J., Luctkar-Flude, M., Chumbley, L., Lalonde, M., Peachey, L., McParland, T., & Tregunno, D. (2021). Developing virtual simulation games for presimulation preparation: A user-friendly approach for nurse educators. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 11(7), 10-18. https://doi.org/10.5430/jnep.v11n7p10
- Luctkar-Flude, M., Tyerman, J., Tregunno, D., Bell, K., Lalonde, M., McParland, T., Peachey, L., Verkuyl, M., & Mastrilli, P. (2021). Designing a virtual simulation game as presimulation preparation for a respiratory distress simulation for senior nursing students: Usability, feasibility and perceived impact on learning. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 52, 35-42. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecns.2020.11.009
- Tousignant, K., Vandyk, A., Lalonde, M., Bigras, S., Roggie, S., Weeks, K.L., Morley, M., & Jacob, J.D. (2021). Nursing students in clinical placements learning in dyads: A feasibility study using a non-randomized pilot trial. Quality Advancement in Nursing Education - Avancées en formation infirmière, 7(1), Article 3.
- Gagnon, J., Lalonde, M., Polomeno, V., Beaumier, M., & Tourigny, J. (2020). Le transfert des connaissances en soins de plaies chez les infirmières : Une revue intégrative des écrits. Recherche en soins infirmiers, 4(143), 45-61.
- Vanderspank-Wright, B., Lalonde, M., Squires, J., Graham, I., Efstathiou, N., Devey Burry, D., Marcogliese, E., Skidmore, B., Vandyk, A., & Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses and the National Emergency Nurses Association. (2020). Identifying, describing and assessing interventions that support new graduate nurse transition into critical care nursing practice: A systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews, 9, Article number: 241. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13643-020-01483-7
- Devey, R., Stacey, D., Backman, C., Donia, M., & Lalonde, M. (2020). Exploring pairing of new graduate nurses with mentors: An interpretive descriptive study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29, 2897-2906. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.15360
- Lalonde, M., Chartrand, J., Vanderspank-Wright, McGillis Hall, L., Gosselin- Bélanger, A., & Fullum, J. (2020). Les effets potentiels de la version française du NCLEX sur le choix de la langue de formation des étudiantes infirmières francophones en situation minoritaire. Quality Advancement in Nursing Education - Avancées en formation infirmière, 6(1), Article 7. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17483/2368-6669.1181
- Jager, F., Vandyk, A., Jacob, J.D., Meilleur, D., Vanderspank-Wright, B., LeBlanc, B., Chartrand, J., Hust, C., Lalonde, M., Rintoul, A., Alain, D., Poirier, S., & Phillips, J.C. (2020). The Ottawa Model for Nursing Curriculum Renewal: A Systematic Review. Nurse Education Today, 87, article 104344. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2020.104344.
- Lalonde, M. (2020). The forgotten: The challenges faced by francophone nursing candidates following the introduction of the NCLEX-RN© in Canada. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 32(4), 66-73. doi:10.12927/cjnl.2020.26100.
- McGillis Hall, L., Lalonde, M., Visekruna, S., Chartrand, A., Reali, V., & Feather, J. (2019). A Comparative Analysis of NCLEX Pass Rates: Nursing Health Human Resources Considerations. Journal of Nursing Management, 27(6), 1067-1074.
- Aloisio, L., Gifford, W.A., McGilton, K.S., Lalonde, M., Estabrooks, C.A., & Squires, J.E. (2019). Factors Associated with Nurses' Job Satisfaction in Residential Long-term Care: The Importance of Organizational Context. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 20(12),1611–1616.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2019.06.020.
- Vanderspank-Wright, B., Lalonde, M., Smith, C.A., Wong, S., & Bentz, J. A. (2019). New Graduate Nurse Transition into the Intensive Care Unit: Qualitative Insights from a Longitudinal Study – Part 1. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 33(4), 428-444. doi: 10.1891/1541-6577.33.4.428.
- Lalonde, M. & Legris, C. (2018). Les besoins d’apprentissages des infirmières préceptrices : Une revue de la portée. Infirmière Clinicienne, 15(1), 27-37. http://revue-infirmiereclinicienne.uqar.ca/Parutions/Volume15_no1.php#Article3
- Aloisio, L.D, Gifford, W.A, McGilton, K.S., Lalonde, M., Estabrooks, C.A, & Squires, J. (2018). Individual and organizational predictors of allied healthcare providers' job satisfaction in residential long-term care. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 491. doi: 10.1186/s12913-018-3307-3.
- McGillis Hall, L., Lalonde, M., Kashin, J., Woo, C., & Moran, J. (2018). Changing Nurse Licensing Examinations: Media Analysis and Implications of the Canadian Experience. International Nursing Review, 65(1), 13-23. DOI: 10.1111/inr.12367.
- Vandyk, A., Lalonde, M., Wright, E., Merali, S., Bajnok, I., Davies, B. (2018). Using simulation to teach psychiatric and mental health content in undergraduate nursing curriculum: A systematic search and review. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 27(2), 514-535. doi: 10.1111/inm.12419.
- Lalonde, M., Malouin-Benoit, M.C., Gagnon, E., Michon, A., Maisonneuve, M., & Desroches, J. (2017). Une simulation interprofessionnelle : une exploration des expériences des étudiantes en sciences infirmières. Recherche en soins infirmiers, 131(4), 71-84.
- Lalonde, M., Malouin-Benoit, M.C., Michon, A., Maisonneuve, M., Gagnon, E & Desroches, J. (2017). L’évaluation de la satisfaction des étudiantes en sciences infirmières vis-à-vis leur participation à une simulation interprofessionnelle : Une étude de cas. Revue francophone internationale de recherche infirmière, 3(4), 253-261. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.refiri.2017.07.009
- Hartung, B. & Lalonde, M. (2017). The Use of Non-Slip Socks to Prevent Falls among Hospital Older Adults: Literature Review. Geriatric Nursing, 38(5), 412-416. DOI: 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2017.02.002.
- Lalonde, M. & McGillis Hall, L. (2017). Exploring the relationships between preceptor characteristics and the socialization outcomes of new graduate nurses during a preceptorship program. Nursing Open, 4(1), 24–31. DOI: 10.1002/nop2.58.
- McGillis Hall, L., Lalonde, M., & Kashin, J. (2016). People are failing! Something needs to be done: Canadian students’ experience with the NCLEX-RN. Nurse Education Today, 46, 43-49. DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2016.08.022.
- Lalonde, M. & McGillis Hall, L. (2016). The socialization of new graduate nurses during a preceptorship program: Strategies for recruitment and support. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26, 774–783. DOI: 10.1111/jocn.13563.
- McGillis Hall, L., Jones, C., Lalonde, M., Strudwick, G., & McDonald, B. (2015). Not very welcoming: A survey of internationally educated nurses employed in Canada. (2015). Human Resources for Health, 2(2), 60-65.
- Lalonde, M.., McGillis Hall, L., Peterson, J., Price, S., Andrews, G., Harris, A. & MacDonald-Rencz, S. (2013). Support and Access for Nursing Continuing Education in Canadian Work Environments. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 26 (Special Issue), 51- 60.
- McGillis Hall, L., Peterson, J. Price, S. Lalonde, M. & MacDonald-Rencz, S. (2013). Stemming the flow of Canadian nurse migration to the US. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 26 (Special Issue), 8- 19.
- McGillis Hall, L., Peterson, J. Price, S. Andrews, G., Lalonde, M., Harris, A. & MacDonald Rencz, S. (2013). I was never recruited: Challenges in cross-Canada nurse mobility. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 26 (Special Issue), 29- 40.
- Andrews, G., McGillis Hall, L., Price, S. Lalonde, M., Harris, A. & MacDonald Rencz, S. (2013). Mapping nurse mobility in Canada with GIS: Career movements from two Canadian provinces. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 26 (Special Issue), 41- 49.
- Price, S. McGillis Hall, L., Lalonde, M. Andrews, G., Harris, A. & MacDonald Rencz, S. (2013). Factors that influence career decisions in Canada's nurses. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 26 (Special Issue), 61- 69.
- Harris, A. McGillis Hall, L., Price, S. Lalonde, M., Andrews, G., & MacDonald Rencz, S. (2013). LPN perspectives on factors that affect nurse mobility in Canada. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 26 (Special Issue), 70- 78.
- McGillis Hall, L.M., Lalonde, M., Dales, L., Peterson, J. and Cripps, L. (2013). Strategies for Retaining Midcareer Nurses.Journal of Nursing Administration, 41(12), 531-537.
- Hall, L., Pink, L., Lalonde, M., Tomblin Murphy, G., O-Brien-Pallas, L., Laschinger,H. K., S., Tourangeau, A., Besner, J., White, D., Tregunno, D., Thomson, D., Peterson, J., Seto, L. & Akeroyd, J. (2006). Decision Making for Nursing Staffing: Canadian Perspectives. Policy, Politics & Nursing Practice, 7(4), 261-269.
Chapitres de livre
- Luctkar-Flude, M., Tyerman, J., Chumbley, L., Peachey, L., Lalonde, M., & Tregunno, D. (2021). Engaging Learners in Presimulation Preparation Through Virtual Simulation Games. In: Brooks A.L., Brahman S., Kapralos B., Nakajima A., Tyerman J., Jain L.C. (eds) Recent Advances in Technologies for Inclusive Well-Being. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, vol 196. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59608-8_12. (p. 223-237).
- Tremblay, M., Lalonde, M., & Desroches, J. (2015). Approche novatrice de développement professionnel continu en soins primaires : le modèle Montfort. In P. Greenman et J. Gosselin (eds.). Le développement professionnel en soins primaires au Canada: nouveaux défis. Presses de l’Université du Québec.
- White, P., McGillis Hall, L., & Lalonde, M. Adverse Patient Outcomes (2011). In D. Doran (eds.) Nursing Sensitive Outcomes: State of the Science (2nd edition). Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.