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Nouveau laboratoire de préparation des aliments
The Facilities group is excited to announce that on 4 February 2021, the City of Ottawa permit was formally signed, granting access and occupancy to the newly renovated area of 200 Lees Block E where the Nutrition Lab is located.
The $1.5 Million capital investment will provide students and faculty with world class facilities in support of food preparation and nutritional research, and to advance knowledge in Health Sciences.
The benefits delivered with this project include:
- 1,700 Ft 2 of newly renovated space, featuring sensory lab food science research facility compete with colour filtering lighting system;
- Accessible work station;
- Complete upgrade of 13 cooking stations with new equipment such as ovens, range hoods, and food preparation equipment;
- Integrated camera system with 14 tv display monitors to enable collaborative and interactive learning designed to enhance student/researcher experience.

Installation d’une toiture verte au Pavillon Pérez
L'équipe du Service des immeubles a le plaisir d'annoncer l'investissement de capital pour installer une toiture verte sur l'édifice Pérez. Ce type de développement durable représente une contribution majeure à la réalisation des objectifs environnementaux définis dans le plan "Transformation 2030".
Cet investissement en capital de 248 000 dollars comprend les avantages suivants:
- Une réduction des effets thermiques sur notre paysage urbain
- Le captage et la réutilisation de l'eau de pluie
- Amélioration de la qualité de l'air dans les bâtiments
- Réduction des gaz à effet de serre
- Un campus plus vert du campus

Passerelle renovation in Hamelin Hall (MHN)
As part of the 1 3 Million Hamelin Hall classroom renovation project, the Passerelle between Simard Hall and Hamelin Hall went through a complete transformation, which was finalized on December 23, 2020.
We are excited to announce that the Passerelle is now offers a comfortable, inviting, and
collaborative working environment for students. Improvements to the space include:
- New furniture, including 8 lounge seats and 12 chairs surrounding 4 working areas
- New greenery in the form of two plant covered walls
- New soundproofing linoleum flooring
- New LED lighting

New student lounge in Roger Guindon Hall (RGN)
The Facilities group is excited to announce that on 23 October 2020, the City of Ottawa permit was formally signed, granting access and occupancy to the newly completed Student Lounge brining major improvements to the RGN campus.
The $2.5 Million capital investment will contribute to improve student life through the provision of the following amenities:
- New modern cafeteria seating over 120 student.
- Access to new restaurant services, offering a variety of meals, snacks, and drinks.
- 2 new collaboration space, with lounge seating and audiovisual equipment
- New furniture and IT services

Poles and netting at 200 Lees
The Facilities group is excited to announce that the poles and netting project which was to install a netting system on the North Side of the Football Field at 200 Lees was substantially completed on the 15 October 2020.
This $645K project has address the uOttawa H&S issues of road public safety by reducing the chances of stray football, soccer balls, etc., landing on the Highway 417.
This netting system will permit our star athletes to train without fear of causing a pile up on the highway!

SITE footbridge rehabilitation
The Facilities group is excited to announce that on the 14th of September 2020, the project team completed the rehabilitation of the exterior footbridge connecting S.I.T.E. and Colonel By Hall.
The $230,000 project comprised restoring the deteriorated footbridge surface as well as implementing rain and water control measures providing improved safety for campus denizens.
The scope of work, and benefits delivered by project team includes:
- A new footbridge surface
- Improved water control measures
- A more esthetically pleasing campus hardscape.

Classroom renovation in Hamelin Hall (MHN)
The Facilities group is excited to announce that on September 3, 2020 the classroom renovation project at Hamelin Hall reached substantial completion, on schedule and on budget.
The City of Ottawa permit was formally signed, granting access and occupancy to the newly renovated classrooms MHN 033 and MHN 257.
The 1 3 Million investment will enhance student life through the provision of the following:
- New LED lighting and controllable lighting zones
- New furniture, including 336 swivel seats for collaborative working, adjustable tables and customized podiums
- New acoustic panels on back and side walls
- Latest technology in AV equipment and IT services

New pool & gym upgrade Montpetit
The Facilities group is excited to announce the 1 September 2020 project completion to upgrade and modernize the Pool and Gymnasium in the Montpetit building.
The $1.9 Million capital investment delivered many enhancements and benefits including:
- Upgrade and modernization of the gym floor
- New power saving LED lighting in support uO’s sustainability initiative
- Enhanced air quality provided by the newly installed building systems
- Installation of new saunas.
- Modernization of pool starting blocks
- Natatorium improvements including refinished concrete benches.

Power plant clean up
The Facilities group is excited to announce that on the 25th of August 2020, the team completed a project to remove asbestos dust from the university Power plant.
The $400,000 project comprised performing a modified type 1 abatement cleaning of the plant using a vacuum equipped with a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter & wet wipe technique.
The team segregated the power plant in 10 different zones, where each zone was then hoarded off and cleaned following strict asbestos abatement protocols. In addition, the project team seized the opportunity to address any poor condition lead paint that was chipping off of the ceiling.
The team delivered the project as planned and the area was certified by Blumetric environmental as meeting legislative guidelines.
The benefit delivered with this project includes:
- A safe environment for uO staff, operators and visitors
- On time and on budget project performance

Summer maintenance program for housing
The Facilities group is excited to announce that the Summer Maintenance Program for Housing 2020 was completed under budget, and delivered to Housing ahead of schedule, on 1 August 2020.
The $1.5 Million capital investment will enhance student life through the provision of the following amenities:
- Refurbished space ready to welcome students
- Common space upgrades such as a new fireplace at Friel
- Repaired and renewed rooms, common areas, study areas