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About the document

Professor Amy Salyzyn, together with uOttawa JD student Rei Bajraktari, have developed an inventory of digital tools available to be used by the Canadian public to address legal needs, problems and questions. In total, 92 tools were identified. At the link is a report that includes the inventory as well as an accompanying report providing a brief explanation of how the inventory was created, a discussion of some limitations and qualifications and a summary of key observations.

This report builds on a previous inventory available below.

By Amy Salyzyn, William Burke and Angela Lee
(July 31, 2019)

About the document

Professor Amy Salyzyn, together with uOttawa JD students William Burke and Angela Lee, have developed a draft inventory of digital tools available to be used by the Canadian public to address legal needs, problems and questions. In total, 88 tools were identified. This inventory intentionally excludes tools meant to be used directly by lawyers and those embedded in the justice system itself. This work builds and updates previous research conducted by Professors Bouclin, McGill and Salyzyn.