(Le français suivra sous peu.)
The ICC Legal Tools Project is part of research grant awarded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) titled "Strengthening justice for international crimes: A Canadian partnership".
The project that the HRREC is undertaking with leading Canadian Universities and non-governmental actors to strengthen justice for victims of international crimes such as war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. This project, lead by Université Laval, has gathered a team of 22 academic researchers and 12 NGO partners. This project will contribute to the effectiveness of the global effort to hold accountable those responsible of the most serious international crimes, while enhancing Canada’s role as a global leader in this field.
Under this framework, the Project that the Human Rights Clinic is undertaking with the Clinique de Droit International Pénal et Humanitaire of Université Laval consists in doing research and selecting relevant international decisions, resolutions and doctrine to the International Criminal Court (ICC) Legal Tools.
The ICC Legal Tools are the leading information services on international criminal law. They equip users with legal information, digests and an application to work more effectively with core international crimes cases. This tool equalizes access to international criminal law information, empowering practitioners and leveling preconditions for criminal justice in both richer and materially less resourceful countries.
Project Partner: Clinique de Droit International Pénal et Humanitaire of Université Laval
Supervisors: Professors Joao Velloso and Penelope Simons
Project Coordinator: Jessica Dufresne