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TOH Surgery Elective Information - Third and Fourth year University of Ottawa Medical Students.

(For information on CHEO electives, please see the CHEO website.


  • Please wear your university badge.

ACCESS CARD (for General Campus electives ONLY)

Students doing their rotation at the General and/or Civic Campus will require an OR ACCESS CARD in order to access the OR and the locker rooms.

Please click here to complete the TOH OR Access Card Form(PDF)

  • Bring the completed form and $15 cash deposit to the Photo ID Office

  • Your access card will be activated for the dates of your elective only

  • Pick up your activated card on the Friday before or on the first day of your rotation.

  • The card gives you access to the OR locker room, where you will find scrubs.

  • Return the card at the end of your rotation to the Photo ID office - $15 returned.

General Campus:

Open 7-3 pm (closed 12-1 pm for lunch)

Located on the 2nd Floor - M2407 - Ext. 71380

Civic Campus:

Open 7-3 p.m. (closed 12-1 pm for lunch)

Located in the Old Service Building - Room M-05 - Ext. 18061


Call is recommended during your elective, but optional.

  • General Surgery: When you arrive, speak to the senior resident about being added to the call schedule.

    Katie Condon prepares the call schedule for General Surgery.

    If the call schedule in GS does not have any free dates, you can double up with a U of O, 3rd year clerkship student, however, priority will be given to the U of O student for on-call system, ambulatory clinic and OR assignments.

    Call room at General campus: 3025 (no password, locks from inside)

    Call room at Civic campus: CP3 Civic Parkdale Clinic 3rd Floor

    (Call Ginette Rocque at x 78455 to obtain access code into call rooms)

  • Other surgical sub-specialties: Call in surgical sub-specialties is until 11 pm and you are expected to be back on the service the following morning. The call schedule will be discussed with you on your first day. When on call, please shadow a team staff/resident member. Some surgical departments may have a floating pager for visiting medical students, please inquire with the Chief Resident.


  • For electives of 2 wks or more you can request access to TOH VOASIS. Contact Elizabeth Donohue, Undergraduate Surgery Education Assistant, 613, 798-5555 x10604 or [email protected] to complete a Login Request Form. Please email the following VOASIS form details at least 4 weeks before your start: The password will be sent to your email address.

    • Last name, First name, Initial

    • Surgery department

    • Start and End date of Elective (i.e yyyy/mm/dd)

    • Elective Specialty

    • Elective Campus

    • Your Date of Birth (i.e. yyyy/mm/dd)

    • Fathers first name



  • Medical students assigned to a Surgery rotation (3rd yr surgery clerkship 4th yr Mandatory surgery rotation and electives) will be expected to participate in the care of surgical patients according to the following guidelines:

    1. Daily Ward Rounds with team.

    2. Ambulatory Clinics with team as per schedule.

    3. Participation in the OR with team.

    4. Student is responsible for interviewing, assessing, formulating a differential and a diagnostic and therapeutic plan for patients that will be reviewed by the resident or attending staff.

    5. Call is optional. Discuss with Chief Resident on your first day.

    6. Student is called at the same time as ER call.

    7. 3rd yr student will always have priority before 4th yr students and visiting elective students.

    8. U of O, 3rd year clerkship students will always have priority in the on-call system, ambulatory clinic, and OR assignments. This must occur even if an elective student has doubled up on the service.

    9. On-call duties for U of O, 3rd year clerkship students begin at 0800 hrs and end at 10:00 hrs the next morning. Students on-call, with the exception of being either in the OR or attending Friday academic day sessions, should answer for on-call duties.

    10. 3rd yr student is not expected to attend resident teaching rounds.

    11. Student is expected to demonstrate professionalism at all times and this includes communication, responsibility, ethical behavior, maturity and positive attitude, and be available for full day involvement at the hospital.


  • Watch the video of MANDATORY Scrub/Glove/Gown/Sterility Learning. You are required to watch this video before starting your elective. The OR Nurse Educator will answer any questions you may have.

  • Scrubs can be accessed (See attached ScrubEX information)

  • Civic: B1 South, General: 3rd floor. All scrubs must be returned to this area and deposited in the return bin.


  • SeeThe Ottawa Hospital website for parking, directions, street maps and hospital floor plans to the general, civic and riverside campuses:

  • See theChildren's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) website for parking, directions, street maps and hospital floor plans.


General Campus 737-8899 x 71380,
Civic Campus 798-5555 x 18061
Riverside Campus 738-8400 x 82999
Montfort Hospital 748-4924 x 2105
Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario - 737-2227


  • Students can obtain lockers at the Civic Campus through [email protected] & [email protected] for the General Campus. Lockers are assigned at the beginning of your rotation and not beforehand. The Operating Room change room does not have lockers for students. You will have access to the OR Locker Room for changing only.

    General Campus: lockers behind Module G, 2nd floor

    Civic campus: lockers near B3 and A6 Elevators


  • Obtain pocket card and dictation instructions from Medical Records at either sites, as below:

    General Campus: Go to Medical Records, 1st floor, Room 1122, x.78520.

    Civic campus: Medical Records, Lab Medicine bldg, Main Level, Room M034 x.17415. Call Transcription on x.13317 or x.19252 to give staff # and get dictation #.


  • General Campus, Room 1404, 1st floor, Eye Institute, x 78530

    3rd/4th yr medical U of O students have access to books in the Ottawa Hospital Library. Elective students need to show a valid ID to take out books. Library is at x78530 and they are open weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Students must contact IT at x14136 and request “Guest Wireless Access”. Access will be granted for up to 1 year. There is no tech support it is much like a hotel’s wireless access.