This set of rules were proposed in accordance with the general principles contained in the Code Morin.
1. The Chair of the Senate chairs meetings and assigns the floor to members. He opens the meeting and decides on all points of order.
2. The decision of the Chair is undebatable, but can be appealed through a majority vote. The motion to appeal must be seconded.
3. The Chair casts the deciding vote in the event of a tied vote.
4. All Senate members may speak during meetings. Members who wish to obtain the floor must raise their hand and wait until they are assigned the floor by the Chair. The Chair must ensure at all times that speeches are limited to the matter under debate.
5. Any motion brought before the Senate concerning an item on the agenda must be moved and seconded. The mover speaks first and explains the motion, following which he or she does not speak unless it is to answer questions. If the mover speaks a second time, debate is closed.
6. An amendment to change the motion must be moved and seconded.
7. A sub-amendment to change a detail of the amendment must be moved and seconded.
8. Deliberations proceed according to the following order: debate on the sub-amendment, then on the amendment and finally on the main motion.
9. The previous question is used to close debate, when a member believes that it is time to end discussion and call the vote. The previous question must be seconded.
10. When debate is closed, the Chair reads the question being debated and calls the vote.
11. The vote is taken by either a show of hands or a roll call.
12. All questions before the Senate shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the members present, including the vote of the Rector or other presiding member of the Senate, and, in the case of an equal division of such votes, the Rector or, in his absence, the presiding member at such meeting has an additional or casting vote. When motions concern rules governing the Senate or closing debate by asking the previous question, a 2/3 vote is required.
13. A point of order may be raised when a member believes that the rules of procedure have not been followed. The Chair rules on points of order. A point of order does not require a seconder.
14. A point of privilege may be raised by a member when he or she believes that his or her rights have been infringed upon and that the conduct of the meeting has been compromised by this. This motion does not require a seconder and is undebatable. The Chair rules on points of privilege.
Approved by the Senate at its meeting of October 3, 2011