We offer students an opportunity to take part in recreational team sports through participation and employment opportunities.

Gee-Gees Intramurals
The intramural programs offer a variety of team sports organized as competitive and recreational leagues to provide participants with a pleasant and entertaining experience. Our programs take place during fall and winter sessions to allow participants to socialize and maintain a healthy lifestyle during the academic year.
Our philosophy stems from a desire to create and cultivate school spirit and a sense of pride within the student body through accessible programs. We are committed to providing a friendly atmosphere and a positive student experience.
Missed your chance to join an intramural league?
Sports and tournaments

Basketball, dodgeball, flag football, hockey, multisport, soccer, spikeball, ultimate frisbee and volleyball. With nine different sports to play and various levels of play available, there is a sport for everyone.
Visit our sports page for full details on each sport and their leagues.
Policies and procedures
Contact us
Gee-Gees Intramurals
Montpetit Hall
125 University, Room 102
[email protected]
613-562-5800, ext. 4477