students sitting on the grass
A top-ranked Faculty with leading-edge programs.

Top 77 faculties of education worldwide

Ranked among the top 77 faculties of education worldwide, the Faculty of Education offers its students many opportunities at the world's largest bilingual university. Our highly sought-after graduates go on to a wide range of careers in administration, academia, education, health, public service, research and beyond.

Undergraduate studies

student from ethnic background holding book

Join one of the most dynamic and innovative Teacher Education programs in Canada and learn from educational leaders who have robust research relationships and professional partnerships with local, national and international communities. With social justice as a core value, we train educators who will pursue equity, diversity, inclusion and decolonization in their future working environments and who are prepared for the career challenges of teaching in the 21st century.

Graduate Studies

students from different ethnic background studying together

Pursue your graduate studies in education at one of Canada’s top 50 research universities. Future educators, researchers or professionals can earn additional qualifications, a graduate diploma or an MA, MEd, or PhD degree working with our internationally distinguished professors in fields such as Counselling psychologyHealth professions educationEducational Leadership, Policy and EvaluationSocieties, cultures and languagesTeaching and learningEnseignement en santé, Second Language Educationor Éducation en milieux linguistiques minoritaires et inclusion.

Many program options are available at the Faculty of Education:

Professional Development Program

three teachers from different ethnic backgrounds standing in a hallway

This program provides teachers with opportunities to enhance their teaching skills in order to add to their Basic Qualifications other Qualifications recognized by the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT).

Teachers can take Additional Qualification Courses (AQ Courses) to upgrade and gain qualifications in a certain teaching division or subject area or The purpose of Additional Basic Qualification (ABQ) courses to expand your knowledge of program development, delivery, and assessment in a specific division.

Woman thinking

World Leaders in Educational Research

The Faculty of Education unites a dynamic, diverse and interdisciplinary community of researchers working at the forefront of educational technology, policy, practice and innovation. As leaders in their fields, our professors are engaged in world-class research aimed at making a difference.
Learn more about our innovative research.
Faculty of Education
Aly Julien
Faculty of Education

Research on discrimination and mental health supports for Black students in Ontario

Dr. Aly Julien’s early-career interest in the brain was inspired by people close to him who suffered with epilepsy and schizophrenia. “I witnessed the…
Faculty of Education
Alice Levasseur
Faculty of Education

New professor brings expertise in school workplace wellness, teacher motivation and retention

“I've been immersed in the world of education since I was young,” says Alice Levasseur, a new professor in the University of Ottawa Faculty of Educati…
Faculty of Education
Golshan Mahjoub
Faculty of Education

The influence of women in STEM as social media role models

“Growing up in a society with quotas limiting women in fields like engineering, yet seeing many still pursuing these disciplines, inspired my research…
Robert Falcon Ouellette
Robert Falcon Ouellette
Robert Falcon Ouellette

Chronique: Le solstice d’hiver, une célébration de la culture, de l’inclusion e…

"The winter solstice, the longest night of the year, has profound significance for cultures the world over".
Tasha-Ann Ausman
Tasha-Ann Ausman
Tasha-Ann Ausman

4 ways to tackle a rise in disrespectful behaviour in classrooms

“Parents rule their own roosts, but they can't rule the institutional norms of a whole school system“.
Andy Hargreaves
Andy Hargreaves
Andy Hargreaves

Professional learning and development that honors students’ identities

"Who are you? It’s a simple enough question, but pose it to anyone, and you’ll get fascinating responses".
Black African American student coding and learning about machine learning, with a focus on AI and augmented reality in education and cybersecurity
Feb 10

Equipping Educators and Empowering Black Students in STEM

As part of uOttawa’s Black History Month celebrations, the Faculty of Education presents Equipping Educators and Supporting Black Students in STEM. Th…

Equity, diversity and inclusion logo
Feb 12

The Classroom Formula

The Faculty of Education invites you to join another Book Club session and meet Ramez Takawy, author of "The Classroom Formula". Come prepared with yo…

Research Dialogues and EDI logos
Feb 18

Research in Practice: Advancing Educational Equity for Black Youth

Join us for the next event in our Research Conversations Series in collaboration with the EDI Circles entitled ''Research in Practice: Advancing Educa…

Faculty services

Contact us

Ottawa Campus

Lamoureux Hall (LMX)
145 Jean-Jacques-Lussier Private, Room 143
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5
View a map or take a virtual tour

Contact the Undergraduate Studies Office or the Graduate Studies Office.

Windsor campus

To reach us
Centre communautaire francophone Windsor-Essex-Kent
720 Ouellette Avenue (main entrance at Tuscarora st)
Windsor, Ontario

View a Road Map

Telephone: 519-948-6553
Fax: 519-948-9069
Email: [email protected]

Toronto Campus

To reach us

Collège Boréal
60 Distillery Lane
Toronto ON M5A 3C4

Telephone: (416) 289-5130
Toll-free: 1 800 860-8577

Indigenous Affirmation

We pay respect to the Algonquin people, who are the traditional guardians of this land. We acknowledge their longstanding relationship with this territory, which remains unceded. 

We pay respect to all Indigenous people in this region, from all nations across Canada, who call Ottawa home. 

We acknowledge the traditional knowledge keepers, both young and old. And we honour their courageous leaders: past, present, and future. 

Learn more about the Indigenous Affirmation.