Centre for Mediated Teaching and Learning (CMTL)

Approved Administrative Committee 2132.1



  1. The purpose of this policy is to define the mandate and responsibilities of the Centre for Mediated Teaching and Learning (CMTL), as well as the conditions governing the services offered, found in Procedure 10-1.
  2. Procedure 10-1 – Centre for Mediated Teaching and Learning explains the procedures for distance education courses, online or other Internet-based courses, as well as access to Virtual Campus and videoconference rooms. The Procedure must be read in conjunction with this Policy.


  3. The Centre for Mediated Teaching and Learning (CMTL) is mandated to provide the University community with high-tech distance education tools, software and equipment that make teaching and learning at the University of Ottawa more accessible and dynamic, while honouring the University’s commitment to its community and to promoting bilingualism and the French language.

    To do this, CMTL is responsible for:

    1. Distance education space, technical support and equipment; Office of the Registrar’s rooms (for rooms belonging to faculties or services, see the “Services offered” section for information on which elements can be covered by a service agreement):
      • support and training for professors who provide distance education.
      • managing the off-campus centres (listed in Procedure 10-1)
      • support and training for professors who provide distance education.
      • establishing physical and technological standards for distance education space design and proposed equipment
      • designing distance education rooms as well as acquiring and installing equipment
      • managing the off-campus centres (listed in Procedure 10-1)
      • selecting and checking distance education facilities and equipment
      • maintaining and updating distance education equipment and providing technical support
      • managing and updating distance education software on the computers installed in the rooms used for distance education
      • support and training for professors who provide distance education.
    2. Learning management system – Internet-based teaching devices and Virtual Campus:
      • establishing standards and best practices as well as selecting, rolling out, hosting and supporting Internet-based educational technology tools
      • providing support and training for professors who use these tools
      • supporting students who use these tools.
    3. Other services
      • acquiring fixed or mobile distance education equipment valued at more than $1,000 required by faculties or services
      • designing and reviewing projects that incorporate one or more distance education equipment components
      • consulting faculties, departments and program staff about distance education activities.
  4. The Office of the Registrar’s distance education facilities and equipment are the property of the University of Ottawa and, as a result, priority must be given to members of the University community. This responsibility lies with the Centre for Mediated Teaching and Learning.


  5. This Policy applies to:

    1. all permanent distance education facilities and equipment;
    2. all faculties, services and members of the University community using these facilities or pieces of equipment.


    Audio-conference (regular or with a Web component): Allows participants to be connected by telephone from their residence or elsewhere. They can hear and speak to the professor in real time. In the case of an audio-conference course with a Web component, students can also access teaching material online.

    Virtual Campus: Academic portal that provides access to CMTL’s educational technology tools to create course websites and a wide range of resources for online teaching and learning.

    Off-campus centre: Any teaching centre off the main campus (listed in Procedure 10-1) that is part of the University’s distance education network.

    Distance education: An instruction delivery method that uses telecommunications tools. Depending on the program, distance education courses offered by the University of Ottawa are delivered in a variety of ways (courses by video-conferencing or audio-conferencing, blended courses, Internet courses, courses or course components in a digital environment).

    Learning management system: A platform for creating online courses, course components, learning objects, etc.

    Videoconference: An interactive telecommunications technology that provides simultaneous two-way video and audio connections between two or more locations. Students can see, hear and interact with their professor in real time through the use of screens, televisions, cameras and microphones.


  6. The faculty has primary responsibility for the academic content of distance, online or courses. It is also responsible for providing its students with the necessary orientation services.
  7. Courses offered at off-campus centres, online or via Internet must be equivalent from an academic perspective to the same courses offered on campus.
  8. Terms for salaries, honorariums and any other financial compensation paid to professors for distance education are found in Procedure 10-1. The conditions for submitting and evaluating requests for University distance education courses and programs, as well as the conditions governing calendars, registration, materials required, uOttawa library resources, course evaluations and other details on distance education courses, online or Internet-based, are also found in Procedure 10-1.


    Permanent facilities

  9. The section “Principles” of this Policy describes CMTL’s responsibilities for classrooms belonging to the Office of the Registrar. When a distance education facility belongs to a faculty or a service, CMTL can negotiate a service agreement to design classrooms, laboratories, etc. as well as acquire, install service and repair equipment. Conditions and costs are described in Procedure 10-1.

    Video-conference, audio-conference, and other distance collaboration tools

  10. The users can request onsite technicians for assistance with distance education facilities or equipment. Procedure 10-1 outlines how to request these services and related costs (for both internal and external users).

    Renting distance education facilities or equipment for distance teaching (lectures, conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.)

  11. Faculties, services, professors or researchers can rent distance education equipment provided the use will not affect courses offered by the University or research activities (i.e., conferences, symposiums, etc.).


  12. By requesting a course through Virtual Campus, the user acknowledges having read and understood the conditions of use and storage outlined in Procedure 10-1.
  13. The user agrees to comply with the Canadian Copyright Act and with other copyright standards prescribed by the University.


  14. Only the Centre for Mediated Teaching and Learning is authorized to acquire permanent distance education equipment and accessories and for installing them (for classrooms belonging to the Office of the Registrar) or for authorizing the installation (for rooms belonging to faculties or services) according to University standards.


  15. The Centre for Mediated Teaching and Learning supports researchers by helping them determine their material, space and cost requirements related to distance education for research purposes. Requests for distance education, video conferencing or audio conferencing equipment purchased with research grants administered by the University of Ottawa must be sent to CMTL.

Updated October 24, 2012

(Centre for Mediated Teaching and Learning)