Approved Board of Governors 67.23
1. The objective of this Policy is to provide direction for the maintenance and repair of equipment owned by the University (other than equipment associated with the functions of Physical Plant Services which are covered by Policy No. 30) and to ensure the proper operation of this equipment at the lowest possible cost.
2. This policy is to be read in conjunction with Procedure No. 4-6.
3. Equipment covered by this Policy shall mostly concern office equipment, equipment used for research and academic purposes, but not equipment covered by Physical Plant in Policy No. 30.
4. As soon as the warranty on equipment expires, the Faculty, School or Service will have the option to either:
a. cover it with an annual maintenance and repair contract negotiated by Materials Management Services;
b. go on a service-call basis, via Materials Management Services for office equipment, or Technical Coordinator, Supply and Services, for instructional aid equipment; or
c. make use of their own technicians for maintenance of certain equipment.
5. Going on a service call basis for office equipment via Materials Management Services is highly encouraged. It will result in considerable savings ensuring good performance on a long-term basis. This will also allow Materials Management Services to compile frequency of repair data for a given piece of equipment and to advise the user on the most economic method of repair for that piece of equipment.
6. Maintenance and repair contracts or service call contracts shall be negotiated and signed by the Director of Materials Management Services or his delegate.
7. In the case of maintenance and repair contracts, the negotiations shall be subject to approval by the applicant requesting the contract.
8. Service call contracts for office equipment must specify that the call to the contractor must be done by Material Management Services and must include the hourly rate and the per-call rate.
9. All contracts are negotiated for a one-year financial period, i.e. from May 1 of the current year to April 30 of the following year and are pro-rated accordingly.
10. Rental of equipment is covered by Policy No. 36.
11. For budgetary purposes, all equipment maintenance and repair contracts should be charged to account xxx "Maintenance of Equipment".
12. No exception to this Policy without the consent of the Assistant Vice-Rector, Supply and Services.
Revised May 11, 1978 (Supersedes edition dated February 8, 1973)
Contracts - Maintenance and Repair of Equipment
Equipment Maintenance and Repair Contracts
(Materials Management Services)