Anniversaries and Retirements

Approved Board of Governors 2012.2



  1. The University wishes to pay tribute to the 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th and 45th years of service of its employees and their retirements.


  1. In accordance with the above principle, the University has set the following objective: To inform deans and directors of the anniversary or retirement dates of their employees in order to encourage the recognition and celebration of these events.


  1. This policy applies to all academic and administrative employees holding a regular position at the University.

    25, 30, 35, 40 AND 45 YEARS OF SERVICE

  2. Every year, for validation purposes, Human Resources will send to all faculties and services a list of their employees who, during the coming year, will complete 25, 30, 35, 40 or 45 years of service at the University. Human Resources will forward a copy of the validated lists to the Office of the President, which will oversee gift preparation and presentation. As well, Human Resources will prepare certificates and forward them to faculties and services, which in turn will present them to the employees.

    Faculties and services may organize receptions to honour their employees and present the certificates.


  1. An employee anticipating retirement must inform the relevant dean or director and Human Resources of the expected date of retirement. Upon receipt of the statement of retirement from the employee, Human Resources will prepare a keepsake and forward it to the faculty or service, which will then oversee presenting it to the employee. Human Resources will regularly provide the Communications Directorate with a list of retired employees for publication in the Gazette.

    Faculties and services may organize receptions to honour their employees and present the keepsakes.


  1. Expenses, not to exceed $200 for an anniversary or $300 for a retirement, will be paid by the host faculty or service. Expenses may include a reception for the employee and/or a gift for the employee but not gift certificates and lump sum payments (which would have tax implications for employees). Expenses relating to the keepsake or certificate will be paid by Human Resources.


  1. Policy interpretation is the responsibility of the Associate Vice-President, Human Resources. Policy application is the responsibility of the direction of the faculties and services in question, acting jointly with the Director, HR Shared Services, and the Director, Talent Management, Learning and Organizational Development.


  1. No exception may be made to this policy without the written approval of the Vice-President, Resources.

Revised February 21, 2012

(Human Resources)