Adoption Date: September 28, 2015
Amendments Date: July 18, 2024
Approving Body: Vice-president, Finance and Administration
Service responsible: Finance and Administration
- This document establishes the procedures that support Policy 47 – Working Conditions for Non-Unionized Administrative and Support Staff Employed Under Fixed-Term Employment Agreements (“Policy 47”) and is intended to outline practices, procedures, and working conditions for Non-unionized Contractual Administrative and Support Staff.
Capitalized words or expressions used in this Procedure that are not defined below are defined in Policy 47. The following words and expressions have the corresponding meaning for the purposes of interpreting this Procedure.
Adjusted Service Date (Company service date): Date of Continuous Service for the accumulation of annual leave and administration of pay, benefits and pension plan, i.e., the start date in a regular or contractual position, adjusted for any interruption in employment or non-statutory leave exceeding three months, not including long-term disability.
Continuous Service: Unless otherwise specified in the procedure, any succession of University Policy 47 employment contracts, with no interruption greater than 13 weeks.
Group Benefits: Refers collectively to the following employee benefits (a) group insured extended health, dental, accidental death and dismemberment and life insurance benefits, (b) health care spending account, where eligible, and (c) employee and family assistance program.
Health Care Provider: A legally licensed Doctor of Medicine or Nurse Practitioner.
Medical Certificate: A University form available from the Health and Wellness sector (Human Resources) that is to be completed and signed by the staff member’s Health Care Provider.
Medical Note: A note that includes the name of the staff member, the date of the medical consultation and the leave dates, along with the name, the registration number and signature of the Health Care Provider.
Parent: Includes a person with whom a child is placed for adoption and a person who is in a relatively permanent relationship with a parent of a child and who intends to treat the child as their own. The term “child” has a corresponding meaning.
Pension Plan: the University of Ottawa Retirement Pension Plan.
Progress-through-the-ranks (PTR): An annual salary increase provided to employees who have not yet reached the salary cap of their salary class and who have fully met the performance expectations for the position, provided that such annual salary increase does not result in the employee’s salary exceeding the salary cap of the salary scale for the position.
Spouse: means:- a spouse as defined in the Family Law Act of Ontario as may be amended from time to time; or
- either of two persons who live together in a conjugal relationship outside marriage.
Salary class (Class): The levels within each salary scale. Each position is assigned to a category Confidential (NC)/Confidential Research (NR) or Management (NM)/Management Research (NMR) salary class. For administrative purposes, the Management NM1/Management Research NMR1 class is one class above the Confidential NC8/Confidential Research NR8 class.
Salary Scale: Range of rates indicating the minimums, maximums and salary cap for each salary class. The minimum of each salary class is eighty (80) percent of its maximum.
Sick Leave Period: A staff member is unable to perform the duties of their employment because of the staff member’s illness, injury, or medical emergency, which can range from hours to a maximum of 85 working days and has been approved by Health and Wellness.
Tuition Fee Support: the employee benefit established pursuant to University Policy 22 – Tuition fee financial support for spouses and dependents of University of Ottawa staff members, as may be amended or replaced from time to time.
- This Procedure applies to Non-unionized Contractual Administrative and Support Staff and to Non-unionized Contractual Administrative and Support Staff Positions.
- This Procedure is to be read and applied in conjunction with Policy 47 – Working Conditions for Non-Unionized Contractual Administrative and Support Staff.
Associate Vice-President, Human Resources: When necessary, recommends changes to the policy or procedure.
Executive Committee of the Board of Governors: approves changes to the policy.
Vice-President, Finance and Administration: Approves proposed changes to the procedure.
Manager: Manages staff Working Conditions, including but not limited to their probationary period and leave requests, in accordance with this procedure and Policy 47.
Human Resources: Administers the policy and procedure and ensures that the rules and legislation applicable to the various types of leave are applied uniformly and consistently.
- Newly hired staff members are subject to a probation period. The probation period is to provide the manager with an opportunity to evaluate the progress and skills of the newly hired staff member, determine appropriate assignments, and monitor performance and suitability to position.
- A 6-month probation period applies to staff members hired in a Non-unionized Contractual Administrative and Support Staff Position (subject to being carried over to the subsequent contract if not completed in the initial contract), which the manager can decide to extend for a further period, if needed.
- If the staff member is absent from work for more than 10 consecutive working days during the probation period, the probation period will be extended for a period that is the same period of the staff member’s absence from work.
- During the probation period, staff members must complete training required by law or required by the University as described in their employment contract and/or in the Probationary Goals Setting and Probation Evaluation form.
- The Salary Scales for Non-unionized Contractual Administrative and Support Staff Positions are the same or equivalent to the ones applicable for Regular Non-Unionized Administrative and Support Staff positions as set out in Procedure 18-9.
- Salary increases are normally effective at the beginning of the fiscal year (May 1st) and are based on the following formulas:
- An overall economic increase is applied to all staff members’ base salaries and salary scales. Red circled staff member will receive 50% of the economic increase without resulting in a base salary being below the salary cap of the salary class; and
- Staff members whose base salaries are below the salary cap of their salary class will receive a PTR of 2% of the staff member’s base salary, without exceeding the salary cap of the salary class for the position.
- Staff members with less than 12 months of Continuous Service at the date of the increase will be given prorated PTR.
- No PTR adjustment will be made for periods of unpaid leave of 3 months or less. In the case of unpaid leave of more than three months, the PTR will be withheld in proportion to the full period of the leave.
Eligibility- Subject to the terms set out in this Procedure and to terms and conditions the group insurance provider or other service provider, to be eligible to participate in Group Benefits, other than the health care spending account, staff members must:
- have accumulated 1 year of Continuous Service¹ or have signed an employment contract with the University for a contract period of 2 years or more; and
- be a resident of Canada or a Canadian resident who is temporarily visiting or working outside of Canada and on whose behalf arrangements have been made to ensure that their provincial health insurance plan or equivalent University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) remains in force.
- Staff members must have 3 years of Continuous Service and participate in Group Benefits to be eligible to participate and receive a health care spending account (HCSA)¹. In such case, the annual amount of the HCSA1 will be the same as the regular non-unionized staff members and will be provided on the 1st day of the month following the completion of 3 years of Continuous Service. Staff members will have their allocated amount prorated for the first calendar year.
- Retired Employees hired in a Non-unionized Contractual Administrative and Support Staff Position are not eligible to participate in or receive Group Benefits. Benefits made available to Retired Employees are due to their status as a retiree and are subject to other University policies and procedures.
- Staff members have 31 days from the start date of their eligibility, as defined in Section 7.1, for Group Benefits to register. Coverage changes to certain Group Benefits can be made as a result of a life event or upon employment contract renewal.
The specific terms and conditions of a Group Benefit, the amount of the staff member’s financial contribution to the cost of the premium associated with a particular Group Benefit or the requirement for the staff member to pay a premium or contribute to the cost of the premium will vary depending on the type of Group Benefit, the type of coverage, level of coverage, premium cost, and co-insurance details and may be amended from time to time.
Group insurance benefits
- Staff members must register for core group insurance benefits in order to be further eligible for any optional group insurance benefits. Once eligible, the staff member has 31 days from the start of their eligibility, as defined in Section 7.1, to register.
- If a staff member does not select an optional group insurance benefit at the time of initial registration for the basic group insurance benefits, they may be able to register for optional insurance benefits at a later date subject to the terms of eligibility or other conditions as established by the group insurance provider. The group insurance provider may require that the staff member provide them with evidence of insurability or may impose a waiting period before the optional group insurance becomes effective. Coverage changes can be made as a result of a life event, subject to the terms of the group insurance contract.
- The costs of the following group insured benefits are either paid by the University or by staff member or by both:
- basic employee and dependent life insurance
- extended health insurance
- basic dental insurance
- For Staff members who are eligible and who have registered for group insurance benefits, the following group insured benefits are optional whereby the staff member may choose to participate and pay the entire cost of the premium associated with the optional group insured benefit:
- Optional life insurance
- Optional dental insurance
- Accidental death & dismemberment insurance
- Subject to the terms set out in this Procedure and to terms and conditions the group insurance provider or other service provider, to be eligible to participate in Group Benefits, other than the health care spending account, staff members must:
- Staff members who have 2 years of Continuous Service and either earned 35 percent of the yearly maximum pensionable earnings (YMPE) level under the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), or worked 700 hours in each year, are eligible to join the Pension Plan and can choose to participate in it.
- Retired Employees hired in a Non-unionized Contractual Administrative and Support Staff continue to receive their pension benefit under the Pension Plan but are not eligible to accrue service, contribute to and participate in the Pension Plan.
- Staff members who have accumulated 2 years of Continuous Service or have signed an employment contract with the University for a contract period of 2 years or more are eligible for the Tuition Fee Support benefit subject to the terms of University Policy 22 – Tuition fee financial support for spouses and dependents of University of Ottawa Staff Members.
- Retired Employees hired in a Non-unionized Contractual Administrative and Support Staff are not eligible to the Tuition Fee Support benefit unless otherwise stated in the relevant University policy governing tuition fee support.
- Generally, staff members must notify their supervisor about their absence and request a leave of absence as far in advance as possible where the staff member will be absent from work or for any part of the workday. It is recognized that there may be instances beyond the staff member’s control that may affect the timeliness of notifying and /or requesting a leave of absence, for example, sudden injury or illness, emergency or other unavoidable circumstances.
- When requesting a leave or reporting an absence, the staff member should provide enough information to allow the supervisor or other relevant authority at the University to understand the reason for the leave or absence and when the staff member expects to return to work.
- To request a leave of absence, staff members must make a request to the supervisor in accordance with this Procedure and with any other instruction or directive from Human Resources and/or the supervisor relevant to the type of leave of absence requested.
- Staff members whose absence exceeds their entitlement to a particular leave or who otherwise do not adhere to this Procedure or other relevant procedure or related follow-up or instructions, may result in measures to manage staff member attendance or their absence may be treated as an unapproved leave and/or as an improper use of leaves and could be grounds for administrative or disciplinary measures up to and including termination.
- The accumulation of vacation leave is as set out in Appendix A below and is determined by and will depend on the category of the Non-unionized Contractual Administrative and Support Staff Position, the period of continuous service at the University and the Adjusted Service Date2. Vacation leave is accumulated from January to December and is spread out over each pay. The leave accrual is prorated to the number of hours worked.
- Annual leave can be taken as it is accumulated during the year.
- Every faculty and service must establish a procedure for the organization of annual leave (deadline for choosing vacation dates, periods when annual leave is limited, maximum number of consecutive days, etc.). The University must ensure that staff members take the minimum amount of annual leave required by the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”). If conflict arises among staff within a unit regarding the annual leave schedule and staff members cannot come to an agreement on who should have priority, the staff member with the earlier Adjusted Service Date has priority.
- Staff members can defer up to 10 days of annual leave in excess of their annual vacation entitlement to the following year. Any accumulated and unused annual leave in excess of that number is automatically forfeited as of December 31 of the current year.
- Should a death (as set out in Section 17 below) occur during a period of annual leave, the staff member can convert the annual leave into bereavement leave.
- Staff members on unpaid non-statutory leave or on unauthorized leave for more than 10 consecutive working days do not accumulate any vacation time during that leave.
- Any remaining leave is paid at the end of the last contract renewal paid from the same funding source, unless the departing and receiving unit agree otherwise, in which case annual leave may be transferred.
- A staff member may be eligible to take a Sick Leave Period with pay, if available, or a Sick Leave Period without pay, when the staff member is unable to perform the duties of their employment due to personal illness, injury, or medical emergency, provided that the staff member meets the conditions set out in this Procedure.
- Staff members accumulate one (1) day of sick leave per month2.
- A maximum of 85 working days of sick leave can be accrued and transferred to a subsequent employment contract. Sick leave accumulated is prorated to the number of hours worked. Earned and unused sick leave days are not paid out upon termination of employment or termination of a contract.
- Staff members are eligible to take their paid sick leave provided they meet all the following conditions and all other provisions under this Procedure:
- At the outset of the staff member’s personal illness, injury, or medical emergency, the staff member must notify the immediate supervisor as soon as possible and enter the absence in the leave management system.
- The University can require that staff members provide reasonable proof to the Health and Wellness sector under the circumstances that they are entitled to sick leave.
- A supervisor can request a Medical Note to substantiate an absence of less than 5 consecutive working days if the supervisor has reason to doubt the validity of the sick leave request.
- For every Sick Leave Period of 5 to 10 consecutive working days the staff member must submit a Medical Note to the Health and Wellness sector within 5 working days after returning to work. Otherwise, the sick leave is denied, and the staff member is deemed to be on unauthorized leave and no compensation is paid for the days not worked.
- If the absence exceeds 10 consecutive working days, the staff member must submit a Medical Certificate to the Health and Wellness sector no later than 20 calendar days after the first day of absence. After that period, if the staff member does not provide either a Medical Certificate or reasonable proof under the circumstances, the sick leave is denied and the staff member is deemed to be on unauthorized leave and no compensation is paid for the days not worked.
- Regardless of the duration of the Sick Leave Period, if the supervisor has reasonable doubts about the sick leave request, the supervisor can request that the staff member submit a Medical Certificate to the Health and Wellness sector.
- Should the Health and Wellness sector have questions regarding a completed Medical Certificate, it can, with the staff member’s consent, contact the Health Care Provider with specific questions related to the absence or accommodation needs.
- The Medical Certificate must be for the expected absence of the staff member due to the staff member’s own illness, injury, or medical emergency. If the staff member remains absent from work due to the staff member’s own illness, injury, or medical emergency beyond the period indicated in the Medical Certificate, the staff member must obtain and submit a new Medical Certificate to the Health and Wellness sector.
- The Health and Wellness sector only collects, uses or discloses personal information and personal health information in compliance with University Procedure 20-9 — Handling of Personal Health Information and Policy 90. In order to protect confidentiality, Medical Notes and Medical Certificates must be sent by the staff member directly to the Health and Wellness sector. Staff members are not required to disclose the nature of their illness or the name of their attending physician to their immediate supervisor.
- Staff members who become ill or injured during their vacation and must extend their absence beyond their vacation period only begin their paid sick leave at the end of their vacation period. Staff members who are hospitalized because of an illness or injury that occurred during a vacation can postpone the remainder of their vacation. The staff member must provide proof of hospitalization to the Health and Wellness sector, which determines the staff member’s eligibility for paid sick leave.
- Staff members who become ill or injured during the statutory notice period provided for under the ESA may be eligible for paid sick leave until the end of the statutory notice period.
- Staff members who undergo a cosmetic procedure that is not covered under a provincial health insurance plan are not eligible for paid sick leave for the time off required for the procedure and/or normal recovery from the procedure. If any complications arise from a cosmetic procedure requiring a paid Sick Leave Period, conditions for eligibility for a paid Sick Leave Period under this procedure apply.
- The University offers a work transition program to accommodate staff members who require accommodation such as modified duties and/or work hours. Staff members requiring an accommodation must make a request for an accommodation to Health and Wellness with supporting documentation from the staff member’s Health Care Provider. The University will offer reasonable accommodation measures to staff members with restrictions or functional limitations to facilitate their return to work as outlined in the Healthy and Safe Return-to-Work program (accessible through VirtuO).
- Staff members who request accommodations such as modified duties and/or work hours must make their needs known, provide information about relevant restrictions or limitations, including a Medical Certificate if requested by Health and Wellness, and discuss possible accommodations with the Health and Wellness sector.
- Staff members must endeavour to schedule their medical appointments outside of work hours, or at the beginning or end of the workday to minimize the impact of their absence on operations of their faculty or service.
- Staff members must give their immediate supervisor reasonable notice when a medical appointment or treatment has been scheduled.
- Time taken by staff members during regular work hours for their own medical appointments is accounted for and treated as a Sick Leave Period unless the staff member has obtained the prior approval of their supervisor to make up for their absence by working the time in hours of work missed due to the absence.
- The ESA sets out the applicable rules for maternity and parental leave in Ontario. See Your Guide to the Employment Standards Act.
- Staff members who are entitled to the supplemental compensation set out in Section 15.7 of this Procedure must (if applicable) maintain their participation in the group insurance plan and/or the Pension Plan and must pay their share of contributions on 100% of the base salary of their position.
- Should they fail to notify Human Resources to interrupt their participation, staff members not entitled to the supplemental compensation set out in Section 15.7 of this Procedure continue (if applicable) their participation in the University’s group insurance plan and/or the Pension Plan, and must pay their share of contributions on 100% of the base salary of their position. This also applies to any part of leave not eligible for additional compensation.
- In the instances described in Sections 15.2 and 15.3 of this Procedure, the University will continue to pay the employer’s share for that same salary.
- Staff members on maternity or parental leave continue to accumulate years of service and vacation leave only as if they were at work.
- Unless the staff member is entitled to a leave under the ESA, any staff member on maternity or parental leave is not eligible for the leave set out in Policy 47 and its procedures.
- Supplementary compensation3
- To be entitled to the supplementary compensation set out in Sections 15.7.2 and 15.7.3 below, staff members must have at least 3 years of Continuous Service, have worked a minimum of 600 hours at the University and provide proof of eligibility for benefits from a government program.
- Eligible staff members on maternity leave are entitled to supplementary compensation equal to the difference between 95% of the base salary of their position and the maximum applicable amount from the government program available to any person whose salary corresponds to the salary of the staff member, for a maximum period of 17 weeks.
- Eligible staff members on parental leave are entitled to supplementary remuneration equal to the difference between 95% of the base salary of their position and the maximum amount from the applicable government program available to any person whose salary corresponds to the salary of the staff member, for a maximum period of 6 weeks.
- If the University determines that any or all of the supplementary compensation should not have been paid or was overpaid, the excess is withheld from subsequent supplementary compensation payments or from any other amount payable by the University.
- The 95% cap for the maternity or parental leave also applies if there is a salary increase during the said leave.
- Any amount to be repaid as a result of limits imposed by any applicable legislation is the responsibility of the staff member.
- Supplementary compensation is not payable in any of the following circumstances:
- The staff member receives a notice of termination before advising the University of the birth or adoption of a child; and
- The staff member formally resigns before advising the University of the birth or adoption of a child.
- If a staff member is absent due to a workplace injury or occupational disease, the staff member receives 100% of their net salary for the first 20 working days of leave and then a percentage of their net salary to maximum insurable earnings determined by the respective Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, provided the claim has been approved.
- Staff members are entitled to the following paid holidays and to any other day prescribed as a statutory holiday under the ESA:
- New Year’s Day
- Family Day
- Good Friday
- Victoria Day
- Canada Day
- Labour Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
- Boxing Day
- The University also offers staff members the following paid days of leave:
- Easter Monday and
- the first Monday in August
- for staff members with an employment contract period that exceeds 1 year, the holiday season period beginning December 22 at 5 p.m. (or at the hour determined in the work schedule) and ending on January 3 at 8:45 a.m. (or the staff member’s normal work start time).
- If January 1 falls on a Saturday, staff members return to work on Tuesday, January 4.
- If January 3 falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, staff members return to work the following Monday.
- If December 23 or December 24 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, additional days of leave are added to the vacation bank in the following calendar year, subject to the following conditions:
- The staff member must be employed at the University on December 31.
- An additional day is granted for December 23.
- An additional half-day is granted for December 24.
- For staff members with an employment contract period of less than 1 year they are not remunerated for the holiday season period referred to in Section 17.2.3., however they may request to use annual leave for the holiday season period, which may be approved by management subject to operational requirements.
- Staff members are entitled to the following paid holidays and to any other day prescribed as a statutory holiday under the ESA:
- A staff member is entitled to paid leave of 5 working days in the event of the death of one of the following persons2:
- The staff member’s Spouse;
- The child of the staff member or the staff member’s Spouse, or a foster child of the staff member or the staff member’s Spouse;
- The grandchild of the staff member or the staff member’s Spouse;
- The parent of the staff member or the staff member’s Spouse, or the foster parent of the staff member or the staff member’s Spouse;
- The staff member’s sibling.
- Staff members are entitled to 1 paid day of leave in the event of the death of a sister-in-law, brother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparent, uncle, aunt, nephew or niece of the staff member or the staff member’s Spouse.
- Should the funeral (or equivalent) take place more than 320 kilometres (200 miles) from Ottawa, the staff member must be granted 1 additional paid bereavement leave day.
- The University may require that any staff member taking bereavement leave under this Procedure provide proof of entitlement to that leave.
- A staff member is entitled to paid leave of 5 working days in the event of the death of one of the following persons2:
- SPECIAL LEAVE (also referred as personal time-off in Workday)
- Staff members can be granted paid special leave, up to an annual maximum of 5 working days per calendar year prorated to the number of hours worked2.
- Staff members can be granted paid special leave, by a dean or service director in any other exceptional circumstance, excluding those listed above, for which a predetermined leave duration is prescribed in previous sections.
- Exceptional circumstances can include emergencies or family obligations such as the temporary care of a family member who is sick, a doctor’s or dentist’s appointment for a family dependent who is unable to travel alone or an appointment with school authorities. Certain other requests for leave such as moving, a mandatory religious service and/or Indigenous spiritual ceremonies may be considered as part of the paid special leave days.
- Staff members must make every reasonable effort to minimize this type of absence.
- Staff members are entitled to all other unpaid leave as set out in the ESA.
- The various types of leave provided for in this Procedure include those set out in the ESA, the objective being not to grant leave over and above the various types of leave provided for in the act. If the ESA provides for a greater right or benefit than the rights and benefits described in this Procedure, the University applies the ESA.
- The ESA sets out the applicable rules for overtime in Ontario. See Your Guide to the Employment Standards Act.
- As per the ESA, employees eligible for overtime who work more than their regular weekly and up to 44 hours per week, receive their regular hourly rate for additional hours worked. After 44 hours of work in a week, each hour of overtime work, including any performed on Sunday, is paid at the rate of time and one-half the regular hourly rate. Overtime can be paid either in money or in equivalent time off at the employee’s choice.
- When temporary additional responsibilities are assigned to an employee who remains in their position, Human Resources does a job evaluation simulation based on the assumption that the responsibilities would be permanent in order to determine if the addition of these responsibilities would increase the salary class should they become permanent.
- If the results demonstrate that the additional responsibilities would have an impact on the position salary class if such additional responsibilities were to become permanent, the employee is granted a second source equal to 5% of their actual salary per additional salary class. There is no salary analysis performed for second source.
- This second source is payable for the duration of the period during which the employee performs the temporary additional responsibilities for a maximum duration of 6 months, at which point further consultation should occur with Human Resources to determine whether a further extension would be appropriate in the circumstances.
- The additional salary granted for the performance of the temporary additional responsibilities is non-pensionable and non-insurable.
- If the results demonstrate that the additional responsibilities would not have an impact on the position salary class if such additional responsibilities were to become permanent, no additional salary will be granted to the employee for performing these temporary additional responsibilities.
- If the temporary additional responsibilities become permanent, the job description must be updated and sent to the Job Evaluation Committee for evaluation. Notwithstanding Section 22.2.1 above, the second source ceases on the date the request for the job evaluation is received by Human Resources and this date becomes the official date for retroactive pay calculation if the position is reclassified upward. If the position is not reclassified upward, the second source cannot be reinstated.
- If more than one employee assumes the additional responsibilities, the job evaluation simulation performed as per Section 22.1 will be done for each of the positions assuming these responsibilities. The rules in Section 22.2 will then be applied, which could generate a different result for each employee performing the additional responsibilities.
- University Policy 81- Anniversaries and Retirements applies to Staff members after 2 years of Continuous Service, except that the reception/gift is optional on the part of the faculty or service.
1 This change will be effective January 1, 2025.
2 This change will be effective July 31, 2024.
3 This change will be effective for leaves commencing after July 31, 2024.
Table 1 - Confidential (NC) and Confidential Research (NR)
Number of Years of Service Completed | Number of Vacation Days Per Year | Number of Vacation Days Per Pay Period |
New hire | 15 | 0.625 |
1 | 16 | 0.667 |
5 | 20 | 0.833 |
11 | 21 | 0.875 |
12 | 22 | 0.917 |
13 | 23 | 0.958 |
14 | 24 | 1.0 |
15 | 25 | 1.042 |
17 | 26 | 1.083 |
19 | 27 | 1.125 |
21 | 28 | 1.167 |
23 | 29 | 1.208 |
25 | 30 | 1.25 |
Table 2 - Management (NM) and Management Research (NMR)
Number of Years of Service Completed | Number of Vacation Days Per Year | Number of Vacation Days Per Pay Period |
New hire | 20 | 0.833 |
1 | 21 | 0.875 |
3 | 22 | 0.917 |
5 | 23 | 0.959 |
7 | 24 | 1.0 |
10 | 25 | 1.042 |
12 | 26 | 1.084 |
14 | 27 | 1.125 |
16 | 28 | 1.167 |
18 | 29 | 1.208 |
20 | 30 | 1.25 |