Sports Services

Date Effective: November 24th, 1983

Authorized by: Director, Sports Services


The purpose of this procedure is to present the rental rates for the campus sports facilities.


Those asking for the exclusive use of one or more sports facilities must:

  1. Contact the Administration Assistant, Reservations of Sports Services by phone at (613) 562-5948, by e-mail et [email protected] or visit Sports Services Web site
  2. Provide the necessary information in order to complete the “Request for Use of Sports Facilities”;
  3. Read the terms and conditions for the use of the sports facilities and sign the rental contract;
  4. Pay the applicable fees;
  5. Show the rental contract to the facility supervisor.

NOTE: Sports Services reserves the right to refuse any request that competes with its activity program.


Established fees apply to the use of sports facilities during normal business hours set by Sports Services.


These fees are charged to the client for the use of the facilities (with the exception of groups with long term pool contracts), taking into account the following criterions;

  1. Use of the facilities outside normal working hours;
  2. Nature and length of activity;
  3. Age groups of participants and number of persons in attendance;
  4. Supervised or unsupervised activity;
  5. Facility being used;
  6. Security considerations;
  7. Rules and regulations of Ontario Public Swimming Pool Act;
  8. Equipment loan;
  9. Installation and storage of equipment;

NOTE: Sports Services decides on the type and number of employees required.


These terms and conditions are available from the Administration Assistant, Reservations of Sports Services


Montpetit Hall, 125 University Private

September to AprilMay to August
Monday to Friday7:15– 23:00Monday to Friday7:15 – 20:00
Saturday to Sunday8:45 – 22:00Saturday to SundayClosed

Montpetit Hall Aquatic Centre, 125 University Private

September to AprilMay to August
Monday to Friday5:30 – 23:00Monday to Friday5:30 – 20:00
Saturday to Sunday5:30 – 22:00Saturday to SundayClosed

Sports Complex, 801 King Edward

September to MayJune to August
Sunday to Saturday6:00 – 00:00Sunday to Friday6:30 – 23:30
  Saturday6:30 – 20:30

Lees Campus, 200 Lees

September to AprilMay to August
Monday to Friday08:00 – 23:00Monday to Friday08:00 – 23:00
Saturday to Sunday07:00 – 23:00Saturday to Sunday07:00 – 23:00

Revised May 27, 2015

(Sports Services)

APPENDIX A :Rental Fees - Sports facilities

Fees effective September 1st, 2018

NOTE: Applicable taxes not included. Scale of prices includes the services of the supervisor on duty. Additional costs apply for the services of lifeguards.

FACILITYADDRESSHourly Rate Non-Prime Time (Monday to Friday before 17:00) + applicable taxesHourly Rate Prime Time (Monday to Friday after 17:00, Saturday and Sunday) + applicable taxes
Gymnasia / 596.37 m2200 Lees$79.27$79.27
(1) Gymnasia / 733 m2125 University$42.33$84.66
(2) Gymnasium / 1430 m2125 University$84.66$169.33
(3) Gymnasium / 2145 m2125 University$127.00$253.99
Dance studio / 131.5 m2125 University$35.28$70.55
Martial Arts room 175 m2125 University$36.69$77.60
Multi-sports Room / 122 m2801 King Edward$35.28$70.55
Meeting Room / 39.2 m2801 King Edward$73.36$73.36
Matt Anthony Field, Synthetic grass Soccer: 100.58m x 64m Football: 133.5m x 59.44m801 King Edward$118.31$133.11
Gee-Gees Field , Synthetic grass DOME Soccer: 100.58m x 64m Football: 133.5m x 59.44m200 Lees$404.14$630.42
Gee-Gees Field, Synthetic grass Soccer: 100.58m x 64m Football:137.16m x 59.44m200 Lees$118.31$133.11
Promenade (Main corridor W 200) 427 m2801 King Edward,Daily rate $292.07Daily rate $292.07
FACILITYADDRESSHourly Rate Non-Prime Time
(Monday to Friday 6:00 - 16:00 and 7 days/week 23:00 - 24:00)
Hourly Rate Prime Time
(Monday to Friday 16:00 - 23:00, Saturday and Sunday 6:00 to 23:00)
MINTO Rink #1
(90' x 200')
With 840 seating capacity
801 King Edward$152.73$312.53
MINTO Rink #2 (85' x 200') No seating801 King Edward$152.73$312.53
FACILITYADDRESSHourly Rate Non-Prime Time
(Monday to Friday 8:30 - 16:00)
Hourly Rate Prime Time
(Monday to Friday 5:30 - 8:30, 16:00 - 23:00, Saturday and Sunday 5:30 - 23:00)
(25 meters)
125 UniversityN/A$88.06
(50 meters)
125 University$134.47$171.69
Swim Meet
(50 meters only)
125 University$343.36$343.36

Swim Meet rental rate Includes 3 lifeguards, pool set-up and take down, refurbishing and a class room for officials depending on availability.


Staff - Hourly Rate
i. Lifeguard$21.33
ii. Specialized Instructor (Subject to availability)Based on the instructor's specialization
iii. Sports Facilities Supervisor$34.92
Gymnasium Retractable Bleachers (Including Set-up, cleaning and take down) 125 University only
Maximum capacity 224 pople (Individual seating)$625.83
Maximum capacity 302 people (Bum seats only)$530.84
Maximum capacity 604 people (Bum seats only)$1,061.54
Maximum capacity 828 people$1,687.54
Equipment Rental
Folding Table (3' x 6')$12.14each / event (delivery and handling if applicable)
Plastic Folding Chair$1.97 each / event (delivery and handling if applicable)