Procedure 18-13

Procedures for Refresher Leave

Responsible Service:
Human Resources

Date and Instance of Approval:
July 20, 2023
Vice-President, Finance and Administration

    1. This Procedure establishes the terms, conditions, and processes for the implementation of University Policy 63 – Refresher Leave (“Policy 63”) and is intended to outline the operational means by which Human Resources administers Refresher Leaves.   
    1. Capitalized words or expressions that are not defined in this Procedure are defined in Policy 63.   
    1. This Procedure applies to eligible Regular staff members pursuant to Policy 63.  
    2. This Procedure is to be read and applied in conjunction with Policy 63
    1. To initiate a request, the eligible Regular staff member must submit a request for Refresher Leave (see Appendix A) to their immediate supervisor for evaluation and recommendation on or before September 1st of the academic year prior to that during which the Refresher Leave would be taken.  The request for Refresher Leave must contain all the following:
      1. the purpose of the Refresher Leave that is in accordance with Policy 63;
      2. the timing and proposed duration of the Refresher Leave;
      3. the salary expectations during the Refresher Leave and the proposed use of all or part of the Regular staff member’s accumulated vacation leave, if applicable;
      4. all income the Regular staff member expects to receive (other than their University salary) and source of such income during the Refresher Leave;
      5. the planned activities to be undertaken by the Regular staff member during the Refresher Leave;
      6. the resources needed to accomplish the Refresher Leave purpose and activities;
      7. the benefit of the Refresher Leave to the University and to the Regular support staff member;
      8. the expected outcomes and achievements resulting from the Refresher Leave and the expected enhancements of skills or knowledge to the Regular staff member;
      9. if the Regular staff member has had a prior Refresher Leave, the report of the outcomes of that prior Refresher Leave;
      10. any other additional elements as may be required by the supervisor or by the Dean, Vice-Provost or Associate Vice-President or their equivalent.
    2. After evaluating the request for Refresher Leave, the supervisor must send the request to the Dean, Vice-Provost or Associate Vice-President for their evaluation and final approval and provide the Dean, Vice-Provost or Associate Vice-President with the following:
      1. a recommendation for approval/disapproval;
      2. a statement on how the Refresher Leave would affect the operation of the faculty, service or unit;
      3. a statement on the financial aspects of the Refresher Leave, including the calculation of the University salary and benefits and any other compensation or other financial assistance that the Regular staff member will receive from the University or other party during the Refresher Leave.  
    3. When evaluating a request for Refresher Leave, the Regular staff member’s supervisor, the Dean, Vice-Provost, or Associate Vice-President or their equivalent must consider the following:
      1. the purpose of the Refresher Leave;
      2. the contribution of the proposed Refresher Leave to the interests of the University and to the Regular staff member's anticipated career path at the University;
      3. the Regular staff member's past and potential contribution to the University;
      4. the impact of the Regular staff member’s absence on the operations of the faculty, service or unit, including without limitation, the financial impact on the faculty, service, or unit;
      5. the impact of any other relevant considerations or implications relevant to the interests of the University;
      6. any other requirements as may be set out in this Procedure or in any other procedure related to Policy 63.
    4. If the request for Refresher Leave is approved by the Dean, Vice-Provost or Associate Vice-President, all arrangements, including salary arrangements, and the terms and conditions of the Refresher Leave must be set out in a written agreement and signed by the Regular staff member, the Dean, Vice-Provost or Associate Vice-President and Human Resources before the commencement of the Refresher Leave (see Appendix B).
    1. Subject to the approval of the Dean, Vice-Provost or Associate Vice-President, the Regular staff member on Refresher Leave may receive,
      1. all or part of their regular salary paid during the Refresher Leave; and
      2. financial assistance, from sources other than the University, may not exceed 100% of the Regular staff member’s annual salary paid by the University prior to the Refresher Leave.
    2. During the Refresher Leave, both the University and the Regular staff member continue to make their respective contributions to the pension plan and employee group insurance plans, as applicable. The contributions are calculated based on the employee’s regular base annual salary. The Regular staff member continues to accumulate annual vacation leave as long as they receive all or part of their salary from the University during the Refresher Leave. When no salary is paid by the University during the Refresher Leave, participation in the pension and benefit plans are subject to leave without pay procedures and the Regular Staff member does not accumulate vacation leave.
    3. If the Regular staff member voluntarily terminates his or her employment with the University during the Refresher leave, the salary and employer contributions paid during this leave must be reimbursed.
    4. If the Regular staff member falls ill while on Refresher Leave, the leave will be managed as per Policy 9 on sick leave.

Appendix A – Request for Refresher Leave Template


Name of Regular staff member’s supervisor
Title, Department

Re:  Refresher Leave Request

Dear Supervisor’s Name,

I am submitting this request for a Refresher Leave pursuant to University Policy 63 and Procedure no. for your review and below are the details:

  1. Purpose of my Refresher Leave and how it is in accordance with Policy 63:
  2. Timing and proposed duration of the Refresher Leave:
  3. My salary expectations during the Refresher Leave and the proposed use of all or part of my accumulated vacation leave (if applicable):
  4. Income I expect to receive (other than University salary) and source of such income during the Refresher Leave:
  5. Planned activities during the Refresher Leave:
  6. Resources needed to accomplish the Refresher Leave purpose and activities:
  7. The benefit of the Refresher Leave to the University and to me:
  8. The expected outcomes, achievements and enhancements of my skills or knowledge resulting from the Refresher Leave:

The report of the outcomes of any prior Refresher Leave (if applicable) is as follows (or attached):

Thank you for considering my request and if you need any additional information to review and evaluate my request, please let me know.

(Name of Regular staff member)

Appendix B – Refresher Leave Agreement Form

Refresher Leave Agreement

I, Employee Name, employee number, the undersigned, agree to the following:

  1. The University of Ottawa has granted me a period of Refresher Leave beginning on Start Date and ending on End Date pursuant to the University Policy 63 and Procedure no. 18-13 and the University Policies and Procedures (as may be amended from time to time) form part of this Agreement. Capitalized words or expressions that are not defined in this Agreement are defined in Policy 63 or Procedure no. 18-13.
  2. During my Refresher Leave,
    1. the University will pay me (all or part) of my salary, in the amount of $XXXXX.
    2. I will receive the employee benefits for which I am eligible at the start of my leave (and for which I remain eligible during the leave). I will pay the employee contribution of these benefits and the University will pay the employer contribution. I have had an opportunity to contact Human Resources ([email protected]) about employee benefits and understand how employee benefits will be applied during my Refresher Leave.
  3. During my Refresher Leave, I acknowledge and accept the following conditions as these are the conditions that apply to the approval of my request for Refresher Leave and to this Agreement:
    1. if I leave my position or the University prior to the end of the Refresher Leave, I must refund the University an amount representing the salary paid to me plus the employer contributions paid by the University to the pension plan and employee group insured benefits during the Refresher Leave;
    2. at the end of the Refresher Leave, I must:
      1. return to the University position that I held at the commencement of the leave and if the position no longer exists, take such other available and equivalent University position as may be offered by the University.
      2. continue working for the University for a period equal to twice the duration of the leave, failing which I must refund the University an amount representing the salary paid to the Regular staff member by the University plus the employer contributions paid by the University to the pension plan and employee group insured benefits during the leave; and
      3. iii. within one month after the end of the Refresher Leave, submit a written report to my supervisor regarding my activities and the outcomes I accomplished during the Refresher Leave.
  4. If, for any reason, I decide to leave as referred to in 3 a) of this Agreement or if I do not return to work as referred to in 3 b) ii) of this Agreement, then the amount owed by me, including the interest thereon, becomes immediately due and payable to the University without further notice by the University.  
  5. If I fail to pay the amount owed to the University, I hereby authorize and direct the University to deduct the amount due and payable to the University from my wages or from any other payment that the University owes to me and agree to sign the written authorization and direction confirming the amount to be deducted.  If I fail to pay the amount owed to the University or if I do not sign the written authorization and direction to deduct such amount from my wages or from other payment that the University owes to me, I understand that the University reserves its right to take any other legal measures available to it to recover the amount owed by me to the University under this Agreement.

Name of Employee: _______________
Signature of employee: ____________
Date of signature: ________________

Name of supervisor: ______________
Signature of supervisor: ___________
Date of signature: ________________