Essential information for the MA in Experimental Psychology

Welcome to the MA program in Experimental Psychology (Major Research Paper and Course-Based with Co-op)!

MA in Experimental Psychology - Major Research Paper (MRP)

This is a research-intensive program whose objective is to provide students with advanced research training in Psychology to prepare them for further studies at the PhD level or research careers in various settings (e.g., government, industry, community organizations).

Our goal is to train researchers in specialized areas including: Behavioural Neuroscience, Cognition, Developmental Psychology and Social/Community

MA in Experimental Psychology - Course-Based with Co-op

The objective of this program is to equip students with broad-based research skills in Psychology and co-op work experience in their field to prepare them for careers in various settings (e.g., government, industry, community organizations). 

Program Guidance

Experimental Psychology Program Director

Jean-Philippe Thivierge

Professor and Director of Graduate Training in Experimental Psychology
136 Jean-Jacques Lussier
Vanier Hall, Room 2064
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 6N5
613-562-5800, ext. 1441