Facilities will soon begin replacing 90,000 lights across uOttawa’s campus with newer, more energy-efficient models. The new bulbs will use 40% less energy and save up to 6,000,000 kilowatt hours, enough electricity to power 1,500,000 smartphones or 660 homes for a year. Facilities will begin replacing the bulbs in early October and the project should conclude in early February 2018. Find out more at LED Retrofit Project
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Facilities is proud to announce that ARC has achieved a Gold rating for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. LEED certification, the international mark of excellence for green construction, provides independent, third-party verification that a building was designed and built using strategies aimed at achieving high performance in key areas of human and environmental health: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality.

Electricity conservation program
As part of their voluntarily participation in Ontario’s electricity conservation program, the Operations teams at Facilities saved the University over $1.6 million in electricity costs in 2016. By carefully managing the power plant and even generating our own electricity when the province experiences peak demand, their coordinated efforts continue to help uOttawa reduce its electrical consumption and costs.

New waste diversion record
The University has achieved a 64.5% waste diversion rate — the rate at which we are diverting materials from landfill by reusing or recycling them. This is absolutely amazing! Our re-use includes our furniture reuse program, ourresidence move-out collection and food donations to local charities. As for our recycling, the majority is thanks to you. Keep up the great sorting, uOttawa!

Lighting Retrofit