After earning a doctorate in the study and practice of the arts at the University of Quebec in Montreal in 2013, Anne-Marie Ouellet completed post-doctoral work within a Canada Research Chair examining audible dramaturgy at the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi, before becoming a professor at the University of Ottawa’s Department of Theatre in 2015. She is currently completing a SSHRC-sponsored creative research proposal that considers the ethical and aesthetic dimensions of staging people rather than characters, a modern trend. Her most recent works, namely White Out, La chambre des enfants, Solarium and Le Musée de la famille, are currently being staged in various theatre venues and festivals, both in Canada and abroad.
Congratulations Professor Ouellet!

“Rare are those researchers/practitioners who can combine academic enquiry, aesthetic innovation, and the dissemination of their results with such assurance and strategic skill.”
Colleague from the department
This prize aims to highlight the exceptional work of a researcher or artist who is starting their career.
A research grant of $5000 is awarded to the recipient.