What is your job title?
I am a Programmer Analyst but consider myself a software developer.
Where did you complete your studies?
I have a science degree from the University of Winnipeg, of which I am very proud.
What is your secret superpower?
You think it and I can write it down. You will be amazed at how accurately I can express your thoughts on paper.
What is your hidden passion?
Used bookstores. I lived in Montreal for 18 years and I watched them slowly disappear, one by one. In Ottawa, the basement of St. Vincent de Paul in Westboro is a good source of second-hand books, music, and movies, but the best is Berry & Peterson Booksellers in Kingston.
What is your guilty indulgence?
I have watched every James Bond movie at least once, and I collect original editions of novels by Erskine Caldwell.
What is your unknown / hidden talent?
I can skip stones without peer. I also make the best soup.
What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
Everyone knows that I have ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), but people don’t understand the impact it has on my life. What works for everyone else doesn’t work for me, in so many ways, on so many levels – and I always wanted to know how lightbulbs work…