Ingrid Hernandez Remedios

Get to know Ingrid Hernandez Remedios

Meet Ingrid

What was your last career change?  

In May 2020, I moved to the IT Solutions, taking on the Human Resources and Finance portfolio. Additionally, I assumed the role of Solutions Architect and Technical Lead role in the Administrative Services Modernization Program. Since then, I’ve been guiding the evolution of the HR and Finance ecosystem, the technical architecture, and integration with our new Enterprise Resource Planning tool, Workday, set to be launched at the end of 2022.  

What made it successful?

Having a great team of people that are open-minded, collaborative, and willing to learn and try new approaches has made all the difference!

What was the biggest challenge in adapting to your new role?

Getting to know the team and building trust with them was my biggest challenge. It's an important investment in time and energy as part of a transition to a new leadership role as this is foundational to having a high performing team.  

What advice would you give to someone considering a career change?

Take advantage of every opportunity you are given that will allow you to try a different role in a safe environment. This will let you explore your options and identify what you enjoy the most before you decide to make a longer term or permanent move.

How can colleagues help someone transition into their new responsibilities?

Support, mentoring, coaching and knowledge sharing are some of the ways we can help each other out, not only when transitioning to new responsibilities, but also on a regular basis. Opportunities to rotate roles, pair up with someone else to get work done, peer reviews, etc., are all activities that we should be doing continuously and that will allow for a smoother transition into new responsibilities as a natural evolution of a role.

What do you look forward to in your day?

Nighttime with my girls - cuddling with them while reading them a book or watching their favorite movie. That’s my safest space and definitely the best part of my day!  

What three items would you bring if you were shipped to a deserted island?

A bottle of water to keep well hydrated, a sleeping bag to be able to sleep somewhat comfortably, and a satellite radio or phone to keep in touch with reality every so often!

What gif or emoticon do you use to express yourself?  

Smiley face is my go-to. A smile will get you a long way!