Get to know Jean-Ray Arseneau

Information Technology
Jean Ray profile picture

Meet Jean-Ray

What was your last career change?

In January 2022, I had the opportunity to become interim Senior Director, Infrastructure and Operations.

What made it successful?

The jury is still out! What has made it successful so far is the people that surround me and support me. As we go higher up the organization, we rely more and more on others to get things done. So, if I’m successful, it’s a big part because of the people around me.

What was the biggest challenge in adapting to your new role?

Working at a much faster pace, while continuing to respect my values and ensuring I have a proper work/life balance. It’s easy to lose sight and remember what’s important to us when you start a new position.

What advice would you give to someone considering a career change?

Do it! I’ve grown to appreciate over the years that versatility makes us well-rounded individuals. Sticking to the same job, and the same environment is comfortable, but it doesn’t make you grow. Don’t be afraid to try something new, it will make you a better person and better professional.

How can colleagues help someone transition into their new responsibilities?

Don’t be afraid to ask questions, a lot of them! Observe and absorb for a while before acting. Understand the landscape and your role in it. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to fail or change your mind!

What do you look forward to in your day?

The morning, 7 a.m. – 9 a.m. It’s very quiet. I can catch up on my work and it allows me to finish at a respectable hour.

If you were a chocolate bar, which one would you be?

Something without nuts, so Nestle Cookies & Cream would be my choice!

What ingredient should never be found on a pizza?

Pineapple … yes, I think I just alienated a good number of people.

What three items would you bring if you were shipped to a deserted island?

A solar panel, a Starlink internet satellite dish, and one electronic device. This way, I would be forever connected so I can send pictures of my beautiful deserted island to all my envious friends!