Morgan Laforge

Get to know Morgan Laforge

Meet Morgan

What was your last career change?  

I obtained a bachelor's degree in Communications at the University of Ottawa as well as also receiving an Ontario College Diploma in Public Relations from Algonquin College. I did two communication internships before starting here, at the university, as a Digital Communications and Change Management Officer.  I love meeting new people and learning how to participate and grow while in a new work environment!  

What made it successful?

Adapting to full-time work is an adjustment to make. Good teamwork, patience, and lots of caffeine have made the transition go well!

What was the biggest challenge in adapting to your new role?

I naturally have alot of energy so sitting still has always been an issue. I make sure to go on a walk on my lunch break to get fresh air and move around! Being organized is a skill and something that needs to be kept top of mind when working on many projects at once, this is something I would like to improve during my time here.  

What do you look forward to in your day?

Listening to music for thirty minutes on my walk to campus!

If you were a chocolate bar, which one would you be?

Reeseā€™s pieces because I could eat peanut butter all day! They also come in cute little cups making it easy to eat and share with friends!  

What ingredient should never be found on a pizza?

Anchovies! Urgh.

What items would you bring if you were shipped to a deserted island?  

I would bring water, a good book, and if I am lucky, a pizza!