Meet Winnerjit

What is your job title?  

Web Developer 

How do you see your role going forward?  

I am looking forward to contributing to various  Information Technology initiatives, aimed at modernizing and digitizing the overall experience for students.  

Where did you complete your studies?  

I received a diploma in Interactive Multimedia Developer from Algonquin College. Now, I am pursuing my Bachelor’s from Thompson River University.  

What is your secret superpower?  

I am ambidextrous. I can use either hand which helps me do tasks with greater efficiency. 

In which countries have you lived or which ones have you visited?  

I have lived in India and Canada, and have visited Germany and Portugal.  

What is your hidden passion?  

I love teaching. It gives me joy to pass on knowledge to others. I am able to simplify complex concepts, and expose people to ideas and topics. Those who come into contact with my teaching skills often attest how I am able to motivate them to learn more. 

What is your guilty indulgence?  

Sleeping in.  

What is your unknown / hidden talent?  

I have a natural talent for cooking. I love cooking and baking for family and friends.  

What is the best advice you’ve been given?  

Don't ever stop learning and growing as a person. This has helped me to grow my skill level and make my life better. You become an expert at what you do when you continue learning new things.  

If you could snap your fingers and become an expert in something, what would it be?  

Time Management. This is essential to help me remain productive and effective, especially at work.  

What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?  

My frisbee skills. I am fast! 

What are you learning now, and why is it important?  

I am currently learning about DevOps since all new major developments require it.  

What three words would your friends use to describe you?  

Calm, Funny, Foodie.  

What’s your favorite sport to watch and which team do you root for?  

I am a fan of cricket and I root for India.

What trend do you hope makes a comeback? 

I wish Flip phones would make a comeback.