Candidate for the election to the Board of Governors of one full-time member of the support staff.

Julia Canning has been working for the University of Ottawa for 4 years in the position of Senior Specialist (formerly called Manager of Faculty Development) for the Faculties of Science and Engineering. She also serves on the Healthy Active Campus Committee and the Eco Network. Before joining uOttawa, Julia had 8 years of experience managing not-for-profit offices and campaigns across Ontario, Alberta, and Australia.

Julia completed her Master’s of Environmental Studies at the University of Waterloo, in 2011, where she served as the Graduate Student representative for the University of Waterloo Board of Governors from 2009-2011.   Julia also holds degrees in Political Science and Business Management.    

Passionate about education, and eager to expand her own knowledge, Julia enjoys serving on various committees, attending uOttawa sporting and alumni events, and taking STEM and theatre-based courses.  

Julia also spent multiple years in Southeast Asian both as a student and working as a Dive Master.  In her spare time Julia loves to, travel, ski, paddle board, swim, and raise monarch caterpillars to be released as butterflies.  Dedicated to environmental and social justice, Julia is active in the local 2SLGTBQA+, and accessibility community, and uses part her vacation time to help with community-led development in Canada and internationally 

Julia Canning

Letter of Intention

Dear uOttawa community,

After four years of working at the University of Ottawa, I’m excited to be submitting myself for the position of Support Staff Representative to the Board of Governors. If elected I’ll bring with me decades of experience that would be both useful to the board, and, most importantly, in reflecting the diversity of interests of all support staff.

I have been involved in rightsholders/affected -party negotiations both professionally and on a volunteer basis for over 20 years.  My current role involves high level corporate and individual fundraising, where I’m frequently responsible for liaising with professors and Deans, as well as managing collaboration across multiple faculties and departments. I look forward to the opportunity to bring these skills and experiences to represent to represent support staff on the Board of Governors.    

The part of uOttawa I have enjoyed the most over the past 4-years, has been learning from my fellow support staff through both my work as well as through the committees I’ve served on, and events I’ve attended. I am grateful to the diversity of people who supported my nomination and look forward to the opportunity to continue to listen to and learn form the colleagues I will represent.  

Thank you for the opportunity to serve support staff, and the University.  I look forward to using my experiences as well as those shared with by my colleagues, to ensure members of support staff and the University thrive.  


Julia Canning

Senior STEM Specialist | Spécialiste principal des STIM
Relations extérieures| External Relations
Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa
